Best use of 'cursed' belt of gender altering

What do you do with the cursed belt that changes your gender to the opposite sex?
I used it after Nashkel on Dorn and was blown away, Dorn is way cooler (not to mention sexier) as a female. She comes in midnight black plate armor and equipped with composite longbow or two handed sword has got to be the coolest use of the belt.... damn.
I used it after Nashkel on Dorn and was blown away, Dorn is way cooler (not to mention sexier) as a female. She comes in midnight black plate armor and equipped with composite longbow or two handed sword has got to be the coolest use of the belt.... damn.
himher in front ofhimher Thayvian comrades in the area east of Larswood. Heheheh! :-)If you could save it for BG2: Put it on Anomen, change
hisher clothes color to pink, and then drophimher off in front of the Delryn estate!Or (still BG2) slip it on Edwin just as he has been restored to male form after his "nether scroll" mishap. "Ah, my natural form at last... hey, CHARNAME, what are you doing?? *high-pitched voice* NOOOOO!!" >;-)
The only reason to put it on Shar-Teel would be if you are especially sadistic and, after defeating her in single combat, you want to further humiliate her by forcing her to walk in a man's shoes...
But, @ambrennan why Viconia??? There is no reason to...
Is one of her banters towards char, and edwin in my use of her in bg1 but I haven't tried a lot of variations with her so I'm sure she says it more often.
The clinical studies are well documented.
I have a feeling that if he changed gender he would just use his womanly charms to lure gullible men and continue as before X) Maybe he is the character that would deal best with a sex-change now that I think about it...
he was much nicer to keep around that way
After one too many nights of Khalid and Jaheira proving their status as a happily married couple with considerably more volume than was strictly necessary, Imoen arranged for a fancy new belt to find its way into Jaheira's wardrobe. Charname and Imoen rejoiced at the change the cursed girdle caused, confident that the reward of a good nights sleep awaited them. Their success was short-lived however, as true love finds a way, and Manheira proved to have a deep booming voice that could be heard for miles.
Fortunately, the story has a happy ending. As Charname prayed for mercy or death, one deity took pity and granted him the ability to cast a single spell: Silence, 15' radius. When he awoke the next morning, fully rested for the first time in far too long, Charname dedicated their life to that god who, in his time of need, had heard him... among other things. And that's the story of why I dual-classed to Cleric.