Looking for a casual game

in Multiplayer
Started up a Paladin and ran around candle something or other (don't remember full name). for a good twenty minutes to make sure I had everything then hopped onto the main quest. I ran around in the next area for about thirty minutes, forgot to save and got myself killed by a bear out of boredom.
Loaded up and was somewhat dismayed that I forgot to save. No big deal, only an hours worth of messing around. No harm done.
My time zone is -5 GMT
Its my first time playing this particular game though I do have experience in this genre~
If we're doing voice or some odd, let me know on here~ I share my room at the moment.
Loaded up and was somewhat dismayed that I forgot to save. No big deal, only an hours worth of messing around. No harm done.
My time zone is -5 GMT
Its my first time playing this particular game though I do have experience in this genre~
If we're doing voice or some odd, let me know on here~ I share my room at the moment.