Not the I'm personally bothered but for the female friends i pester into getting this game, Romance for males with the wild mage but nothing for the girls?
I'm pretty sure they put 2 male characters and one female because they wanted to even out the fact that there are 3 romances for males and only 1 for females in BG2, so i'm pretty sure you can romance them. Or at least one of them.
Not the I'm personally bothered but for the female friends i pester into getting this game, Romance for males with the wild mage but nothing for the girls?
I marked your post as insightful, though that might be not putting it right, but indeed, it's a question that came to my mind as well: what BG is most lacking (taking the vanilla trilogy as a whole) is romanceable males and it would be nice if the amount of choices for females was Overhauled. And while they're at it: gay romances? or should those stay moddable options?
I marked your post as insightful, though that might be not putting it right, but indeed, it's a question that came to my mind as well: what BG is most lacking (taking the vanilla trilogy as a whole) is romanceable males and it would be nice if the amount of choices for females was Overhauled. And while they're at it: gay romances? or should those stay moddable options?
Well in my opinion it'd be better to leave that sort of thing to modding, although I suppose that even if it was implemented you wouldn't HAVE to use it.
Thats great news, Neera could be a romance that last the whole saga. I just hope she gets into cat fights with the rest of the romance options. Hearing Jaheira and Neera fight would be sweet.
Cool to hear the new party members will be romanceable, but I'm curious if it'll be all hetero stuff.
I think it also raises the question of how BGEE will deal with the original characters being comparitively silent to the new characters, which is something I've seen other people here bring up but I'm still pretty confused about it.
Actually, their faq in the features section of the forum states that the only new dialogue they will add to the original characters will be interactions with the new characters. So don't worry, your old favorites won't be silent to your new flings.
@Talrae Good question. Hopefully by anyone, as many have complained at how annoying it is to only have certain characters fall in love with certain races. Maybe we'll be lucky enough to have one of the devs chyme in.
Romances are the kind of thing you just don't ask from developers... In my opinion, they do it if they want and if they feel confortable. Many games don't even have them, asking specificaly for romances in a game sounds wierd, because you are almost asking for some one to satisfy... your... you know needs lol
@Razor The thing is it's that Baldur's Gate games already have rommance in them... and can say that femele players really got the shaft in the game since they only one option at first and well it was bad
Neera looks cute. It would be nice if she'd be available for female chars as well. I'd be a little upset if there's no romance at all for female Bhaalspawns. :-(
I'm a bit baffled why they didn't decide to include any of the mod npcs to this edition. There are some that are of professional quality and, if I may say, better than the official Bioware romances. These modders have had unlimited time to dedicate to their creations, so their characters/romances have the kind of depth that is impossible to make with the kind of time game writers get. Why not take advantage of that? I would have *loved* to see characters like Gavin and Angelo included. Seems such a waste not to use them.
To all you guys wondering about non-straight relationships Trent said on twitter:
We have one of the three who could be interested in a non-straight relationship
Gonna guess it'll be Neera.
I hope not. It would be fairer to make on of the guys bi so that both male and female get two options to choose. Ideally the one who comes free with the tablet versions, since I think that having the only chance for romance as DLC for one sex would not be a smart move. (Not that I am affected since I play on PC)
I guess
All three characters are romanceable.
I think it also raises the question of how BGEE will deal with the original characters being comparitively silent to the new characters, which is something I've seen other people here bring up but I'm still pretty confused about it.
EDIT: this is not an insult or anything.
I lol'd. Nice :-D
IRT topic
All three romanceble, hell yeah. I'ma get my groove on with the Blackguard!
Can we have a family with a two-story home we come back to and homeschool after quests? I'd like a pet cat too.
Edit: I just realized that you weren't trying to be a smart-aleck. Sorry for jumping to that conclusion.
Lucky, it seems all 3 of the new BG:EE characters will have romances so this is a non-issue.
I'm a bit baffled why they didn't decide to include any of the mod npcs to this edition. There are some that are of professional quality and, if I may say, better than the official Bioware romances. These modders have had unlimited time to dedicate to their creations, so their characters/romances have the kind of depth that is impossible to make with the kind of time game writers get. Why not take advantage of that? I would have *loved* to see characters like Gavin and Angelo included. Seems such a waste not to use them.
We have one of the three who could be interested in a non-straight relationship
Gonna guess it'll be Neera.
Ideally the one who comes free with the tablet versions, since I think that having the only chance for romance as DLC for one sex would not be a smart move. (Not that I am affected since I play on PC)