What is the 'Challenges and Playthroughs' forum? How does it work?

The purpose of the Challenges and Playthroughs subforum is for players to share creative ideas for replaying BG:EE, and as such to provide fresh ways of playing the game. Here players can brainstorm basic frameworks, and then illustrate them with playthroughs (either via description or first person journal-style) or competitions (aka 'challenges'). We're creating a kind of think-tank or lab to harness the community's ingenuity at playing the game in a wide variety of ways, in order to enjoy it as fully as possible.
The concepts that guide a game can be organized into some basic categories:
PC Concept/Party Theme or Composition
Tactical Theme (perhaps using mods such as SCS)
Dice Rolling Methods
No-Reload or Minimal Reload
and any other concept that cogently organizes or guides the game.
Hybrid concepts may combine any of the above. Perhaps more categories will emerge as participation in the forum grows.
Any of these playthrough concepts can be posted as a 'challenge' for others to participate in, because it's great fun to share the experience as such with other players. When a playthrough idea is posted as a challenge, it's up to the thread author to define the rules of the contest.
We'll continue to allow members to post such threads in General, if that is their wish. But there is an advantage to the community to consolidating playthroughs and challenges in this subforum. We will feature a sticky thread in this subforum to archive your playthroughs and challenges. This subforum then serves a valuable reference source. If you ever get bored of playing the game and seek some fresh ideas, you should be able to find scads of them in this subforum. Also, the thread will not slip into oblivion never to be seen again, as typically happens for many playthrough ideas that get posted in General.
If a member wishes to have a thread moved from General to this subforum, PM @Lemernis and he'll take care of it. Otherwise you can move your own threads yourself by editing the topic post and then changing the category in the dropdown box.
You can make submissions to the Challenges and Playthroughs Archive in this thread:
Challenges and Playthroughs Archive - Make Your Submission Here & Discuss Archive Categories.
We look forward to seeing the creativity of our community unleashed!
The concepts that guide a game can be organized into some basic categories:
PC Concept/Party Theme or Composition
Tactical Theme (perhaps using mods such as SCS)
Dice Rolling Methods
No-Reload or Minimal Reload
and any other concept that cogently organizes or guides the game.
Hybrid concepts may combine any of the above. Perhaps more categories will emerge as participation in the forum grows.
Any of these playthrough concepts can be posted as a 'challenge' for others to participate in, because it's great fun to share the experience as such with other players. When a playthrough idea is posted as a challenge, it's up to the thread author to define the rules of the contest.
We'll continue to allow members to post such threads in General, if that is their wish. But there is an advantage to the community to consolidating playthroughs and challenges in this subforum. We will feature a sticky thread in this subforum to archive your playthroughs and challenges. This subforum then serves a valuable reference source. If you ever get bored of playing the game and seek some fresh ideas, you should be able to find scads of them in this subforum. Also, the thread will not slip into oblivion never to be seen again, as typically happens for many playthrough ideas that get posted in General.
If a member wishes to have a thread moved from General to this subforum, PM @Lemernis and he'll take care of it. Otherwise you can move your own threads yourself by editing the topic post and then changing the category in the dropdown box.
You can make submissions to the Challenges and Playthroughs Archive in this thread:
Challenges and Playthroughs Archive - Make Your Submission Here & Discuss Archive Categories.
We look forward to seeing the creativity of our community unleashed!
Post edited by Lemernis on