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So what exactly is the enhanced edition adding?

ArzenArzen Member Posts: 0
Me and a friend of mine have been super psyched for this game since it was announced earlier this year, as big fans of the original games.

But I just found out from the forums, today, that there won't be any graphical updates to the game because the original art assets aren't available, which was a huge disappointment because it was the main reason we were excited for it. So what exactly is being added to make this worth a new purchase, at least for a PC user? The beamdog website lists widescreen support, a new adventure module, and three new characters as some of the enhancements, and while that's kinda cool, it doesn't seem like that's something that isn't already pretty much provided by the modding community.

So I'm not asking to be one of those jerks who comes down on game forums to be jerks before a game is even out, I'm just wondering if there's something I missed that's a good reason to get excited about this again. The initial announcement made me want to replay the game for the first time in years, and I was actually waiting until the enhanced edition came out so I'd be fresh for me, but now I'm wondering if I should just go ahead and do a playthrough with mods and maybe check this out for MP when it comes out.


  • PhillipDaiglePhillipDaigle Member Posts: 654
    The website will have more information soon.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    Just wait 18 minutes......
  • edfedf Member Posts: 1
    the information was already available, and it's on that basis that we were concerned. the enhanced edition adds a marginal amount of new content and might have better multiplayer support. that's it?

    the big world project is free and infinitely superior
  • DemonthorDemonthor Member Posts: 7
    This is as much about showing support as it is any additional features. Want another isometric rpg with a awesome complex rule set....if so, then show your support and light the way to the future.
  • paulsifer42paulsifer42 Member Posts: 267
    *Looking around*... where is that disagree button for what edf said?... *still looking*
  • King_of_WormsKing_of_Worms Member Posts: 6
    Nothing that worth $20 if you already have the original version.
  • RegretZeroRegretZero Member Posts: 8
    Demonthor said:

    This is as much about showing support as it is any additional features. Want another isometric rpg with a awesome complex rule set....if so, then show your support and light the way to the future.

    I'm not sure I understand your logic. Yes, showing support is certainly a good thing to do if you'd like to support the creation of another game, but just blindly doing it without question is not a good idea, it leaves you open to be taken advantage of. It's better to ask questions such as this one and DO YOUR RESEARCH on a title that you're interested in purchasing as opposed to buying it first and asking questions later.
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