Chapter 4 doesn't start

I've cleared out the bandit camp, I've read the letters from the chest in the big tent, dropped the letters and went on my merry way to Cloakwood. Only after leaving the area did I remember that usually Chapter 4 is started by reading the letters from the bandit camp.
Returning to the camp, I've found that the dropped letters have disappeared (and I had read them before anyway).
Any idea on how to start Chapter 4?
I do have an old save file from way before the bandit camp, but it's pretty old and I would strongly prefer not to reload.
Returning to the camp, I've found that the dropped letters have disappeared (and I had read them before anyway).
Any idea on how to start Chapter 4?
I do have an old save file from way before the bandit camp, but it's pretty old and I would strongly prefer not to reload.
3. Type the following into the console and hit return: