Delays Due To Publisher Issues... Are You Kidding Me?!?

While I cannot even pretend to know what is going on between the BG team and their publisher, I am sorely disappointed! After waiting so long for the Android edition, such delays are maddening. Hopefully this will be resolved on a timely basis.... or a mob of pitchfork weilding BG fans may storm the castle.
Devs are having the droid port on their low priority list - they're clearly more concerned about patches for other platforms, but where did you get publishers issues?
Edit: found it
Most likely publishers are getting tired of constant delays - there is something that doesn't work if games have almost one year delays.
There's more information here:
Thanks. From the wording on it seems that Android port is ready to be released (except for the publishers issues). Yay, nay or no comment?
It's certainly close, I'll say that much. This news is still fairly young, so information is still trickling out.