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Manual in game/app

WolfheartWolfheart Member Posts: 170
With the game coming out to the iPad and so much vital information being in paper manuals (such as the actual effect of the stats, spell progression, wild magic table's and so forth) I'd love for the manual to be accessible in-game. With a push of a button the in game manual opens with the table in question already open.

To further aid in the iPadder's world, when you open a wild mage's spellbook, let the wild magic table's aswell as the kit description pop up in a popup. Alternatively, just imbed the WildMage tables in the kit discription of the wild mage. For the wild magic area's in the game it might be prudent to show the information from the table in some manner...

As for the stats, tossing the table's at the end of the description of the stats should work? As for spell progression, why not have the spell slots be visible but have a lock icon with the level you unlock them at? Or a small blurb of text at the bottom when you get your next spell?

Either way, I hope the manual will also be available as an E-book and/or pdf? Its not quite as convenient as having the manual in game but its still good to have if you can't get the tables in game.

The same should of course apply to all tables, such as the effects of armor on thief skills and effects of using a ranged weapon in melee range.


  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    Not just for iPadders, it would definitely be nice to have an easily accessible in-game manual for reference without having to alt/tab and go looking for the pdf every time I want to look something up. Of course, I still want the pdf as well, and I would say a physical copy too but that's something for when they finally (hopefully) get a deal worked out for a boxed copy.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Will I be taken for being a nerd/obsessive when I reveal that I still have not only the old games, but all the manuals and the color map that came with the original BG box? I even have the cheat guide I bought to figure out anything I'd missed after I finished BG1. And another one I downloaded from the internet and printed on paper.
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    edited July 2012
    @LadyRhian Yeah I still have the games, manuals and map as well. And yes, I think you may be taken as a bit of a nerd/obsessive by some (as am I). Although I'd say you're in pretty good company on this forum.
  • GrumpwagonGrumpwagon Member Posts: 25
    Since a physical copy might not be happening, I would be pretty surprised if there wasn't at least a pdf of the manual. I believe even the GoG digital copy comes with one. But including it in-game would be extremely convenient. The OP's suggestion reminds me of the civilopedias from the Sid Meier games, with in-game hyperlinks to specific entries . . . oh man, but I hope that's not a pipe dream cause I really want it to happen now.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Being able to open up the manual ingame would be an extremely handy feature. I support this request.
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