Things that you don't like about the original BG and BG2

OK, I believe we all have those frustrating moments, here are mine:
1. Path-finding is tedious in BG1, seems to be improved in ToSC for a little and to some extent in BG2.
2. More frustrating is that the designers were fond of tight spaces.
3. (This is not very frustrating) When you order the team to move to another area, the leader must "touch" the boundary. IMO as long as the team is not scattered, a simple click of mouse should suffice.
4. (Could due to BGT) Sometime you quit a door, the enemy follows to the outside, you kill them, enter the door and find another copy of the enemy.
5. Not sure about this, but sometimes experience was not rewarded after killing an enemy. I scrolled up and could not see the message.
6. Spells can go through walls, very frustrating when fighting mages.
1. Path-finding is tedious in BG1, seems to be improved in ToSC for a little and to some extent in BG2.
2. More frustrating is that the designers were fond of tight spaces.
3. (This is not very frustrating) When you order the team to move to another area, the leader must "touch" the boundary. IMO as long as the team is not scattered, a simple click of mouse should suffice.
4. (Could due to BGT) Sometime you quit a door, the enemy follows to the outside, you kill them, enter the door and find another copy of the enemy.
5. Not sure about this, but sometimes experience was not rewarded after killing an enemy. I scrolled up and could not see the message.
6. Spells can go through walls, very frustrating when fighting mages.
Other than that, nothing. Greatest RPG I've ever played.
But as for the original post. I actually have no problems with the game overall, yea it has a few glitches but when you've been playing it as I have for 13-14 years you get over it. The pathfinding issue for one doesn't even generally bother me in bg1, as I just go to the specific parts of the Firewine Ruins that I need to go to and avoid the rest of it. Outside of that area I haven't found it to be too much of an issue.
If we assume the bug exists, it is more likely a result of an engine issue than a mod issue.
But i get used to it kinda
I'm pretty sure the enemy cloning bug comes from BG2. I'd guess that you never encountered it because you probably didn't ran much from enemies.
3.5 edition took me less than an hour to fully understand.
2. "ugly" (mathematically) ruleset. Especially in BG2 when you reach those high levels
3. Numerous shallow fed-ex quests in BG1 (hate that about the city of Baldur's Gate)
4. GUI could be a lot smoother without compromising the game's complexity
5. Enemy AI in BG1 leaves a lot to be desired (it's better in BG2)
6. Too few role-playing options for evil characters
7. Your stats have almost no influence on dialog. For example, you have the same responses available regardless of whether you Int=3 or 18 (this is what I loved about Fallout 1 and 2 and PS:T)
People tend to romanticize and view BG1 through nostalgia glasses. It's still a great game but I believe BG2 was an improvement in almost every respect.
2. The lack of choice for spells for both mages and priests. Some spell levels had no useful spells, other had loads. Some have a spell so useful it dominates all your spell slots at that level. Also the fact that you cant learn lower level spells in higher level spell slots
3. Unskippable cutscenes and dreams in bg2
4. Stats are almost irrelevent except at very low levels or 15, 16, 17, 18+
So for example have a cleric with an int 13 and having a cleric with int 10 - there is not difference whatsoever
5. A lot of short duration (or instantaneous) abilites are not very useful, or just rarely used, due to issues converting AD&D into a realtime-ish system. Im not goint to bother spending time breaking from combat and casting an ability if it is only going to last about 6 seconds
6. Those moments at the end of combats where you are waiting for your partymembers to recover from confusion or fear or hold person or charm or whatever - they go on way too long
2. Bad rules and levelup system. HP that cares more about level and class than constitution, no difference between ~6 and ~14 [Random stat, like constitution], stats are static all game, no dual wield in BG1 etc.
3. Character portraits not visible behind X icons of current buffs. Should at least be able to turn on/off.
4. Really bad options for evil characters. (Mostly RPG-wise)
5. Attack animations don't match what really happens. This "to make the combat more action-loaded" nonsense is not for me.
6. ajws and DiscoCat have great points.
Sure, bugs and pathfinding and stuff is unwanted, but as long as I can play the game and have fun without too much interruption I don't really care. Baldur's Gate is awesome, mostly because of its feel (music, graphics etc), but could be SO much better.
You play as the offspring of an evil god. I always felt that playing evil should be more rewarding and deeper dilema than "Help NPC for mucho Gold/Experience or Kill/Rob NPC for pocket money and a broken weapon."
There is moments where this isn't true but for the most part reputation and alignment felt more like party appeasement than having an actual impact on events and quests.
I remember some tedious ice dungeons in iwd 2. They were bad because they had no relevance in the story, they were just added as a cool idea. I downloaded this map of harlech castle in England, and was very interested about the purpose of each room and how creatively they designed the entire keep. I enjoyed the Cousland Castle in DA 1 because my dog got into the kitchen.
I remember a crazy combination of east and west cultures in bg 2 that had no role in a main concept, they just added wakisashi, ki, scimitar, tiefling and planetar in the same place with no real connection to the storyline. I just saw the Red Violin on youtube and was amazed at how they mixed so different cultures and times in one single masterpiece.
I remember a terrible quest journal in TOEE. Logistics can swallow your game. I didn't mind that iwd 1 was very linear. You didn´t have to worry about anything but the great story, like a pen and paper game.
Skyrim is to me like a saltless $10 soup. Visuals are amazing, unmatched, but your character has no purpose, no goals or brave deeds. He doesn't preserve the tree of Kuldahar, stops the evil Sarevok from his twisted plans, or save the hobbits of the shire. In the d&d world player characters should be heroes, and the mind behind them is you. The story must be meaningful in someway. And I don't think a 2D game should look bad. Rembrandt's Landscapes are in 2D, also the stonewalls from Hayez paintings. And they look much better than those in Skyrim. Tiny detail is, you need hell of an artist.
I remember meeting with Khalid and Jaheira, friends of Gorion at the friendly Arm Inn, such flavor, like an adventure from El Quijote.
Characters with goals, values, personalities, conflicts. I loved Coran, Kivan, Shar-Teel, Arundel, Yxonumei, Kresselack and Sherincal.
If I could ask one thing, that would be to keep it western Europe medieval fantasy. Bg 1 had it good, the helmets, the weapons, the architecture, the outdoors, the fauna. And I think Bg 2 ruined it, also How. Where did those shields and helmets came from? No more Peter Jackson films for u boys! People gets bored at one single strict concept, and they need a change. In my opinion the changes must come from historical research. Maybe you are very good and creative, but for a change, take a look at celtic jewelery or at norse churches and then tell me your design are still good. While you are at it, take a look at pagan traditions, medieval games, sports and jongleurs and then tell me if your story is better with atronach mages and Warlocks. I say perfect, not add up. And that only comes from research and study.
And? I would love it if the game would give you a different set of npcs in the beginning,depending upon the morality of the character you choose to be.
I didn't notice this bug until now. And I don't use BGT.
So it is an engine bug that few would experience without explicitly looking for it.