Adding an option to hide helmets

That pretty much that, I feel that it could be great to have the option to hide the helmets. There are already some ‘helm’ that are completely invisible and I would love to be able to hide the helmet (on my barbarian for example). What do you think?
- Adding an option to hide helmets124 votes
- Yes, it could be nice (Bg:ee and Bg2:ee)60.48%
- No, I don't like that (Bg:ee and Bg2:ee)39.52%
Post edited by Dee on
If you really don't like it you can change your character's paperdoll in Shadowkeeper to that of a thief. Supposedly since thieves can't normally wear helmets it'll still show you wearing plate mail for instance, just not your helmet. I haven't tested it so I can't confirm it, but it should work.
Alternatively the BG2 Tweaks had an option that removed the helmet animation from everyone in the game. It also works with BGEE. More extreme but its an option.
Since it is purely a cosmetic change when frankly Beamdog should be focussed on creating new content (and probably fixing a few bugs) I say leave it up to modders.
It looks much better imho.. It would be great if there was a check box in options or something though instead of having to go to a third party for everything
In NWN2 on PWs that I played, I always had the helmet as a quick slot item so I could take it off when talking to someone but wasn't hugely inconvenienced to put it back on when the action started. That doesn't exist in BG, but maybe it should? But I wouldn't want the helmet to merely disappear even when worn. that would be what I consider an immersion break.
If you don't like the look that much, go into your inventory and remove it. Simple. But I wouldn't want what the OP is posting. Personal opinion.
Changing one's paperdoll has no effect on helmet animations whatsoever. Well, other than occasional clipping - helmets may sometimes look slightly weird on characters that were not originally intended to wear them.
To prevent a helmet from appearing on the paperdoll, the helmet's paperdoll animation has to be altered. That can be easily done in DLTCEP, for instance.
Invisible helmets? No.
@Everyone voting no: OP is asking for an option to be added. No one would be forcing you to enable it.
It would be a really good option to have and wouldn't be required to be used so if you didn't like it you could just leave it as on.
@Elminster: this is about an esthetic option, there are no reason what so ever to suffer any penalty to customize to look of our toon (do the game force you to use the color of your avatar on your char?). If taking off the helm give +200f of detection radius, ok, but, that make no sense considering that there are no bonus for taking off the helm.
@Mortianna: yes, that what I use usually, even if critical hit protection is a lot better.
@the_spyder: with the exception that we are talking about a game, a quick slot item option can be a good idea.
@DJKajuru: negative, there are a lot of nice helmet that I would love to equip to my toon, unfortunately, none of them are in the game.
@smeagolheart: thanks, I will use something like that for now, the vanilla helms were great, since TosC, they are horrible.
[edit] Considering that the option 'would' not be active by default and some of the arguments bellow, I see no reason to not have this kind of customization. To some disclaimers; did you boycott the game because their are an easy and an hard mode in it and not only 'core rules'? Is that really game breaking for you to know that you can actually play in windows mode instead of full screen? Did you know that you can change the default script of khalid to make him act like a bloodthirsty berserker with no fear? That what I judge invalid.
If you consider that this is the job of modder and that the player interface is already overcrowded of options or that you want beamdog to fix bugs before considering anything else.. I completely support your opposition, that make sense at least.
I've seen a people argue as well along the lines of "if I don't get what I want then I don't want anyone to get anything" as well.
That said, this is a minor thing. If it'd take a lot of effort to implement (and given how many things in the Infinity Engine are hardcoded, it might well), then just don't do it. But if it's the sort of thing someone at Overhaul can whip out in an hour or two, it's worth considering. It'd make a lot of folks happy.
Intresting point. But then it makes me think. Why don't we then just give immunity to all party members versus criticals, and we can only critical the bad guys.
I very much like the immersion of deciding what and when to wear something. It is a form of roleplaying also.
Granting Critical Immunity wouldn't work because some classes can't wear a single helmet during BG1.
I guess the solution to that would be to only give immunity for those classes that can wear standard helmets.
But I still think adding a mage NPC that have learned the rather unique ability to turn items invisible & visible would be the better option. Then it could even be added some kind of quest where the party needs to restore some invisible item or maybe hide an extremely dangerous one by turning it invisible before hiding it somewhere.
Some characters are simply not prone to criticals, are able to wear helms, but it would be nice for different reasons to have the helm not show on the paperdoll - if nothing else, to see different hair colors on similar equipped fighters and tell them apart easier. Some classes also scream "good at avoiding criticals", but the visual idea doesn't include a helm or even heavy armor - high dex rangers, barbarians, fighter/druids should look different than paladins or other knight-y fighters in full plate.
Why didn't you just make a feature request asking the dev's to make everyone immune to criticals or better yet, remove critical hits from the game altogether? I mean, that is essentially what you would be asking for. Immunity to critical hits without wearing a helmet, right?
This is not customization - this is nonsense. If you don't like the way the helmets look, don't wear them. If you like having immunity to critical hits, then wear a helmet or use shadow keeper.
I'd rather ask the dev's for more additional content than ask them to put in the option to 'remove' someone's hard work.