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Paying players for beta/game testing ?



  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Yeah, I feel Pokemon games are more elaborate than BG in terms of game mechanics, yet far less buggy.
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    edited May 2013
    I agree with all that was stated (that's why I said it was a stupid idea).

    But remember that even though the game has been revamped with BG2 engine, the patched original content with TOSC was almost bug free (or at least no stupid bugs remaining).

    Unofficial patches even reduced the number of remaining bugs.

    When this game was released, it was riddled with bugs and untested elements, which could have been easily fixed in minutes (as we can detect ASAP when we start playing). Remember the bag problem, wheels not appearing when trying to travel, ...

    Taking the example of the bag not changing color when full / empty (it was always appearing full); I mean, this is the kind of bug that can be detected VERY easily, and they were not able to fix this (amongst other things before the release). So they either knew the state of the game BEFORE releasing it, or they did not know that these bugs were presents and released it without fixing them.

    Even the new content was filled with bugs, amongst others :
    - some chests cannot be looted in Cloud Peaks temple
    - not gaining XP from trolls in the Cloud Peaks

    So even the new content was not tested ?
    These bugs are detected in a normal walkthrough, without special behaviour from the players.

    There were also game breaking bugs or almost game breakers (for instance, loosing reputation while killing Angelo's men in Flaming Fist stronghold in Baldur's Gate). These have been fixed though.

    Crash can appear sometimes (very seldom) after intensive sessions of gaming.

    But it feels like 6 months later, there are always new bugs or features that are broken (for instance : Dwarf constitution bug, ...).

    I do hope there is a proper testing (and I have reported many bugs in the weeks after the release - check the appropriate section). I'm glad doing it for free because it allows this game to improve its quality (and we love this game), but i also regret that Overhaul was not able to test and correct the bugs properly.

    So they know they are delivering a buggy game / patches and they do not seem to change they behaviour, because they know we are going to report them...

    Post edited by Aasimar069 on
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