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Having a HARD Time !

Hey guys i am new to bg 1 enhanced edition and i am loving the game but i am having a hard hard time and i feel like i must be doing something wrong. I am currently in the start of chapter 4 and i am at the part where i have found the elf ranger who wants me to kill a dragon .. i did not recruit him because the zone i have to go in has SO many traps and he had a small find trap skill.. now i am trying to find these traps with imolen but when i miss one it stuns everyone for like 1 minute solid ! is there any counter to this ? Another thing is the poisons from these spiders is absolutely wrecking people and my heal spells have gotten so so weak. I am a good party with my main ab eserker khaleed jaheera minx and dhyena woman .. his mage friend Who so far is more trouble than good.. mages SUCK she can only cast 3 spells and often than not gets 1 shot causing me to have to reload saves constantly. i have heavy armor on all my guys except the druid which has chainmail .. am i doing something wrong ?? please ask any questions you need more info i really want to enjoy this game but atm im trying to kill the fat spider woman and its nearly impossible


  • dresten26dresten26 Member Posts: 7
    I am really getting frustrated with this .. this random combat bs is really annoying where i can be doing well in a battle and out of no where character gets 1 shot.. is there any way to get a revive spell or something ??

    also is there a bank system or somwehre i can put extra gear safely ?
  • dresten26dresten26 Member Posts: 7
    I really dont wnat to come across as a whiner Lol i do love challenging games but this is getting aboslutely rediculos.. all the sudden its like my characters are made of fucking PAPER. Minx and khaleed who i ahve built as heavy armor / sheild characters are getting DESTROYED and my heals Do NOTHIng what have i done wrong ?!
  • dresten26dresten26 Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2013
    PS the poisons are insane.. 4 ticks and a char is dead ... and everyone is getting poisoned .. i have a cure poison spell but the priest has 2 casts a day ?! please help me someone i have been stuck trying to continue here and reloaded saves about 30 times just getting destroyed.

    Also is there any way to split characters ?? minx and drhaena and khaleed and jaheera both are pairs i would like to get rid of one and keep the other .. but they both will leave if i do so any way around this ?? I was thinking of getting the war priest woman i ulocked from the stone
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  • francofranco Member Posts: 507
    There is another way to split characters. It usually works if you leave the character you want to remove in a building location. Make sure the other characters go outside the building. Then go into the Reform Party section of the Character Record screen and remove the character that it is the building. But, make sure that you don't venture back into that building so the pair can join up again, or then they will both separate from you.

    Right now I'm playing a randomization type challenge game where at I have to drop NPC's. I've got Montaron stored up on the third floor of the Friendly Arm Inn, and I've got Jaheira stored in one of the old house's near the FAI gate. This way I can keep Khalid and Xzar in the party for now.
  • dresten26dresten26 Member Posts: 7
    Wow samus thank you so much for your replies i really appreciate it. I really want to play and explore all the world of baldurs gate and ocntinue on to all the games but it has been rough going. Do you recommend any changes to my party or any party set up ? please if you have any tips on characters or party builds i would love to hear them ! Thank you again so mcuh
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    I suspect that the experience you are describing, will be extremely familiar to everyone here :) The difficulty of learning the game is one of the most memorable and enjoyable things about the first few play throughs. Your party sounds fine, but there is no harm in changing it.
  • francofranco Member Posts: 507
    I agree with @Samus saying that "You need to take your time, invest in potions and so on. When you are new to the game dying is part of the learning process."

    Also, your characters are especially prone to dying when they are low level. So it's advisable not to heed the demands of the NPC's to get to the Nashkel mines as soon as possible. Do some exploring in the locations near and around the FAI and Beregost to build up the experience of the party. After the Nashkel mines explore a little more, so by the time you get to the Cloakwood Forest they have enough hit points to survive being hit a few times.

    Also heed the advice that @Samus gives you above on avoiding traps. Also you can send your thief out ahead, so if the web trap in the Cloakwood is sprung your whole party is not caught in it. The thief scouting ahead can also see some of the monsters and have time to double back. If the monsters follow, you can get off several good shots with ranged weapons and/or prepare a spell before they close.

    This is a game where you will improve tremendously as the player gains more experience with it. Then it will become a very rich experience.
  • francofranco Member Posts: 507
    You may also find it useful to set one of the auto-pause conditions on Find Traps. This way, when your thief sees the trap, the game will stop and alert you, so the thief doesn't go walking over the trap after he sees it.
  • raelcariraelcari Member Posts: 133
    First of all, congratulations: You have picked up the greatest piece of RPG made to this date and reading this almost makes me wanna trade places with you so I could experience it again like you do. This is a fairly difficult game in terms of linearity, and my 'tip' will expand on that.

    Picking up more NPC's will make your party level up slower as they will share EXP, so while it seems like a good idea to a beginner, you'll see experienced players being very careful about who (and at what point) they bring into their party. Also, since you are stuck in Cloakwood, consider going into areas that are not tied to the main questline: You'll likely get a lot of XP, better gear for you characters, etc. Trust me, the game will assume you've been doing that, and the fights from your point and out are not gonna get easier. A common noob trap in BG is to progress the story too rapidly. Both your CHARNAME berserker and Minsc will rip through spiders with the right gear/level. Make sure you have those up front.

    Also, remember to pause to issue commands during fights and / or go into Character screen -> Customize -> Script and choose a script (general course of action on seeing enemies) for each character. You want your tanks to give chase and your squishies to keep their distance. That way you'll have an idea how they will act during combat.

    There are potions that can help you out with poison and increase Imoen's ability to find traps too, if you're looking for more immediate solutions. GLHF!
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,420
    I would also suggest completely exploring the southern part of the world map and working your way north. The southern portion tends to be easier, and let's you build experience before you get to the tougher parts. You mentioned only having three spells per day, that sounds like 3rd level, which is really too low to be in the Cloakwood.

    Also, be sure you are Identifying all the magic items you find, so you can be sure your team has the best possible equipment. And remember when comparing things (it can get a little confusing), higher pluses are good, but that means LOWER armor class and Thac0. You want armor class and Thac0 as low as you can get.
    And be sure to buy plenty of potions; Healing and Antidote are two I usually use a lot of. Don't worry about saving things, there's lots of loot throughout the game, USE what you've got!
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  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    edited May 2013
    if you press W on keyboard you can check mage spells for all different levels

    you need to have spells on the left (click right side spells to add or left side to remove from memorizing) then sleep press Z for rest and after full resting she will remember spells you have chosen

    you have remove poison in special spells on your main character F12

    if your character dies in 4 ticks of poison you are definitly underleveled so going to nerby places and killing stuff can really help
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    What level are you @dresten26 ?
    I usually try to finish most of the outer areas (which are quite easy - save for few encounters) for the experience and good items. I usually hit Cloackwood around level 6-7 with most of the best items already equipped. Things get much easier after 5-6th level.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    I think the difficulty comes from not understanding the game mechanics well enough. I remember when my uncle got me the game close to when it first came out, I've never even heard of D&D, and I had absolutely no idea what to do in the game. I've played JRPGs before, so I just did what you did, tried to equip the best equipment and move in to hack and slash at them or cast some spells. But after getting familiar with D&D rules and mechanics, it gave me a much better idea of what strategies work better in certain situations. For example, knowing how spells do damage, how stealth works, or how weapons do damage and what kind of damage they do, all of this knowledge is pretty much essential to be able to play the game effectively.

    So the best advice I can give is just to read over the game manual very thoroughly. And if you find that's not enough, then read everything you can find on the internet about Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition rules and mechanics. Baldur's Gate is mainly based on 2nd edition rules.
  • dresten26dresten26 Member Posts: 7
    edited May 2013
    Guys thank you all for the replies and advice it seems that there is a great community here and i am happy to have entered the world of baldurs gate! I am going to try and find a diffrent area to level up and get better gear! I am at work now but tonight i will post my levels and gear and curret spells/skills... I wonder how do i get more spellcasts for my casters? Or uPgrade them?? My druids heal barely does 1/4 of health and can only use it twice somedays somedayz only once after multiple rests
  • dresten26dresten26 Member Posts: 7
    I really want to explore everything this wonderful game world has to offer and continue on to bg2 .. Icewind dales and neverwinter games after i look forward to it all! Does anyone have a group or guild of players playing baldurs gate games while chattin on teamspeak or vent would love to talk to people while playing
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Spellcasters (arcane and divine) can cast more often/more spells when they level up. Your healer will eventually get a spell that heals more than Cure Minor Wounds. If you need more (different) spells, you can go to High Hedge (west of Beregost). Your mages learn spells from scrolls, druids and clerics automatically get a new selection when they can cast a new level.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    You can totally ignore some spells. Infravision, for example. As you play you'll get a feel for what spells can be left in the dust. This is important as mages can only know a certain number of spells for each spell level.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    give us a bit more information of your current group and we might give you a bit more tips.

    general tips :
    - use enemy-controlling spells, like Sleep, Horror, Confusion, Blindness or Glitterdust. Enemies don't deal damage, when they are running around screaming.
    - Clerics can do that too - Hold Person is very powerful. Symbols of Stun or Command can also disable the opponent. Read the spell descriptions.
    - Rest and buff before going to fight or explore a new area. Spells like Stoneskin, Bless, Chant, various protections and Haste can turn a difficult battle to an easy one.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    You can also stack effects if necessary. Dropping Web, Entangle, Grease, Stinking Cloud and Horror on a group of enemies may seem like overkill, but if they're tough enough it might require forcing several saves to shut them down.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited May 2013
    Wow, I miss my first time. Anyway your group is perfect and has all the necessities. As others said, explore the wilderness. At that point I go everywhere except durlags tower (really do not go there at your level) I won't guide u to it because I would like to not spoil everything but be careful if u hit a wilderness with basilisks. If u enter from the map to the east and head north, u can get help there. Just go around the wilderness and If u run into trouble put the fight off until u are more powerful.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited May 2013
    Direct damage spells SUCK. More often then not, they just piss the enemy off, rather then being decisive moves. Spells that buff, impair, disable, or distract are ALWAYS more useful then direct damage. Also look for wands...BG has a TON of wands that deal direct damage, such as fireballs, lightning bolts, even a cloudkill (but you have to be VERY careful with that spell, since you're at risk of instant killing your whole party if you're not careful). There's also several wands that have debuffs (sleep, fear, paralyze, etc) or summons.

    DnD caster are all about surgical precision....knowing what spell to use and when it's actually needed at all.

    Healing in DnD is also borderline useless (except for Druids, who just don't get much else worth casting, until higher levels), until you get access to the Heal spell at level 11, which recovers all HP to the target. The lower level spells generally only heal about 1/4 of your hp per use, class depending, and enemies can usually damage faster then you can heal. Therefore, preventing damage in the first place is the best possible solution, either by crowd-controlling the enemy or killing them in a quick, yet efficient manner.

    The 1st level cleric spell Command is one of the most powerful and versatile spells in the whole saga, due to it's ability to instantly change the course of battle, if used properly. It never gets any stronger, but for what it does, it's one of the ultimate crowd control spells, that can be used to interrupt an enemy (brutal vs casters), or guarantee a volley of physical attacks will all connect without fail resulting in a massive damage spike that will heavily wound or outright kill an enemy. (it's especially nasty since only creatures with more then 6 HD get a save, creatures lower are simply taken out completely, which includes most generic creatures, and quite a few named enemies as well...and even those over 6 HD just get a save (no bonus or penalty), which means it's still pretty likely to work, even on high level targets, but might need a little help boosting it's save penalty, once you get deep into the sequel game).

    It does take experience though. Once you get the hang of the magic system though, even low level mages and clerics feel like playing in God-Mode, and it just goes up from there.
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