Tomes/Lum the Mad Boosts? (Stat boosts in general)
Who do you use the stat boosts you get from the Tomes and Lum the Mad on?
For the tomes I use them on CHARNAME as only CHARNAME can transfer from BG to BGII.
He left with STR 19/DEX 19/CON 19/INT 10/WIS 16/CHA 19, using all 3 WIS tomes on him and 1 of all the others.
I then got a futher -1 WIS (dream choice), +1 WIS and +1 CHA from the Hell Trials, bypassing the horrible -1 DEX trial (The largest punishment in game for being good, I really dislike this, why punish good characters so harshley?).
When it comes to Lum's boosts I find it a little different as it can be more usefull to boost your party.
On my current CHARNAME (a Cavalier) boosting his INT (10) and WIS (16) will have no affect on him at all, boosting them is pointless.
I can however boost Imoens INT (17>18) meaning she can learn a futher 4 spells of each level, I could boost Aerie (16>17) but Imoen is my main mage on this run through, so getting her to 18 seems like the better idea.
As for the WIS boost I am not to sure who to give it to Jaheira (14>15) or Aeire (16>17), it will grant an extra second level slot to Jaheria or thrid level for Aeire. I feel the extra thrid level is better gameplay wise but RP wise Jaheira is CHARNAMES love interest so I feel I should give it to her.
So who do you boost and why?
Oh and my CHARNAME is now STR 21/DEX 20/CON 20/INT 10/WIS 16/CHA 21 after just one play through, which is nice.
For the tomes I use them on CHARNAME as only CHARNAME can transfer from BG to BGII.
He left with STR 19/DEX 19/CON 19/INT 10/WIS 16/CHA 19, using all 3 WIS tomes on him and 1 of all the others.
I then got a futher -1 WIS (dream choice), +1 WIS and +1 CHA from the Hell Trials, bypassing the horrible -1 DEX trial (The largest punishment in game for being good, I really dislike this, why punish good characters so harshley?).
When it comes to Lum's boosts I find it a little different as it can be more usefull to boost your party.
On my current CHARNAME (a Cavalier) boosting his INT (10) and WIS (16) will have no affect on him at all, boosting them is pointless.
I can however boost Imoens INT (17>18) meaning she can learn a futher 4 spells of each level, I could boost Aerie (16>17) but Imoen is my main mage on this run through, so getting her to 18 seems like the better idea.
As for the WIS boost I am not to sure who to give it to Jaheira (14>15) or Aeire (16>17), it will grant an extra second level slot to Jaheria or thrid level for Aeire. I feel the extra thrid level is better gameplay wise but RP wise Jaheira is CHARNAMES love interest so I feel I should give it to her.
So who do you boost and why?
Oh and my CHARNAME is now STR 21/DEX 20/CON 20/INT 10/WIS 16/CHA 21 after just one play through, which is nice.
I try to roleplay responses as much as possible based on character stats (like you're supposed to), so having a broad spread of stat scores is nice to have.
I hope they add this possibility in BG2:EE.
But the EEs don't allow for that, so I focused all the Tome stats on my PC. Lum's Machine is different, because by the time you get there you probably have your final party configured, in which case you might as well give the points according to their function in your party.
Stat bonuses are usually anything but linear. Going from 18STR to 19STR, for example (on a non-fighter) has considerably higher gains than going from 19STR to 20STR, or from 20 to 21. As such, you may not actually want to stack up all bonuses on a single character, but will benefit more from spreading them around. The other stats works similarly, but the exact value you get out of it depends on your setup.
Not really. The idea is that you give all of the BG1 Tomes to CHARNAME as their stats are the only ones that carry over into BG2; giving them to an NPC would only affect BG1, and not be represented in BG2, effectivly "wasting" the tome. As ToB lets you import your whole party as it was in SoA, whoever you give the Lum boost keeps the boost all the way to the end of ToB.
BG2 - all stat increases to main character.
Yup, I'm greedy!
1. +20% resistance to Fire, Cold, and Electricity.
2. immunity to +1 weapons and less.
3. +10% Magic Resistance. -1 Dex. -75,000XP
4. +2 bonus (aka -2) to all Saving Throws.
5. +1 to your Wisdom and Charisma.
1. 200,000 XP.
2. +2 to your Constitution. Robe of Bravery.
3. +2 to your Armor Class (aka -2).
4. +15 to your Hit Points. Blackrazor.
5. +2 to your Strength.
Even if you do not look at the trials as a whole as one big package, that particular trial has you trading in 1 Dex and 75,000XP for a permanent +10% to magical resistance. A worthy choice that is better than +2 bonus to armor class (aka -2)
From a min maxing perspective, the only choices where evil is better is 2 and 5.
2 might seem like good choice is useful, but every random bandit in ToB is wielding a +2 weapon. As if mundane and +1 weapons disappeared off the face of faerun.
Also worth noting is that it happens t minutes before the game is over. I did the same thing
While it's not quite as effective a boost as for Mages, it's still useful if no-one else will get as much benefit. In BG1 I almost always use an INT tome on my main to get to 11 INT.
There are ways to deal with them though... improved invisiblity, potion of genious, etc.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the "resistances" and "immune to +1 weapons and less" does NOT carry over when exporting and importing your character? I do remember that the Magic Resistance potions in Icewind dale gave +5% magic, BUT at import the resistance always reseted back to zero.
And I do beleive I tried it in BG2... Anyone care to elaborate what carries over (all stat changes, such as str or dex does carry over of course), and obviously levels and xp.
If resistances and immune buff does NOT carry over, then the good aligned character benefits less in the long run, such as replays...
PS: Also does Armor buffs, saving throw buffs and hp buffs from the trial carry over any?
I can't think of any bonuses you get from the hell trials that don't carry over, someone please correct me if i'm wrong.
If they're magic, then how can non-spell casters use them? It seems strange to me that the genius who created them would make them so accessible and powerful... Then lose them for adventurers to find. You'd be crazy not to make them for your own use. You'd be a 25 stat God.
As far as PC gaming goes they're awesome, but do things like this exist in D&D?
S is for strength, and that means i am strong! I can carry more toys and swing stuff all day long!
See it's that simple, PLING you have raised your strength by 1 permanently.
Once the book is read, it disappears (same as Baldur's Gate) and you're granted your attribute point.
Is it logical ? No. But why should magic be logical anyway ?
Pure magic makes the most sense, and I guess a really good book would be understandable by anyone who reads it, but it seems like there should be a chance for failure or something.
I'm just being deliberately nitpicky. Don't mind me.
Now Lom's insanity-submarine makes perfect sense.