If you have more than six party members, that number reflects the number of party members you have to remove in order to proceed. If you have six or fewer, that number will be zero.
Oh, I see, ty. I also notice that the sound effects, as in blades clashing, doesn't work properly. If I load the game many times it would stop working properly... I don't know if I am the only one getting this or if there is actually a problem with the sound.
One last one, that I don't know if I already mention. The marks you can leave in the map doesn't disapear if I deleted 'em. This are stuff that I notice, I been playing little since I got the game on steam a week ago... I actually having this great time revisiting BG, last time I played was in the '90. It's minor stuff but since I read that you are fixing it I mention what I found.