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[(BGEE, BG2) Bug] Dimension door, aka dryad_teleport

CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,439
edited August 2012 in Fixed
The dryad dimension door (used by dryad and the demon knight) is not playing a sound in the spell due to an extra space in the resref:
// typo in wav reference
COPY_EXISTING ~spwi995.spl~ ~override~
READ_LONG 0x64 "abil_off"
READ_SHORT 0x68 "abil_num"
READ_LONG 0x6a "fx_off"
FOR (index = 0; index < abil_num; index = index + 1) BEGIN // adjusts fx indices on abilities
READ_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x1e + ("%index%" * 0x28)) "abil_fx_num"
READ_SHORT ("%abil_off%" + 0x20 + ("%index%" * 0x28)) "abil_fx_idx"
FOR (index2 = 0 ; index2 < abil_fx_num ; index2 = index2 + 1) BEGIN
READ_SHORT ("%fx_off%" + (0x30 * ("%index2%" + "%abil_fx_idx%"))) "opcode"
READ_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + 0x14 + (0x30 * ("%index2%" + "%abil_fx_idx%"))) "resref"
PATCH_IF (("%opcode%" = 174) AND ("%resref%" STRING_COMPARE_CASE "eff_m09 " = 0)) BEGIN
WRITE_ASCII ("%fx_off%" + 0x14 + (0x30 * ("%index2%" + "%abil_fx_idx%"))) "eff_m09" #8
Post edited by Bhryaen on


  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    Ok, I drop this in.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    LOL, space in resref. That's EVIL.
  • NathanNathan Member Posts: 1,007
    Verified, this has been integrated internally and should be present in the next build.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Confirmed sound resource fix in bgee via editor (in bg1 it was truly wrong)
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    edited August 2012
    Confirmed fixed!

    Play sound effect for SPWI995 now not so spacey...

    BG1 = "EFF_M09 .WAV"
    BGEE = "EFF_M09.WAV"
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