Baldur's Gate 3 on Consoles

With all this excitement for Baldur's Gate, it could be a great time to continue this way with Baldur's Gate 3 for Xbox and Playstation and whatever Wii will do, now or for the next gen consoles.
BG 1 and 2 were the greatest two-player co-op games of all time. A BG2 game (console for PS2) sells for a $100 on ebay. Strategy Guides for either game still sell for $29.99. 5 new BG2 games go for $84.99 each. I pulled these numbers off ebay today. It is crazy good.
Xbox Live or PSN could be the way, forget the discs, sell it for a mint and watch me buy it. And I would not be alone. It could be awesome. I started this post to see if anyone else shares my view...
Do you?
BG 1 and 2 were the greatest two-player co-op games of all time. A BG2 game (console for PS2) sells for a $100 on ebay. Strategy Guides for either game still sell for $29.99. 5 new BG2 games go for $84.99 each. I pulled these numbers off ebay today. It is crazy good.
Xbox Live or PSN could be the way, forget the discs, sell it for a mint and watch me buy it. And I would not be alone. It could be awesome. I started this post to see if anyone else shares my view...
Do you?
The Dark Alliance games were great, but the gameplay was completely different from what you find in BG1 and BG2.
I'm not saying that BG1 or BG2 couldn't work on consoles (I believe they could even if the control scheme would be inferior due to using a controller), I'm just saying that Overhaul probably isn't planning on it.
I could be a possibility to generate some funds, but it's definitely not a guaranteed success. It can be pretty risky.
First of all, it's not sure it would sell well. No one can tell for sure. There are some very prominent examples for totally wrong expectations (Remedy's 'Alan Wake')
Second, Overhaul Games is a pretty small company (in relation to the 'Big Ones'). I don't think they can afford to bind too much money and manpower to a port that possibly only sells medicore.
And third, I think (like Adaram) this might depend on the success of BG:EE. If it becomes a huge success *fingers crossed* maybe they'll try. If not, they will probably stick with the PC, the obvious leading platform.
What is more famous, Baldur's Gate or Sins of a Solar Empire:Rebellion?
I would say, easily, Baldur's Gate.
So to address some comments above, if Solar Empire can do it, Baldur's Gate surely should. And if it wanted to as seen on ebay, note the immense popularity of BG on consoles, it looks to me to be encouraging.
If Adaram (above) is right and if BG should outperform Solar Empire (it should), maybe BG 3 on consoles will eventually arrive and should expect better console numbers than Dungeon Siege 3, a similar game.
I played Command & Conquer Red Alert on my PSX. Was it fun? Yes it was.
Would a mouse have been better than a controller? Definitely.
As for UI designs being screwed, I'll have to disagree. There is no reason for the UI to be the same on the PC and console versions of a game besides the developer wanting to save time/money. This is also a pretty loaded argument because it assumes that for all games using a controller is always inferior to using mouse+keyboard, which simply isn't true.
I agree though that standard gamepads are not always inferior to a mouse and keyboard. Platformers for instance.
Then there's also the question of if these games really are being "dumbed down" or if they're being improved by being simplified. To me, complexity for the sake of complexity doesn't automatically translate into a better game.
To date, all games I've played, which have been tailored to work on consoles from the beginning, have suffered for it. Interface dumbed down, shitty controls, limited configuration, etc. etc. etc.
I know it may seem like I'm a pessimistic PC elitist, but I'm really not. I like consoles just fine, and they are definitely great for certain game genres. I'm just tired of having been degraded into a second-class customer/gamer, because games nowadays are made for the lowest common denominator (xbox). Devolopers make the game so it fits with the consoles, and the PC-crowd can get whatever is left over... a few months later.
So, no. Please don't even think about consoles, achievements, online points or trophies. Take the these and the MMORPG-influenced overemphasis on multi-player and DPS/Ganking/Kiting/Whatever, and leave me my few bastions of SOLID single player enjoyment.
Young people nowadays! ;-)
In all seriousness, no. I do not agree with your post. If they want to shoe-horn the BG-games onto the consoles that's fine by me, but if they start including "this has to run on an xbox" into the development. Then the end results will be shite.
I disagree with the notion that requiring a controller for a console port would mean "dumbing down" the controls too much. I remember Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II and Halo Wars on the Xbox 360 both having pretty decent controls, insomuch I never felt as though the games weren't enough fun to play. That said, the Wii-U's tablet controller could be pretty perfect for something like an isometric party based RPG. Presumably, it wouldn't be too much different from playing Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition on an iPad.
Second, asking for BG3 to be made for consoles? For that you should be thrown in the darkest dungeon and tortured for eternity. As others mentioned above, the game would have to be significantly dumbed down. And the PC version would have to suffer, no matter if the "PC version of the game took the lead" or not. Otherwise, they would just have to make two separate games. Yes, that's how much dumber the game would have to be, to be successful on consoles. I'm sorry, but that's how it is. Most console owners are casual gamers, who just don't like to think at all, when gaming (mind you, I wrote "most", not all).
And of course, there is the controller. BG3 would have to have a completely different UI, to the one we have in BG2, for example. And I don't see the devs doing 2 separate UIs...the PC one would just get consolised. We've seen this too many times. Besides, even with a dedicated console UI, I just can't see it working. The game is too complex, too much micromanagement. It would have to be drastically simplified. Again, the PC version would suffer greatly.
So no, Overhaul if BG3 becomes a reality, please don't make it for the consoles. Even if PC is your lead platform.
but I say this:
PC needs to be the primary platform
PC needs to be the primary platform
PC needs to be the primary platform
I hope that's clear
Clearly, when discussing BG 3 for consoles, I am referring to BG I and BG 2 on consoles and whether or not a BG 3 for consoles would be welcome.
Obviously, BG 1 and BG 2 for consoles refers to the Dark Alliance games, and an easy search online shows that these two games are some of the most beloved games ever to appear on the last gen systems. Moreover, BG 1 and BG 2 are universally mentioned on any platform on any generation to be amongst the greatest coop games of all-time.
I realize we can all go back and forth about what is better, what is more capable, and what is more liked, but that tends to be more anecdotal than anything.
I come at this from the empirical data of appreciated values. This comes for business background; meaning, one can chart one possible future by analyzing the past performance.
It is much like cars. What cars today will appreciate in value? What will become the next great automotive investment?
It is like property. What property can I buy now, in this market now, that will ultimate appreciate in value and thus prove profitable?
First, were the last gen systems loved? Of course. Did they appreciate in value?
New PS2 systems range from $224.99 to $409.99, more than a new PS 3.
You can see this appreciation at
New Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance game for PS2: $25
New Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance II game for PS2: $100
New Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance Strategy Guide $51.99
Below are more appreciated values found at Amazon's+gate+dark+alliance&sprefix=baldur's+gate+dark,videogames,162&rh=n:468642,k:baldur's+gate+dark+alliance
new Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance game for Xbox: $87.00
new Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance II game for Xbox: $76.95
new Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance game for Game Boy Advance $52.99
new Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance game for GameCube $77.95
The market assigns value. Consumers demand. Valuation is a force of not many factors, nor complex factors. The above data is not hard to understand.
Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance games have appreciated to soaring costs across the platforms in every way, for each game. Time and again, in the US market, games die at GameStop for pennies on the dollar. I can but the old Baldur's Gate PC game for next to nothing right now.
Two other games in sequence that appreciated greatly was Ico / Shadow of the Colossus, but that was before being rereleased as a package for the current generation. Rerelease kills prior value. This is happening now to the old Baldur's Gate PC game. It has not happened to Dark Alliance.
Fact is, whether one is a PC fan or console fan, the Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance games command value, have profoundly appreciated, and are still considered among the greatest two-player co-op games ever made.
No wonder why making a BG 3 for consoles would be a very welcome idea, and why this topic is a hot topic on the forums here.
I loved the Dark Alliance games and would welcome a Dark Alliance 3, but for almost everyone on this board a BG3 means a CRPG in the style of BG1&2.