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Self-made group?

GridianGridian Member Posts: 50
Sorry, if that was discussed earlier but I think I remember that in BG we could make a whole party of 6 toons ourselves and then play them in a multiplayer-singleplayer-thingy kinda.
You see, I have never liked to use premade toons - half the fun of AD&D is the charakter creation. 6 charakters are 6 times that fun... 'nuff said.

Gosh, I've played so many games since BG that my memories of that game are reduced to one word: MUST HAVE AGAIN! (ok, 3 words...) and the first quest you get where you are to go into someone's cellar to kill some rats down there.

Ah, forgot the question:
Can we roll our own 6 toons and play the game (alone) with that party instead of only 1 toon?


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Actually you can do that anyway - it involves starting a multiplayer lan game and making all six chars yourself. If you then don't want to play in multiplayer mode you can copy the save file from the mpsave directory to the singleplayer directory, then load the save in single player - problem solved :)
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