Miscellaneous Feature Requests
I very humbly request a few things, thanks for taking the time to read them.
1. Remove the +1 to CON for half-orcs.
They are overpowered, it's difficult for me to consider other races now that the half-orc is here. The +1 to STR is balanced enough. If you do this I'll probably request that you undo it immediately! hahah
2. Cavaliers need to be immune to Cloudkill. Gosh darnit!
There are a couple of very argumentative and informative threads about this, and the bottom line is that in 2ndEd, "immunity" means immune. Resistance means resistant. If Cloudkill is a poisonous gas, which it is described as, then make it so. They are immune to the spell "poison", and cloudkill is pretty much an area of effect version of that spell.
3. Eye catching visuals to alert potentially fatal, lingering effects.
If a character is poisoned, make his portrait turn completely yellow in addition to the little skull icon, acid damage could be green, etc..
4. Improve upon the fog of war with a few minor tweaks.
The fog of war effect is brilliant, it's something that I absolutely love about BG and IWD games. It is really an underrated aspect of the gaming experience, and yet it's so simple in theory. It's just a little bit underutilized. Take for example the spell Blindness. LOVE IT. When you are blinded, you have a -4 to hit, a penalty to AC, and the fog is not only brought back for that character, but the revealing view is is limited! If you can do this, you can certainly add to it. Here's how:
4a. Reveal the environment based upon the available light. Outdoors at high noon on a clear day would show the most, midnight with a cloudy sky the least, and so on.
4b. Set visibility rules for light sources such as torches and lanterns, either wall mounted or carried. Introduce these as equip-able items.
4c. Allow infra-vision to show heat sources INSIDE the fogged area, and have improved infra-vision reveal the fogged area for that character.
4d. Introduce light, continual light, darkness, and continual darkness spells. Allow for gust of wind spells to extinguish torches and lanterns.
4e. Apply attack and ac modifiers based upon visibility.
Do this and you will have reinvented already legendary games for the better!
5. Hire me as a story designer! :P
1. Remove the +1 to CON for half-orcs.
They are overpowered, it's difficult for me to consider other races now that the half-orc is here. The +1 to STR is balanced enough. If you do this I'll probably request that you undo it immediately! hahah
2. Cavaliers need to be immune to Cloudkill. Gosh darnit!
There are a couple of very argumentative and informative threads about this, and the bottom line is that in 2ndEd, "immunity" means immune. Resistance means resistant. If Cloudkill is a poisonous gas, which it is described as, then make it so. They are immune to the spell "poison", and cloudkill is pretty much an area of effect version of that spell.
3. Eye catching visuals to alert potentially fatal, lingering effects.
If a character is poisoned, make his portrait turn completely yellow in addition to the little skull icon, acid damage could be green, etc..
4. Improve upon the fog of war with a few minor tweaks.
The fog of war effect is brilliant, it's something that I absolutely love about BG and IWD games. It is really an underrated aspect of the gaming experience, and yet it's so simple in theory. It's just a little bit underutilized. Take for example the spell Blindness. LOVE IT. When you are blinded, you have a -4 to hit, a penalty to AC, and the fog is not only brought back for that character, but the revealing view is is limited! If you can do this, you can certainly add to it. Here's how:
4a. Reveal the environment based upon the available light. Outdoors at high noon on a clear day would show the most, midnight with a cloudy sky the least, and so on.
4b. Set visibility rules for light sources such as torches and lanterns, either wall mounted or carried. Introduce these as equip-able items.
4c. Allow infra-vision to show heat sources INSIDE the fogged area, and have improved infra-vision reveal the fogged area for that character.
4d. Introduce light, continual light, darkness, and continual darkness spells. Allow for gust of wind spells to extinguish torches and lanterns.
4e. Apply attack and ac modifiers based upon visibility.
Do this and you will have reinvented already legendary games for the better!
5. Hire me as a story designer! :P
Not really that big of a deal considering they lose out on the shorty saving throws/various magical resistances (like elves/half-elves and charm/sleep spells) that a lot of classes get.
2. Cavaliers need to be immune to Cloudkill. Gosh darnit!
You are correct in that cloud kill is essentially just a toxic cloud, so if a character is immune to poison they should be immune to the cloud. But I wouldn't expect that to change, if only because it would make any item in the game that gives poison immunity a huge amount of power.
On second thought I like Druids and Druids get immunity to poison.
3. Eye catching visuals to alert potentially fatal, lingering effects.
I can't say I disagree with this especially in the case of mindflayers or ability drainers.
4. Improve upon the fog of war with a few minor tweaks.
Your solution sounds like a lot of work for Beamdog. Especially when you get into torches and various light sources. It would be great if they did it if they made a new game though.