Stuck in the tutorial

I'm sure this is a ridiculous problem to have, but I can't get past how to learn new spells. It asks me to right-click on the spell in inventory, and then click on "write magic button on the bottom of the item history page." Either I have no idea how to right-click (I've tried every possible combination of buttons and clicks) or else I'm just not seeing there where the item history page is. Any suggestions? Playing on a Mac with a newer trackpad.
Let's see. You select the Inventory page along the left margin. On the Inventory page make sure you have your spell caster selected (portrait on the right margin).
I believe they want you to write a spell from a scroll into your spell book. If you have a magic scroll in your inventory page, then right-click on it. It will then bring you to the item History page and describe the spell for you. There are usually two buttons at the bottom of this page. "If your caster can learn this particular spell according to the game rules" there will be a "Write Magic" button. Press that and the game will determine whether you learned the spell. The screen will tell you.
To check whether you've learned the spell, then select the Mage Book page along the left margin. The spell should be in there.
Let me know if this works for you.