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Language versions - clarification needed

norolimnorolim Member Posts: 62
Since the BG EE is now available for pre-order and we have a release date, I think it's high time to clarify what kind of language versions will be available. I searched the forums and didn't find any definitive statement from the devs. Therefore, I'd really appreciate if someone from Overhaul could tell us:

- What language versions will be available?
- Will all the different language versions be available on Beamdog on release day?
- Did you use/have rights to use old localized versions, together with the original voiceovers (if yes, for which languages?), or did you have to work on new localizations - in that case, will they be captions only?
- if you weren't allowed to use the old translations and voiceovers, do you think the BG EE will be compatible with the old files, if e.g. someone owns both the EE and the original and wants to swap them?

I would greatly appreciate some answers, especially that there is no info about language versions on the Beamdog pre-order page. I'm especially interested in the Polish version and I must admit it's a buy or not situation for me. If there is now way to play with the original Polish voiceovers, I will be rather reluctant to buy the new EE. I'm sure others would also like to know.
Post edited by norolim on


  • PhillipDaiglePhillipDaigle Member Posts: 654
    English, French, Italian, German, Spanish (EFIGS) are all confirmed languages that should be available at launch, and the game should include all the languages in one version.

    More languages are on the way, including Polish, but cannot be confirmed at this time. They correspond to the language forums that we currently have open. We hope to include them at launch as well.

    For existing localized versions, I cannot comment on those at the moment due to ongoing negotiation, but where possible we attempt to use the existing localization (fixing any issues that we become aware of).

    As for your last question, I don't think the new BG:EE content will function in the older versions of the game.
  • norolimnorolim Member Posts: 62
    Thank you for all the answers. One more question though: if I pre-order now, download the EN version and you release a Polish version at a later date, will I get it as part of the deal or will I have to buy it separately?
  • PhillipDaiglePhillipDaigle Member Posts: 654
    Yes, you will get the Polish version when it becomes available.
  • norolimnorolim Member Posts: 62
    Thanks again. Just to clarify, I meant if the old files will be compatible with BG EE, i.e. will it be possible to replace the voicovers in English BG EE version with the VO from the old Polish version.
  • PhillipDaiglePhillipDaigle Member Posts: 654
    In theory, yes.

    We are working to secure the original Polish VO, though.
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    Yeah! Theres also italian!
  • norolimnorolim Member Posts: 62
    edited July 2012
    That's great news PhillipDaigle. Thanks again. That pre-order is looking much more likely, now :)
    Post edited by norolim on
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