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Please help me write a great master thesis...

GroschenGroschen Member Posts: 4
edited June 2013 in General Modding
Hey all my fellow Baldurs Gate fans…

I am writing this because I am in the middle of writing my Master Thesis in marketing and business innovation, and I was in the lucky position of being allowed to write about computer games industry, and using Baldur's Gate as a case study. So after graciously getting permission to use Overhaul's Baldur's Gate forum, to help me gather data, I am writing here.

So what do I need from you (and why am I, of all places, writing in the modding section ;-) ? Well my thesis are taking on one of the big questions: Why do people make mods…? (It might be phrased just a little bit different in my paper, but that is the idea of it)
…And to answer this question, I need you to help me.

So you might be thinking, ehmm what does this require from me, will it be costly, will it be time consuming etc.? Well – First I need you to answer some questions, either as answers in this thread, or if you are a bit more shy, via a PM message to me. Then I need you to indicate, if you will be interested in helping my further by letting me contact you, with follow up questions, and maybe an interview (can be done with Skype or another preferred communication form, both in text or voice). If you do not feel like being contacted further, I will still very much like to have your answers , just answer no to the last question and then I will bother you no more – just don’t let the contacting part being the reason that that you reject answering the questions in this thread…

So what will you get for doing this:
Well, since I am a poor student, the thing you will mostly get is a very nice “feel good” feeling in your stomach, for helping another in need, and maybe you also end up learning a thing or two about you own secret and dark motives for being part of the modding community (but I can not guaranty it).
So if you are up for it please answer the following questions either in a comment in this thread, or in a PM to me, if you feel your answers will be to private for a public forum:

[spoiler=The Questions]

We start with a typical ASL set up, so:

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. What country are you from?

Then I also need some specifics about your relationship with Baldurs Gate:

  1. What was the first Baldurs Gate game you played (BG1 (with or without ToSC),BG2 (With or without ToB) or BG:EE)?
  2. When did you play your first BG game? (Just in general terms, like “when it came out”, “Years after it came out”, “just recently” etc.)
  3. Which of the games and its expansions have you played, and have you finished them? (BG1, BG2, BG:EE, ToSW, ToB)
  4. Have you played through any BG games more than once? If yes, which ones?

And now I need some information about what my thesis is actually about:

  1. Have you ever successfully made a modification to any BG game? (Succesfully here meaning, could you still play the game after the modification was made and the modification did modify something inside your game)
  2. If yes, what? (If you have modified many things, then just make 1-2 examples, and list the rest generally (like weapons mods, NPC mods etc.)
    - In which game(s)?
  3. Do you consider yourself a “modder”?
    - Why/Why not?

If you consider yourself a modder, please answer the following questions, if not, just skip these questions:

  1. Why do you decide to start a new project?
  2. Do you make mods that you do not use in your own games? If yes, why?
  3. How do you get your ideas? (Could be other people that have requested something, or your own needs for a solution to a specific “problem”, or something completely different)
  4. Do you enjoy modding, while you are doing it?
  5. If you had to finish the sentence:” I would rather spend my time modding than…” what would you finish the sentence with? Please give at least three possible answers.

Second to last section of questions (we are almost there…) (And the people not identifying as modders can jump back on the wagon here):

  1. Do you ever download mods for any BG game?
  2. If yes, what mods do you typically download? (Just list them, if it is more than one)
  3. Why do you download those mods? (If more types, just list a short explanation for each one)
  4. Would you enjoy BG games less/more/the same if there were no mods available?
  5. Can you identify mods that are, in your opinion, the same or better quality, as the core game?

Okay last section, a bit about your playing habits generally:

  1. What game genres do you play the most (Maximum 3 answers)?
  2. When buying a game, does it influence your choice, whether the game can be modified or not?
  3. Which games have you played recently (last 3-6 months)?
  4. And, will you allow me to contact you for further questions or interview?

With hope that many of you will help me by answering this,
Post edited by Coriander on


  • GroschenGroschen Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2013
    I figured it would be most fair if I was willing to answer the same questions as you, so here you have my own answers, so if you want to know a bit more about me, then you can find it here …

    What is your age?
    I am 27 years old
    What is your gender?
    I’m female
    What country are you from?
    I am from Denmark, making English my second language, so I really hope I am understandable…

    What was the first Baldurs Gate game you played?
    BG2 without ToB

    When did you play your first BG game?
    Not that long after BG2 came out, though I never actually completed it until quite some years later.

    Which of the games and its expansions have you played, and have you finished them?
    BG2, ToB and BG:EE. I have finished playing BG2, but never actually played through the whole of ToB. I am still trying to get through BG:EE, because I never played BG1, but damn it’s hard. It was a very humbling experience to get killed by gibberlings, while my boyfriend was watching and laughing his ass off (He gave me BG:EE for Christmas so I could try it, since I like BG2 so much, but he had tried to prepare me for being puny, but not THAT puny).

    Have you played through any BG games more than once? If yes, which ones?
    I have played through BG2 several times, but I have also started many BG2 games that I have never finished because I ran out of time for playing, or it turned out the character I made was just not to my liking anyway etc. I am most proud of my playthrough with a ranger, that despite having all the right stats, just always failed when I tried to use any of her ranger abilities… Grr…

    Have you ever successfully made a modification to any BG game?
    Ehmm yes, if we count (and I do – I made the questionnaire) making basic changes to the baldur.ini file, to get the CLUAconsole to work etc.

    If yes, what?
    Usually because I needed to fix things that somehow had become twisted in the game, like romances that break for no reason etc. In addition, I have used it to level up NPCs if they were many levels lower than me, and I wanted them in my party.

    In which game(s)?
    BG2, I haven’t tried with BG:EE yet, but the day will come soon (Well only if soon means some day soon after I have completed my thesis, because right now I have only very limited time for gaming)

    Do you consider yourself a “modder”?

    Why/Why not?
    Because I do not know very much about the technical aspect of modding, with coding etc. I can only follow very specific instructions, I cannot understand why I should do one thing and not another, and why this code would allow me to do this and not this etc. And even though I do have an interest in modding, I have not have the time to acutally educate myself enough to be able to make real modifications to my game…

    Do you ever download mods for any BG game?
    If yes, what mods do you typically download? (Just list them, if it is more than one)
    I mostly download quest and NPC mods, but I have also downloaded almost all mod types there is, except for full conversions, where the game becomes another game entirely.
    Why do you download those mods? (If more types, just list a short explanation for each one)
    Well at some point you just want more of everything, more of the story, more NPCs to interact with, and maybe a new kit to play, or maybe some more weapons for your bard etc.
    Would you enjoy BG games less/more/the same if there were no mods available?
    Well, it is hard to say, I don’t think I would have played BG2 as many times as ii have, if there were no mods available, but the first times would not be inflicted, since I didn’t put any mods in my game, before third playthrough or something like that.
    Can you identify mods that are, in your opinion, the same or better quality, as the core game?
    I think there is a lot of quality work out there, but if I should give some specific examples then I would mention Unfinished business for BG2, the Kelsey NPC mod and G3s Angelo NPC mod to name just a few. But there are many more great mods out there.

    What game genres do you play the most (Maximum 3 answers)?
    RPG, Simulation, Puzzle.

    When buying a game, does it influence your choice, whether the game can be modified or not?
    That depends on the game, if it was a game like Sims where half or more of the experience is in modifying it, then it becomes very important, but generally no.

    Which games have you played recently (and on which platform) (last 3-6 months)?
    BG:EE(PC), Minecraft(PC) and Skyrim (Xbox360).

    I hope my answers helped inspire the rest of you to also take part and answer the questions…


    Post edited by Coriander on
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    [spoiler=My Answers]
    We start with a typical ASL set up, so:
    What is your age?
    What is your gender?
    What country are you from?

    Then I also need some specifics about your relationship with Baldurs Gate:
    What was the first Baldurs Gate game you played (BG1 (with or without ToSC),BG2 (With or without ToB) or BG:EE)?
    Baldur's Gate (BG1)

    When did you play your first BG game? (Just in general terms, like “when it came out”, “Years after it came out”, “just recently” etc.)
    The first day it was available!

    Which of the games and its expansions have you played, and have you finished them? (BG1, BG2, BG:EE, ToSW, ToB)
    BG1, TotSC, BG2, Tob. Also all the other DnD games of the period: IWD, PST, IWD2, ToEE.

    Have you played through any BG games more than once? If yes, which ones?
    All of the above.

    And now I need some information about what my thesis is actually about:
    Have you ever successfully made a modification to any BG game? (Succesfully here meaning, could you still play the game after the modification was made and the modification did modify something inside your game)

    If yes, what? (If you have modified many things, then just make 1-2 examples, and list the rest generally (like weapons mods, NPC mods etc.)
    - In which game(s)?
    Return to Windspear and Ascension

    Do you consider yourself a “modder”?
    - Why/Why not?

    If you consider yourself a modder, please answer the following questions, if not, just skip these questions:
    Why do you decide to start a new project?
    When I have an aching idea that I want to see realised in the game

    Do you make mods that you do not use in your own games? If yes, why?
    No, I mod for myself and hope other people like them.

    How do you get your ideas? (Could be other people that have requested something, or your own needs for a solution to a specific “problem”, or something completely different)
    Most of my mod ideas either come from personal Pen and Paper DnD campaigns or just inspiration from seeing a plot hole/opportunity in the game.

    Do you enjoy modding, while you are doing it?
    Oh yes!

    If you had to finish the sentence:” I would rather spend my time modding than…” what would you finish the sentence with? Please give at least three possible answers.
    Working, Sleeping or Playing the game

    Second to last section of questions (we are almost there…) (And the people not identifying as modders can jump back on the wagon here):
    Do you ever download mods for any BG game?

    If yes, what mods do you typically download? (Just list them, if it is more than one)
    Tweak mods

    Why do you download those mods? (If more types, just list a short explanation for each one)
    Tweaks for debugging my content usually
    Ascension because I misplaced my copy on a new install

    Would you enjoy BG games less/more/the same if there were no mods available?
    No change, I would just make what I wanted.
    Can you identify mods that are, in your opinion, the same or better quality, as the core game?
    Ascension - equal professional quality. Made by the ToB lead designer with a team in spare time.

    Okay last section, a bit about your playing habits generally:
    What game genres do you play the most (Maximum 3 answers)?
    Medieval Fantasy roleplaying

    When buying a game, does it influence your choice, whether the game can be modified or not?
    No, modders find a way.

    Which games have you played recently (last 3-6 months)?
    BG1, BG2, Skyrim, Dragon Age

    And, will you allow me to contact you for further questions or interview?
    Sure thing!
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    edited June 2013
    Glad to help. :)

    Age: 30
    Gender: Male
    Country: Israel

    First BG game played: A straight run-through of BG1/TotSC to BG2/ToB, one after the other.
    When did I first play it: Two years ago.
    Games/expansions played and completed: BG1/TotSC, BG2/ToB, BG:EE.
    Repeat playthroughs: Not yet, but I plan to play BG:EE again soon.

    Successful Modification: No
    Do you consider yourself a “modder”?: No, because I lack the technical skills to create mods myself.

    Do you ever download mods for any BG game?: Yes
    If yes, what mods do you typically download? (Just list them, if it is more than one): BGT, BG1 NPC, BG1UB, BG2UB, Ascension.
    Why do you download those mods? (If more types, just list a short explanation for each one): Enhancement of story content based on what skews closest to the original game (ie: Ascension containing David Gaider's input, components of Unfinished Business based on corrupted/incomplete existing data, etc.)
    Would you enjoy BG games less/more/the same if there were no mods available? Less
    Can you identify mods that are, in your opinion, the same or better quality, as the core game? Ascension (better quality), BG1NPC (better quality)

    What game genres do you play the most (Maximum 3 answers)? RPG, RTS, Adventure Games
    When buying a game, does it influence your choice, whether the game can be modified or not? No
    Which games have you played recently (last 3-6 months)? BG:EE, Iji, Warlock: Master of the Arcane, Starcraft 2, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

    And, will you allow me to contact you for further questions or interview? Yes
    Post edited by shawne on
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @shawne With the mods question, I believe what @Groschen is asking is 'Have you made any mods?' not 'Have you played any mods' :)

    @Groschen Sent you a PM.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    @Kaeloree: Post edited. Thanks for the clarification. :)
  • kulyokkulyok Member Posts: 33
    I believe you're going to get many more answers if you ask these questions directly at Baldur's Gate modding forums, i.e.,,, and maybe even and A pinned thread here won't help you much, because many people have been modding BG and BG2 for years, but they don't mod BG:EE and some of them have no idea this forum even exists. I certainly hadn't.

    My answers are below.

    Age: 30
    Gender: female
    Country: Russia

    1. First I played Baldur's Gate: Shadows of Amn(no Throne of Bhaal).
    2. I played SoA after it came out, before ToB.
    3. I played and finished BG1+TotSC(original BG1 engine and Tutu engine), BG2+ToB. I played BG:EE but never finished it.
    4. I replayed BG1+TotSC in Tutu engine and BG2 numerous times.

    1. I have.
    2. Short answer: NPC mods, romance/friendship mods, quest mods for BG1, BG2, IWD.
    Long answer: I took part in BG1 NPCs(two romances and other stuff), coordinated and wrote for Romantic Encounters, coded de'Arnise Romance and Angelo NPC. And my own mods: IWD NPC, Xan NPC, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, Tiax NPC, Coran NPC, Xan BG1 Friendship.
    3. Yes, because I, well, mod. The person who creates mods is a modder. :)

    1. I have an idea and I like it.
    2. I always add mods I would like to play in my own game.
    One exception: Branwen Romance. BG1 NPC mod was close to completion, and the original Branwen romance author suddenly withdrew her text from the mod. We couldn't release BG1 NPC without it, so wrote the new Branwen romance from scratch together with Domi.
    3. I usually get my ideas from books I like, from TV shows I watch, from games I play. I dream about my favourite characters and sometimes I get a vision, a scene, a story. That's when I know I want to write about it.
    4. Of course I do! I love writing. But coding IS exhausting, especially character files, scripts and items.
    5 ... than have children or spend time with them.
    ... than do my time in a "real" job.
    ... than work in the game industry.

    1. Of course I download mods.
    2. Major tweak mods(BG2 Tweaks, Level1NPCs) and story additions, mostly NPC-related.
    3. I want tweaks to hear more interjections and to customize my party(make Imoen a Swashbuckler, make Xan a fighter-mage). And I like story mods for the story. Edwin Romance, the Longer Road, Kivan - they are like good books I like re-reading.
    4. I would still enjoy BG2. Not BG1, it's silent without BG1 NPC!
    5. There are none, I believe. The mod's content always stands out, that's why it's a mod in the first place.
    But I enjoy my favourite mods all the same, even if there's only one reply for the PC, or the mod breaks the fourth wall terribly - it's still a story worth living in.

    1. I play CRPGs, mostly. Sometimes good mysteries(MYST, X-Files).
    2. I really don't care or mind.
    3. Mass Effect trilogy, KOTOR, NWN/NWN2, Dragon Age. And Baldur's Gate 2, naturally.
    4. Sure, although you'll have better luck PM'ing me at - for some reason, I don't get e-mail notifications for private messages here.
  • TetraploidTetraploid Member Posts: 252
    What is your age?

    What is your gender?

    What country are you from?

    What was the first Baldurs Gate game you played?

    When did you play your first BG game?
    It was a few years after it came out, I guess.

    Which of the games and its expansions have you played, and have you finished them?
    I've finished BG multiple times, ToSC once, BG2 once and never actually finished ToB or BG:EE. (I always get distracted by trying new characters!)

    Have you played through any BG games more than once? If yes, which ones?
    I've played significant portions of all of them a few times, but only finished BG more than once.

    Have you ever successfully made a modification to any BG game?

    Do you consider yourself a “modder”?

    Do you ever download mods for any BG game?

    If yes, what mods do you typically download?
    Normally NPC mods (waiting eagerly for BG1NPC for BG:EE!)
    Also things like Unfinished Business that tidy up loose ends.
    Oh, and Tutu, but I don't use that since BG:EE came out.

    Why do you download those mods?
    I like chatty NPCs, they make the game feel much more alive and immersive.

    Would you enjoy BG games less/more/the same if there were no mods available?
    I don't think they would have held my interest for so many years without mods. I still very much enjoyed them when I first played them but I imagine they may have lost their appeal by now if I never had the chance to occasionally change things for a different experience.

    Can you identify mods that are, in your opinion, the same or better quality, as the core game?
    Tutu and BG1NPC, in my view, turned BG into a better game.

    What game genres do you play the most?
    Lots of RPGs, mostly. I also like strategy games (Age of Empires was the first game I ever really got into as a child!)

    When buying a game, does it influence your choice, whether the game can be modified or not?
    Not really.

    Which games have you played recently (last 3-6 months)?
    BG:EE, Civ V, Terraria.

    And, will you allow me to contact you for further questions or interview?
    I guess so.
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667

    [spoiler=My Answers]
    1. What is your age?
    2. 24
    3. What is your gender?
    4. Female
    5. What country are you from?
    6. Canada

    1. What was the first Baldurs Gate game you played (BG1 (with or without ToSC),BG2 (With or without ToB) or BG:EE)?
    2. BG2
    3. When did you play your first BG game? (Just in general terms, like “when it came out”, “Years after it came out”, “just recently” etc.)
    4. When ToB came out.
    5. Which of the games and its expansions have you played, and have you finished them? (BG1, BG2, BG:EE, ToSW, ToB)
    6. I have played and finished them all.
    7. Have you played through any BG games more than once? If yes, which ones?
    8. I've played through them all mulitple time in the past year for work reasons. Before that I can only have clear memories playing all the way through B1 and BG2 without the expansions. It was around 10 years ago.

    1. Have you ever successfully made a modification to any BG game? (Succesfully here meaning, could you still play the game after the modification was made and the modification did modify something inside your game)
    2. Yes.
    3. If yes, what? (If you have modified many things, then just make 1-2 examples, and list the rest generally (like weapons mods, NPC mods etc.)
      - In which game(s)?
    4. For BG:EE I worked on all of the new content in some way. For personal modding I like to make extremely ridiculous items for my own amusement. Like a staff that makes sparkly chickens.
    5. Do you consider yourself a “modder”?
      - Why/Why not?
    6. No. It's part of my job and I'm not involved with the community. If I called myself a "modder" I would likely interact or work with other "modders". I like to collaborate. I have tinkered with other games like Minecraft or Warcraft 3, but I haven't produced anything.
    1. Do you ever download mods for any BG game?
    2. Yes.
    3. If yes, what mods do you typically download? (Just list them, if it is more than one)
    4. For BG1/BG2: Tutu, 1PP, SCS, UB, Fixpacks. None for BGEE so far.
    5. Why do you download those mods? (If more types, just list a short explanation for each one)
    6. To fix bugs and make the game feel more complete and challenging.
    7. Would you enjoy BG games less/more/the same if there were no mods available?
    8. Probably the same.
    9. Can you identify mods that are, in your opinion, the same or better quality, as the core game?
    10. I think 1PP has a lot of nice options for item and spell icons, but I don't hate the BG2 mirrored animations.

    1. What game genres do you play the most (Maximum 3 answers)?
    2. Those third-person action/adventure things and FPS.
    3. When buying a game, does it influence your choice, whether the game can be modified or not?
    4. No, but here have been special cases like DayZ.
    5. Which games have you played recently (last 3-6 months)?
    6. Remember Me, Prison Architect, Path of Exile, Far Cry 3, Team Fortress 2, Uncharted 3, Sleeping Dogs, Hotline Miami, Awesomenauts, Orcs Must Die, Orcs Must Die 2, You Don't Know Jack
      I can't really remember more than that.
    7. And, will you allow me to contact you for further questions or interview?
    8. Sure, just give me a shout.
  • bdeonovicbdeonovic Member Posts: 86
    I know this is probably not helpful at all, but whatever helps:
  • MiridorMiridor Member Posts: 92
    1.What is your age?
    2.What is your gender?
    3.What country are you from?

    Then I also need some specifics about your relationship with Baldurs Gate:

    1.What was the first Baldurs Gate game you played (BG1 (with or without ToSC),BG2 (With or without ToB) or BG:EE)?
    BG1 without ToSC
    2.When did you play your first BG game? (Just in general terms, like “when it came out”, “Years after it came out”, “just recently” etc.)
    When it came out.
    3.Which of the games and its expansions have you played, and have you finished them? (BG1, BG2, BG:EE, ToSW, ToB)
    I have played through the Whole series and finished the lot.
    4.Have you played through any BG games more than once? If yes, which ones?
    I have probably completed BG1+Tales seven or eight times, BG2 five times, and ToB three times.

    And now I need some information about what my thesis is actually about:

    1.Have you ever successfully made a modification to any BG game? (Succesfully here meaning, could you still play the game after the modification was made and the modification did modify something inside your game)
    2.If yes, what? (If you have modified many things, then just make 1-2 examples, and list the rest generally (like weapons mods, NPC mods etc.)
    - In which game(s)?
    3.Do you consider yourself a “modder”?
    - Why/Why not?
    Well, I don't know how to mod and do not have the time to look into it.

    Second to last section of questions (we are almost there…) (And the people not identifying as modders can jump back on the wagon here):

    1.Do you ever download mods for any BG game?
    2.If yes, what mods do you typically download? (Just list them, if it is more than one)
    BG Tutu, Mini Quests, Unfinished Business, Stone of Askavar, NPC Project, Tweak Pack, SCS, Fixpack, Questpack.
    3.Why do you download those mods? (If more types, just list a short explanation for each one)
    To make the game more challenging. For ease of use. Buxfixes. To add something new to the game after several playthroughs. For a richer experience...and more experience points :-)
    4.Would you enjoy BG games less/more/the same if there were no mods available?
    Definitely less.
    5.Can you identify mods that are, in your opinion, the same or better quality, as the core game?
    Anything that fixes some of the many bugs and oversights of the original games, although many are minor, will improve the gaming experience and in a way I guess you could see them as better quality.

    Okay last section, a bit about your playing habits generally:

    1.What game genres do you play the most (Maximum 3 answers)?
    RPG, sports, FPS.
    2.When buying a game, does it influence your choice, whether the game can be modified or not?
    Not in general, no.
    3.Which games have you played recently (last 3-6 months)?
    Football Manager 2012, Death Rally, Kingpin.
    4.And, will you allow me to contact you for further questions or interview?
  • GroschenGroschen Member Posts: 4
    bdeonovic --> Where are these data from? - And what have they been used for?

    And thanks for all the answer everybody - and the adviceto try and post at some of the modding forums - I think I will try that as well...

  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    I would answer but how do you do that spoiler tag thingy?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited June 2013

    I would answer but how do you do that spoiler tag thingy?

    [ spoiler] (insert words) [/spoiler ]

    (get rid of the spacing between "spoiler" and the [ or the ] ). I only used it because otherwise it wouldn't have shown up.

    We start with a typical ASL set up, so:

    What is your age?


    What is your gender?


    What country are you from?


    Then I also need some specifics about your relationship with Baldurs Gate:

    What was the first Baldurs Gate game you played (BG1 (with or without ToSC),BG2 (With or without ToB) or BG:EE)?

    BG1 without Tosc

    When did you play your first BG game? (Just in general terms, like “when it came out”, “Years after it came out”, “just recently” etc.)

    14 years ago.

    Which of the games and its expansions have you played, and have you finished them? (BG1, BG2, BG:EE, ToSW, ToB)

    All of them.

    Have you played through any BG games more than once? If yes, which ones?

    All of them

    And now I need some information about what my thesis is actually about:

    Have you ever successfully made a modification to any BG game? (Succesfully here meaning, could you still play the game after the modification was made and the modification did modify something inside your game)

    If yes, what? (If you have modified many things, then just make 1-2 examples, and list the rest generally (like weapons mods, NPC mods etc.)
    - In which game(s)?

    I've used BGT and Tutu. Otherwise I've ignored mods. I also don't even bother with the fixpacks in most cases.

    Do you consider yourself a “modder”?
    - Why/Why not?

    No. I'm not a modder because while I've tried playing the games with BGT etc in the past I have not played with these mods in such a long time (probably 6 or 7 years) that I don't feel the word "modder" apply applies to me anymore.

    If you consider yourself a modder, please answer the following questions, if not, just skip these questions:

    Why do you decide to start a new project?

    Do you make mods that you do not use in your own games? If yes, why?

    How do you get your ideas? (Could be other people that have requested something, or your own needs for a solution to a specific “problem”, or something completely different)

    Do you enjoy modding, while you are doing it?

    If you had to finish the sentence:” I would rather spend my time modding than…” what would you finish the sentence with? Please give at least three possible answers.

    Second to last section of questions (we are almost there…) (And the people not identifying as modders can jump back on the wagon here):

    Do you ever download mods for any BG game?

    I've used BGT and Tutu. Otherwise I've ignored mods. I also don't even bother with the fixpacks in most cases.

    If yes, what mods do you typically download? (Just list them, if it is more than one)

    I've used BGT and Tutu. Otherwise I've ignored mods. I also don't even bother with the fixpacks in most cases.

    Why do you download those mods? (If more types, just list a short explanation for each one)

    Only time I use mods like BGT or Tutu these days is if I'm helping someone on here with a problem concerning them.

    Would you enjoy BG games less/more/the same if there were no mods available?

    No. Its like comfort food. I know they are there if I want them, I just don't need them.

    Can you identify mods that are, in your opinion, the same or better quality, as the core game?

    I suppose SCSS and Ascension though I've never really seriously bothered with them.

    Okay last section, a bit about your playing habits generally:

    What game genres do you play the most (Maximum 3 answers)?

    Strategy, CRPG, Puzzle

    When buying a game, does it influence your choice, whether the game can be modified or not?


    Which games have you played recently (last 3-6 months)?

    Baldur's Gate 1, Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn, Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal, Bejeweled, Age of Empires II HD Edition,

    And, will you allow me to contact you for further questions or interview?


  • bdeonovicbdeonovic Member Posts: 86
    Groschen said:

    bdeonovic --> Where are these data from? - And what have they been used for?

    And thanks for all the answer everybody - and the adviceto try and post at some of the modding forums - I think I will try that as well...


    @Groschen Put an at sign in front of someone's name when you want them to see a forum reply, then it will give them a little message when they are on the forums.

    I made the survey as an informal thing just for fun. I wanted to see what people thought about the game a couple months after it was released. Most of the responders are form this forum so you gotta take it with a grain of salt.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606

    What is your age?
    What is your gender?
    What country are you from?

    Then I also need some specifics about your relationship with Baldurs Gate:

    What was the first Baldurs Gate game you played (BG1 (with or without ToSC),BG2 (With or without ToB) or BG:EE)?


    When did you play your first BG game? (Just in general terms, like “when it came out”, “Years after it came out”, “just recently” etc.)

    When it came out.

    Which of the games and its expansions have you played, and have you finished them? (BG1, BG2, BG:EE, ToSW, ToB)

    Played all of them.

    Have you played through any BG games more than once? If yes, which ones?

    Played them all several times over but only a couple of times to completion.

    And now I need some information about what my thesis is actually about:

    Have you ever successfully made a modification to any BG game? (Succesfully here meaning, could you still play the game after the modification was made and the modification did modify something inside your game)

    I have made many of them and have been involved in other peoples mods as well.

    If yes, what? (If you have modified many things, then just make 1-2 examples, and list the rest generally (like weapons mods, NPC mods etc.)
    - In which game(s)?

    My mods:
    Dark Horizons (BG1)
    The Undying (BG2)
    Nikita (BG2)
    IWD2 store (IWD2)

    Dark Side of the Sword Coast BG1 Weidu (BG1)
    Aurils Bane (IWD)
    Encounters (BG2)
    Saerileth (BG2)

    Do you consider yourself a “modder”?
    - Why/Why not?

    Of course. I've been involved in modding since it began with TeamBG in 1998. Back then it was making custom items, custom spells, etc.

    If you consider yourself a modder, please answer the following questions, if not, just skip these questions:

    Why do you decide to start a new project?

    Because I like the idea and/or its something that hasn't been done before.

    Do you make mods that you do not use in your own games? If yes, why?

    I use my own mods in my own games. I make mods for myself, firstly and for people like myself, secondly.

    How do you get your ideas? (Could be other people that have requested something, or your own needs for a solution to a specific “problem”, or something completely different)

    Television, movies, books is where I get the ideas.

    Do you enjoy modding, while you are doing it?

    Its fun and it can be a source of wanting to pull your hair out.

    If you had to finish the sentence:” I would rather spend my time modding than…” what would you finish the sentence with? Please give at least three possible answers.

    go out

    Second to last section of questions (we are almost there…) (And the people not identifying as modders can jump back on the wagon here):

    Do you ever download mods for any BG game?

    Yes, I'm a collector.

    If yes, what mods do you typically download? (Just list them, if it is more than one)

    Any and all of them mostly.

    Why do you download those mods? (If more types, just list a short explanation for each one)

    I'm a collector for one. Plus I've seen to many times where something is lost and gone forever.

    Would you enjoy BG games less/more/the same if there were no mods available?

    Probably not. I find the games boring without mods.

    Can you identify mods that are, in your opinion, the same or better quality, as the core game?

    I can't think of any.

    Okay last section, a bit about your playing habits generally:

    What game genres do you play the most (Maximum 3 answers)?

    When buying a game, does it influence your choice, whether the game can be modified or not?

    Yes it does. If it can't be modded, I'm not interested.

    Which games have you played recently (last 3-6 months)?

    Fallout 3
    Fallout New Vegas
    Vampire Bloodlines

    And, will you allow me to contact you for further questions or interview?

    Sure why not.

    If you want to know about the history of Infinity Engine modding, I'll point you to these URLs:

    I've been involved in IE modding since it began and I've done my best to preserve this information.

  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344

    What is your age?
    What is your gender?
    What country are you from?

    What was the first Baldurs Gate game you played (BG1 (with or without ToSC),BG2 (With or without ToB) or BG:EE)?


    When did you play your first BG game? (Just in general terms, like “when it came out”, “Years after it came out”, “just recently” etc.)

    Shortly after it came out

    Which of the games and its expansions have you played, and have you finished them? (BG1, BG2, BG:EE, ToSW, ToB)

    All of them, finished them several times

    Have you played through any BG games more than once? If yes, which ones?

    Yes, all of them

    Have you ever successfully made a modification to any BG game? (Succesfully here meaning, could you still play the game after the modification was made and the modification did modify something inside your game)


    If yes, what? (If you have modified many things, then just make 1-2 examples, and list the rest generally (like weapons mods, NPC mods etc.)

    Addition and/or alteration of classes/abilities, items, enemies and sounds mostly. The latest project was creating a class based on a character from the Naruto franchise.

    - In which game(s)?

    Tutu, BGT, BG2, BGEE

    Do you consider yourself a “modder”?

    Not really

    - Why/Why not?

    None of my modifications have been packaged in a presentable format possible to install or made available to anyone else

    Why do you decide to start a new project?

    Usually two reasons:
    - Inspiration based: I get an idea that I like, usually in the form of getting inspired by another fictional setting
    - Challenge based: I start thinking about whether or not a certain modification would be possible to implement given the engine

    Do you make mods that you do not use in your own games? If yes, why?


    How do you get your ideas? (Could be other people that have requested something, or your own needs for a solution to a specific “problem”, or something completely different)

    They stem from things I personally feel would be interesting to see or try during a playthrough.

    Do you enjoy modding, while you are doing it?

    Yeah, definitely. Planning a playthrough and making modifications can be about as stimulating as actually playing.

    If you had to finish the sentence:” I would rather spend my time modding than…” what would you finish the sentence with? Please give at least three possible answers.

    - watching tv
    - studying organic chemistry
    - cleaning

    Do you ever download mods for any BG game?


    If yes, what mods do you typically download? (Just list them, if it is more than one)

    Fixpack, Tweakpack, Sword Coast Stratagems, BG1 NPC Project, Romantic Encounters, NPC Flirting, Improved Banter packs, Rogue Rebalancing, aTweaks, Unfinished Business, Spell Revisions and many more.

    Why do you download those mods? (If more types, just list a short explanation for each one)

    In short because they allow me to tailor my game experience exactly the way I want it, and thus it increases my immersion and makes the playthrough that much better.

    Would you enjoy BG games less/more/the same if there were no mods available?

    Less, a lot less.

    Can you identify mods that are, in your opinion, the same or better quality, as the core game?

    The mods I play tend to be enhancements of the core game rather than stand-alone content, so it's not a valid comparison. Their strength lies in making the core game that much better rather than providing a singular experience comparable to the core game. However, several mods are created with a technical and artistical quality that approaches that of the core game. The BG1 NPC Project would seem to come to mind, and Sword Coast Stratagems as well.

    What game genres do you play the most (Maximum 3 answers)?

    RPGs, Third person action/adventure games, strategy games

    When buying a game, does it influence your choice, whether the game can be modified or not?


    Which games have you played recently (last 3-6 months)?

    BGEE, Assassin's Creed 3, the Metal Gear Solid series, the Mass Effect trilogy, Darksiders 2, Thomas Was Alone, Fallout 3, Neverwinter, Sid Meier's Pirates

    And, will you allow me to contact you for further questions or interview?


  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    It's been a month, I'm going to unannounce this thread.
  • artificial_sunlightartificial_sunlight Member Posts: 601

    [spoiler=The Answers]
    What is your age?
    What is your gender?

    What country are you from?
    The Netherlands

    What was the first Baldurs Gate game you played (BG1 (with or without ToSC),BG2 (With or without ToB) or BG:EE)?
    BG1 wo ToSC

    When did you play your first BG game? (Just in general terms, like “when it came out”, “Years after it came out”, “just recently” etc.)
    When it came out
    Which of the games and its expansions have you played, and have you finished them? (BG1, BG2, BG:EE, ToSW, ToB)
    Finished them all exept BGEE

    Have you played through any BG games more than once? If yes, which ones?
    Finished BG1 w ToSC multiple times

    And now I need some information about what my thesis is actually about:

    Have you ever successfully made a modification to any BG game? (Succesfully here meaning, could you still play the game after the modification was made and the modification did modify something inside your game)

    Second to last section of questions (we are almost there…) (And the people not identifying as modders can jump back on the wagon here):

    Do you ever download mods for any BG game?

    If yes, what mods do you typically download? (Just list them, if it is more than one)
    BGT, widescreen, Fixpacks, Unfinished business, Tweaks, BG1NPC, banterpacks
    Why do you download those mods? (If more types, just list a short explanation for each one)
    BGT Fixpacks tweaks widescreen For a smoother gameplay. UB BG1NPC and Banter for the little extras that make the game more replayable

    Would you enjoy BG games less/more/the same if there were no mods available?
    I play without mods, then I replay with mods to alter the experience a bit.
    Can you identify mods that are, in your opinion, the same or better quality, as the core game?
    Fixpacks and widescreen where essential. And BGT (or BGEE) is essential for BG1 for me. BG1NPC is on par with the original BG2 NPC’s

    Okay last section, a bit about your playing habits generally:

    What game genres do you play the most (Maximum 3 answers)?
    RPG…… RTS & Stratego online
    When buying a game, does it influence your choice, whether the game can be modified or not?
    Which games have you played recently (last 3-6 months)?
    Only BGEE BGT and Stratego online
    And, will you allow me to contact you for further questions or interview?
    Will you visit The Netherlands for that? Else maybe by email, not on skype or things like that

    Better late than never

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