The game crashes every time
in Multiplayer
Hi guys! I followed each rule, I opened up the ports, I settled hamachi etc and my friend is able to connect to my game (I'm the host). But each and every time we hit the "done" button my game crashes and my friend is sent back to the lobby
any idea? Our versions are the same, I bought the game on steam, he bought it directly from the developers but I don't know why it isn't working. I also have the Cloua console enabled! Thanks for the help

I suggest maybe try having your friend host the game try disabling your cheat console make sure your not running with something your friend wont have and the other way round e.g. mode made weapons or strange edited rules on your character like a fighter with 7 dragon breaths as a special because im sure file conflicts can make the game crash and it dose sound like a conflict error or a game bug rather than a connection error to me.
I know it's not much but i do hope this helps some what maybe a clean install for the 2 of you could help, don't give up like i say the game hosts fine and multiplayers works fine for me so somehow you should be able to get it all working.