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Ideas about your first ever BGEE party?

Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
Just wandering, now that the new NPC's are announced, if anyone already started making plans for their first party?

What will your charname be? (at the moment it's safe to assume all BG2 kits and races are for choosing, as the site says 'All of the additions and improvements from Baldur's Gate 2: The Shadows of Amn have been brought to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.' though we don't know what subraces yet 'Now you can use class kits, new subraces and classes that were previously unavailable.')

Which of the new NPC's do you plan to try in your first party?

And which vanilla NPC's will you take?

Post your ideas!


  • QuasaduQuasadu Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2012
    Looking forward to Neera and Minsc in the same party. Although I understand that they won't have direct interaction with each other, I get the impression she's going to be a lot of fun. And we all know how much fun Minsc and Boo are. :)
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Me: Necromancer or bard/blade
    Imoen: Thief
    Minsc: Ranger
    Jaheira: Druid
    Viconia: Priest --- or Yeslick --- or perhaps a fighter

    +Neera: Wild Mage! Romance!!!
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    Myself I'm excited about the Monk: it's a kit I always found too awkward to start a PC character with, as I'm not quite sure what it can and can't do, but it will be great to try the kit out as an NPC in my party. And he's easy to recruit, being in the Nashkel Carnival ('in Nashkel showing off his skills', I assume that means you'll find him in the Carnival and is a logical pick to take in chapter 1).

    My topic is about full parties though, what will be the total setup, and right now, for me it's too early to have a clue.

    For info: these were the party-ideas that I had put 'on hold' when BGEE was announced:

    I wanted do to a Tutu install with:

    PC (Feralan - ranger kit from Divine Remix), Minsc (Berserker), Branwen (Battleguard of Tempus - a Divine Remix kit), Safana (Gypsy - a Song and Silence kit), Quayle (Thief/Illusionist), Dynaheir (Conjurer),

    but I'm not sure such a heavily modded setup will be possible with BGEE from the get-go or if we'll have to wait for modders to make their mods compatible.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    My second idea that I've put on hold was:

    Ajantis (Cavalier),
    Finch (C),
    Xan (F/M)
    Kivan (Archer)
    Imoen (Adventurer)
    Altorban: Gnome Illusionist

    Again, very modded, and not leaving room for Rasaad Yn Bashir.

    Aaarghhh, I'll have to start rethinking. And with new ideas to come, I wont be able to finish all my BG ideas till I'm 60-something, I think.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Quasadu said:

    Looking forward to Neera and Minsc in the same party. Although I understand that they won't have direct interaction with each other, I get the impression she's going to be a lot of fun. And we all know how much fun Minsc and Boo are. :)


    Phillip Daigle ‏@daigledopple

    Cryptic #bgee post time: "Did you hear that, Boo? Maybe she will turn into a hamster, we will have a little friend for you to wrassel!"

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