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certain classes roll higher more often????

raxtorenraxtoren Member Posts: 228

I wanted 2 character ready for BG2 depending on what I choose, so I tried a Paladin.
I start the game and end up with 88 I roll again and get 87, roll again and got 94, roll again and got 95???!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wtf kind of cheating roll does paladin have?

I rolled 30+ min for 91 with my Barbarian.


  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,439
    Your ability rolls will always meet the minimum requirements for your selected race and class/kit. Paladins and rangers have high minimums.
  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
    edited July 2013
    Certain classes have high ability score requirements. Whenever the game rolls something lower than the required ability score, it rerolls until it gets something that meets the requirement. Paladins have high requirements, so it is easy to roll high ability scores with them. Barbarians have low requirements, so on average you need to roll yourself blue in the face before you get something good.

    Edit: ninja-ed.
  • AltWrenAltWren Member Posts: 11
    Pally has 17 minimum Charisma and several other requirements.
  • DeathOfNamesDeathOfNames Member Posts: 40
    Try rolling a Ranger/Cleric for ultimate fun :)
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    1.) C/R (61)
    2.) Paladin (57)
    3.) Bard (49)
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