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[(BG1) bug] EasyTutu cleanup, aka Nemphre/Ordulian and Petrine's cat Angel

CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
edited November 2012 in Fixed
This fix creates unique items for the Nemphre, Arkion, Ordulinian and Petrine quests.
Post edited by Tanthalas on


  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    edited July 2012
    This bug was originally mentioned here as part of a discussion on the Ordulinian (ORDULI.CRE) quest, mentioned by @Balquo.

    Another little thing about this quest. He wants the bloodstone amulet of Arkion and Nemphre's onyx ring but you can give him any old bloodstone amulet and onyx ring. Maybe make them unique so players are actually required to do the quest?
    If you bring any bloodstone amulet (AMUL13) or onyx ring (RING12) to Ordulinian, the quest will still work even if Arkion and Nemphre keep their own.

    Make the amulet and ring on Arkion and Nemphre unique. Change the description to reflect it. Change the ORDULI.DLG to require the unique items instead.
    Post edited by Bhryaen on
  • BalquoBalquo Member, Developer Posts: 2,746
    EasyTutu also fixed this using the same method:
    Changed the Nemphre / Ordulinian quests revolving around Arkion's bloodstone amulet (and in the latter case, Nemphre's onyx ring also) such that the amulet and ring are unique items specific to the NPCs in question, and not generic versions of those items.  This should give the items a bit more meaning, and should prevent quest exploits such as using generic versions of the items to complete one quest, or using a generic version of one item in order to be able to complete both quests.  This means that these two quests are now mutually exclusive, as they are clearly intended to be.
    EasyTutu also mentioned this but I am not able to test this right now:
    Fixed a state weighting problem in Ordulinian's dialog which prevented him from specifically offering the Arkion / Nemphre quest to parties of high reputation
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    edited November 2012
    This will add three new strings to dialog.tlk for the new names of the rings and amulet; if you want to add unique descriptions uncomment the lines in the C_E and add them. The new items use the Overhaul (oh) prefix.

    This thread overlaps and addresses the issues mentioned by @Bhryaen and @Balquo and that entire thread can be closed. High-rep (15+) parties are supposed to be explicitly asked to retrieve the ring and amulet, but instead they were getting the generic warning to avoid Nemphre and Arkion.
    COPY_EXISTING ~amul13.itm~ ~override/ohamul13.itm~
    SAY 0x0c ~Arkion's Bloodstone Amulet~
    // SAY 0x50 ~description~

    COPY_EXISTING ~ring12.itm~ ~override/ohring12.itm~
    SAY 0x0c ~Nemphre's Onyx Ring~
    // SAY 0x50 ~description~

    COPY_EXISTING ~ring16.itm~ ~override/ohring16.itm~
    SAY 0x0c ~Angel the Cat's Angel Skin Ring~
    // SAY 0x50 ~description~

    COPY_EXISTING ~arkion.cre~ ~override~
    LPF DELETE_CRE_ITEM STR_VAR item_to_delete = amul13 END
    ADD_CRE_ITEM ~ohamul13~ #0 #0 #0 ~NONE~ ~QITEM1 QITEM2 QITEM3~

    COPY_EXISTING ~nemphr.cre~ ~override~
    LPF DELETE_CRE_ITEM STR_VAR item_to_delete = ring12 END
    ADD_CRE_ITEM ~ohring12~ #0 #0 #0 ~NONE~ ~QITEM1 QITEM2 QITEM3~

    COPY_EXISTING ~ar0005.are~ ~override~
    old_item = ring16
    new_item = ohring16

    <<<<<<<< orduli.d
    ADD_STATE_TRIGGER ORDULI 1 ~ReputationLT(LastTalkedToBy,15)~

    COMPILE ~orduli.d~
    Post edited by Tanthalas on
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    I tried pickpocketing the cloak but got the "Target has no items message". I did kill him and he had the cloak on him.

    I didn't have high enough reputation to get the quest and complete it before murdering him though.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Argh, the cloak's flagged as unstealable, missed that. OK, you can't pickpocket a second, you can only get it if you decide to kill Ordulian and turn the best shopkeep in the game hostile. So actually not an issue.

    Incidentally, if we don't want unique items and just want Petrine and Ordulian to accept generics, the fix is a lot easier

    <<<<<<<< orduli.d
    ADD_STATE_TRIGGER ORDULI 1 ~ReputationLT(LastTalkedToBy,15)~

    COMPILE ~orduli.d~
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    And be warned, the forum software keeps shoving in an xhtml line break tag when I try to use inlined file WeiDU code, with or without pre tags.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Actually, Halbazzer Drin was totally cool with Ordulian getting killed. He probably did way too much window-shopping.
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    I'd rather have the less-easy unique items if it's not too not-easy. It makes it work a lot better, and then the bloodstone amulet looked for by the mysterious Mr. Colquetle will also be unique in its way. Best would be new descriptors as well, but... not sure what the devs want to do.

    So your fix above makes that entire thread obsolete? I could merge it with this one, making its comments come first in the thread to show that your more comprehensive fix came after. I'm not sure looking at code what's actually happening, you see... ;-) I think this is a BG1 fix rather than exclusively BGEE fix though, isn't it?
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Well, it's both currently. Ordulian and Petrine aren't taking their items in 0709, which is a BGEE exclusive. Changing them to be unique items addresses a BG1 bug, so take your pick. And yeah, the other thread is redundant.

  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    OK, merged the two and moved this to BG1. It's really an address of the underlying BG1 issues, I think, even if presently there's just a broken BGEE attempt. Though I'm just counting on the unique items. They would add a lot, but I don't know what they're willing to do.
  • BalquoBalquo Member, Developer Posts: 2,746
    I vote for the unique item fix. I'm sure Dave could write a line or so for the description. :D
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Those that are flagged as 'quest items' are undestroyable and unsellable.
    Luckily this engine has separate flag for undroppable.
  • Ascension64Ascension64 Member Posts: 560
    Confirmed Petrine takes the ring OHRING16.ITM. Build 0824.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    edited August 2012

    Confirmed Petrine takes the ring OHRING16.ITM. Build 0824.

    I can confirm this too.

    It is a pity you cannot talk to the cat. I guess, you could just talk to it, if you have the ring in your inventory, it converts into the Cat (as in, the cat jumps into your backpack). Petrine would surely be more happy for the cat, than the ring. We got a cat inventory icon, so this should be a piece of cake.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    @Tanthalas I think this can be moved to confirmed fixed. it was blocked because of arkion/nemphre's items were not movable (now they are).
  • DraconisPrimeDraconisPrime Member Posts: 26
    I seem to have lost Arkion's Bloodstone Amulet and now can't complete the quest... what's its CLUA code?
  • hook71hook71 Member, Developer Posts: 582
    edited March 2013
  • darius404darius404 Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2013
    I need to add that Ordulinian doesn't give back the correct amulet and ring. He gives generic versions of the onyx ring and bloodstone amulet. This prevents completing Nemphre's quest if it hasn't been done already, which requires "Arkion's Bloodstone Amulet" specifically. Anyone wanting to complete all three quests without violence needs to use the UCLA code for Arkion's version, as the generic amulet won't be accepted by Nemphre.

    @hook71 Thanks for the code.
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