Problems LAUNCHING BGEE on a MAC via STEAM using Crossover....:-(

Hi All - I am having problems launching BGEE. I have a Mac so I had to buy BGEE via Steam and am trying to launch it but the screen just turns white - I hear the game music begin and my cursor turns to the BG icon, but the rest is whited out. I can normally play Steam games (PC versions) fine using Crossover (which launches automatically when I boot up the PC version of Steam). I have the Mac version of Steam installed too but BGEE cannot be played through that obviously. Can anyone help me solve my launch issue or suggest another way I can play the game? I'm not very Wine-savvy, so building skins and stuff like that is a bit taxing for me. Any help appreciated. I really love the BG series...:-(
Word of caution, buying the Windows version is not the same as buying the Mac version, so unless you pay for it please don't download it (although it may be unavailable to buy at the moment due to the current mess). While it is the same game, they put extra work into porting for Mac and if you don't pay for it that's their effort wasted for no gain.