I'm now at level 7 and I just beat the bandit camp (I haven't done most of the secondary areas, including where the thay wizards are. I finally have summonings, and basically worthless shapeshifting to boot!
I charmed the mage to the left when you enter. Then had her cast haste on me (which she has memorised) and then had her hit both the up close fighters with melfs acid arrows. I also think I had her initially cast magic missiles on the hobgoblin who attacks you with the poison arrows, though I cant be sure on that 100%. The two remaining guys I just fought up close.
As for the trap, I went outside and rested (memorising lightning protection (level 4 spell) beforehand. Then after talking to the guy I opened the chest to activate it.
I'm taking an interest in this because I want to see it done. If you buy the necklace of missiles from the Carnival merchant the Nashkel mines should be easy. As should outside the bandit camp. But inside Tazok's tent should be interesting. A list of fights I want to hear about are: The red wizards of Thay. Centeol's spider lair. The assassins outside the Cloakwood mines. Daevorn
Just killed Centeol. I did die a few times in the process though (Ettercap poison).
Basically when I won I cast bless on myself then walked in and threw down an entangle (which actually is fairly effective against the sword spiders but very ineffective against Ettercaps). Ran away a little bit (to avoid sword spiders). Cast summon animals I. Had the summons (wild dogs...woopy!) attack one of the giant spiders. The reason being that if you get the summons to attack the sword spiders they will just be massacred unless they have outside help.
I Cast entangle again (had to grab hold of stragglers). Then the rest of it was pretty well me just pelting a lot of darts at the sword spiders wittling them down. I left my summons to kill the Ettercaps and giant spiders, which they were alright at.
I came into the fight prepared with like 5 entangles and 4 summon animals prepared. I didn't summon all at once, just gradually. I also was able to keep the other spiders entangled for long enough to deal with them one/two at a time. Anyways, considering I really didn't put a lot of effort into preparing for the fight (before entering cloakwood I recharged my sleep wand and I changed a few spells around before entering) it could have gone a lot worse. Probably shouldn't have died at all, but I also probably should have more than a standard scimitar at this point lol.
Well done! I'm guessing your inventory is mostly darts! Don't forget those green protection from poison scrolls. There's a free one in Gullykin in the house of the treacherous halfling. What about a few more screenshots of your character and inventory pages?
So apparently my netbook has decided to be difficult and is currently not working. As in despite there being plenty of power in the battery, the netbook being cool, and it being plugged in, its not working. Until it is my playthrough (and those screenshots) are on hold
@elminster@Ligg The portrait looks like the art from the cover of the 2e Shadowdale setting book (I used to have that whole boxed set), though I'm sure it's been reused in other places.
@elminster@Ligg The portrait looks like the art from the cover of the 2e Shadowdale setting book (I used to have that whole boxed set), though I'm sure it's been reused in other places.
Pretty sure the place I got it from said all the portraits in this zip file were from magic the gathering cards. But I didn't recognise the picture so its possible it wasn't.
It sucks and I can't stand it, but I'll probably start a new playthrough with a shapeshifter and post here about that. Hopefully the Mac lasts that long!
This is the bio I'll be using for the shapeshifter. You've probably seen it around here before as I've posted it a few times.
Growing up in range of the sounds of the sea crashing up against the rocks of the Sword Coast, you have always been drawn to your foster fathers tales of the unspoiled wilderness that lay outside Candlekeep's barred gates. Your discovery of more than a few flowers pressed between long forgotten tomes in Candlekeep's vast library has, over the course of your childhood, only made you yearn to explore the realms for yourself.
Your origins steeped in mystery. Though your foster father Gorion, himself a mage of considerable power, raised you, you have no memory of either of your parents. He has told you that he was friends of your half-elf mother, who, while alive, resided somewhere north of Silverymoon. Beyond this you know nothing of her, and apart from an understanding that your father was himself a half-elf you have learned nothing of him.
Though as a boy Gorion encouraged you to learn of nature's magic through the teachings of Silvanus, Forest Father and god of druids, in the last few years your interests have turned towards finding another god who respects your unique heritage. Guiding your decision was a terrible secret revealed to you at a young age. You were born cursed as a lyncanthrope, specifically a Werewolf, and though you can control your transformations this knowledge has changed your view of the universe. Though you are not sure which of your parents gave you the curse, having read of other lyncanthrope in the tomes of Candlekeep your interests in finding more of your people has only grown as you've gotten older. You hope that in time you will find both the funds and the companions needed to safely travel the realms in search of a clan to call home.
And after you'd got so far! Somehow I can't blame you. But after your experience in vanilla BG this should be a walk in the park. Think of all those great new spells and abilities. Though Entangle won't be as powerful as opponents can save per round. In light of this you may have to adopt new tactics. Do Werewolves get an innate Free Action or magic resistance?
And after you'd got so far! Somehow I can't blame you. But after your experience in vanilla BG this should be a walk in the park. Think of all those great new spells and abilities. Though Entangle won't be as powerful as opponents can save per round. In light of this you may have to adopt new tactics. Do Werewolves get an innate Free Action or magic resistance?
I'm still kind of debating about the shapeshifter thing. The challenge in BG1 is the lack of spells with the druid that you have available on top of the lack of weapons. In BGEE you have a fair number more weapons to choose from and obviously more spells. Doesn't seem like its nearly as much of a challenge.
@elminster I've jsut started a Druid but I've tried the odd-playthrough around the beginning with other characters. How did you manage to get to LVL 3 by the time you hit Beregost? I'm still LVL 1 by the time I get there?
@elminster I've jsut started a Druid but I've tried the odd-playthrough around the beginning with other characters. How did you manage to get to LVL 3 by the time you hit Beregost? I'm still LVL 1 by the time I get there?
The fact that I had no party members (doing this solo) was a big part of it. Druid needs 4000 experience to get to level 3. Also I did say I was level 3 while in Beregost, so likely I had done some quests in Beregost (or outside it like killing Bassilus for the reward) that pushed me up experience wise. The spider quest in Beregost alone will probably net you 1000 xp for doing it (experience from the spiders). You get 1000xp for handing in Bassilus's reward (+ whatever XP you get from killing him). If Melicamp is successfully polymorphed you get a fair amount for doing that (web says 2000xp though I don't know if that is accurate). I don't think I did bassilus though at first but there are other quests and enemies to raise that 1000xp. Keep in mind I was also benefiting form the BG1 version of entangle, which functionally is a LOT better than the BG2/BGEE version. That and throwing a lot of darts was pretty much what I did for awhile haha.
Im starting hardcore druid shapeshifter now and i will play til i day, i will where i died if i do or tell how i managed through the game. The werewolf is just to cool and i will prevail
Ok since i played hardcore, and if i die i just die, i dont reload, i must tell u all that my shapeshifter is dead. Werewolves dont do magic damage, i was aware of it..so i reached level 9 and then..i died inside baldurs gate. I did to immun normal damage creep.. it wasnt even a boss. WHY dont werewolves do magic damage its so stupid. They have to change this.. doesnt matter i have 100 hp levl 9 when i cant wear armor and the magic is not so good , no barbed armor : _ ; . anyway, play werewolf is easy til u reach baldurs gate. U skip quests were there are mages til ur levl 4. or they just send 2 skills at u and u die.
Well Ligg will probably never see this but in response to the shapeshifter being mentioned elsewhere as being a difficult solo I'm restarting my playthrough as a shapeshifter. I'm already level 5 in Nashkel (Bassilus was a bit difficult because of his stupid rigid thinking, but otherwise its been easy).
As for the trap, I went outside and rested (memorising lightning protection (level 4 spell) beforehand. Then after talking to the guy I opened the chest to activate it.
Basically when I won I cast bless on myself then walked in and threw down an entangle (which actually is fairly effective against the sword spiders but very ineffective against Ettercaps). Ran away a little bit (to avoid sword spiders). Cast summon animals I. Had the summons (wild dogs...woopy!) attack one of the giant spiders. The reason being that if you get the summons to attack the sword spiders they will just be massacred unless they have outside help.
I Cast entangle again (had to grab hold of stragglers). Then the rest of it was pretty well me just pelting a lot of darts at the sword spiders wittling them down. I left my summons to kill the Ettercaps and giant spiders, which they were alright at.
I came into the fight prepared with like 5 entangles and 4 summon animals prepared. I didn't summon all at once, just gradually. I also was able to keep the other spiders entangled for long enough to deal with them one/two at a time. Anyways, considering I really didn't put a lot of effort into preparing for the fight (before entering cloakwood I recharged my sleep wand and I changed a few spells around before entering) it could have gone a lot worse. Probably shouldn't have died at all, but I also probably should have more than a standard scimitar at this point lol.
What about a few more screenshots of your character and inventory pages?
It sucks and I can't stand it, but I'll probably start a new playthrough with a shapeshifter and post here about that. Hopefully the Mac lasts that long!
Growing up in range of the sounds of the sea crashing up against the rocks of the Sword Coast, you have always been drawn to your foster fathers tales of the unspoiled wilderness that lay outside Candlekeep's barred gates. Your discovery of more than a few flowers pressed between long forgotten tomes in Candlekeep's vast library has, over the course of your childhood, only made you yearn to explore the realms for yourself.
Your origins steeped in mystery. Though your foster father Gorion, himself a mage of considerable power, raised you, you have no memory of either of your parents. He has told you that he was friends of your half-elf mother, who, while alive, resided somewhere north of Silverymoon. Beyond this you know nothing of her, and apart from an understanding that your father was himself a half-elf you have learned nothing of him.
Though as a boy Gorion encouraged you to learn of nature's magic through the teachings of Silvanus, Forest Father and god of druids, in the last few years your interests have turned towards finding another god who respects your unique heritage. Guiding your decision was a terrible secret revealed to you at a young age. You were born cursed as a lyncanthrope, specifically a Werewolf, and though you can control your transformations this knowledge has changed your view of the universe. Though you are not sure which of your parents gave you the curse, having read of other lyncanthrope in the tomes of Candlekeep your interests in finding more of your people has only grown as you've gotten older. You hope that in time you will find both the funds and the companions needed to safely travel the realms in search of a clan to call home.
Though Entangle won't be as powerful as opponents can save per round. In light of this you may have to adopt new tactics.
Do Werewolves get an innate Free Action or magic resistance?
I got BG1 working on my mac. Only problem is I can't seem to get screenshots working. I can do it in BGEE fine just not BG1 for whatever reason.
i play kensai now i wont dual class it.