Cloakwood mines not appearing on map?
Member Posts: 2
So I've been through Cloakwood and have gotten to the Wyvern den. Previous to that I went through the bandit camp via the bandit in Peldvale and I didn't visit the contact in Bergost. I went to the side of the map in the Wyvern den and no option existed to travel to the mines. How do I get the Cloakwood mines to appear on the map? When do they normally? Thanks.
Edit: Did the easy thing and went to the area itself by the MoveToArea("AR1800") command. That fixed it and made them appear on the map. Otherwise I would have to figure out which scroll was which on the spawn item list, and that would have been a nightmare. Thanks for the help franco. And Amberion I tried your suggestion but even if you're directly west of the mines in the 4th Cloakwood area you can't travel to it if it's not on the map. Cheers.
If you followed the plot (best solution to prevent scripts bugs), you should kill Tranzig => bandit camp appear => kill the ennemies & loot the scrolls = cloakwood should appear on your map (an the mines when you exit the wyvern map from the east IIRC).
If you followed the plot (best solution to prevent scripts bugs), you should kill Tranzig (and loot him) => bandit camp appear => kill the ennemies & loot the scrolls = cloakwood should appear on your map (an the mines when you exit the wyvern map from the east IIRC).