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BGEE Resource Questions

FredSRichardsonFredSRichardson Member Posts: 465
edited July 2012 in General Modding
This is really a question for the BGEE devs @CameronTofer , @ScottBrooks: are there any planned changes to the existing resource formats in BG2TOB? If resources are changed, will you relay the data structure changes to the modders (when they settle down of course)? I guess by resources I mean CRE, ARE, GAM etc.


  • ScottBrooksScottBrooks Member Posts: 687
    edited July 2012
    No plans at the present time. I think we will probably add some more effects(how about a not usable by effect to replace all those horrible bitflags)

    Oh, and we will let modders know the changes.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,527

    Oh, and we will let modders know the changes.

    This is one of the many things that make you devs awesome.
  • FredSRichardsonFredSRichardson Member Posts: 465
    @ScottBrooks - Excellent! I'm hoping to put a little time into NearInfinity so that it can be useful for modders once BGEE is released. My biggest worry was tracking changes, but it sounds like these may be quite manageable.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,607
  • BlindStrikerBlindStriker Member Posts: 10


    Then can i still use as referance ?

    Because im developing opensource infinity engine file editor with .net.

    Here is the page of project ;
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,527
    @BlindStriker - IESDP has just recently been updated with several info @ScottBrooks provided modders with in the "IESDP unknowns" thread (which can be found in this very section of the forum). Therefore, I'm sure it can be used as reference for BG:EE :-)
  • BlindStrikerBlindStriker Member Posts: 10
    Thank you :)

    By the way, anyone who interested joining project Infinity Fiction, please contact me. The primary goal of the project is provide a framework for developers who wants to develop Infinity File Editor or modding application.
  • devSindevSin Member Posts: 32
    The source for Near Infinity is also available, if you want to see how we're handling the formats (it can get ugly trying to support all the various IE games, each of which have differences). In general, we have been better about this than IESDP since we have to actually read the files and make sense of them (although some useless stuff is purposely disregarded, even though we know its original intended purpose).

    It's authored in Java and licensed under the GPL (IIRC; or maybe it was LGPL).
  • BlindStrikerBlindStriker Member Posts: 10
    @devSin i will take advantage of your experiences about infinity file formats :)

    I trying to develop very extensible framework. If i can do, any developer can add new file formats as long as they implement necessary interfaces.

  • AdaramAdaram Member Posts: 146
    This sounds really interesting. I never even played with the modding side of BG back when I played the game. I am not even sure I had internet back then LOL
  • devSindevSin Member Posts: 32
    I forgot to mention, for the world at large, that the latest repository is available on github (there are currently several forks, and the latest is an additional fork of the repository that Taimon had been maintaining).

    And always feel free to tinker away, or ask any questions here if something doesn't seem right (although architectural questions likely won't have an answer, since the core is entirely Jon's work).
  • FredSRichardsonFredSRichardson Member Posts: 465
    The project on GitHub includes @devSin 's latest changes. Some of these reflect the new information about resource formats released by @ScottBrooks on this forum. If you just want an executable, you can get one here:

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