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pure mage is it overly hard to play or oki

morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
hi i always wanted to play a pure mage

i know that aint going to be as easy as a fighter but is it wiable and can you killof all even as a pure mage
i always played on normal dif so i am hopeing to see some one that bean able to beat the game as a mage pure


  • JonelethIrenicusJonelethIrenicus Member Posts: 157
    I always play as a pure mage and what I can tell is that the mage is pretty weak at low levels and that you have to rest after each fight. At high levels in BG2, the mage is awesome and really fun to play with alot of spells to cast.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Yes you can play the game as a pure mage, though to be honest I'd specialise just to get the extra spell per level (conjurer perhaps).
  • morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
    cool thx allot for tip well i considder a mage specialist to be a pure mage so thats not a problem
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    Pure mage is just fine. You will need your team for the first 1-6 lvls but after that.. it's feel good. :)
  • beerflavourbeerflavour Member Posts: 117
    My main character was never a pure mage. But in the low levels you don't have that many spell slots (even as specialist mage). I tend to resort to CC spells then (sleep / hold person / web / grease / charm / dire charm / etc). These spells can save lives early on. Later you can additionally get the summoning and nuking spells. So choosing a specialist mage that doesn't have access to CC spells will make low levels harder.
  • morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
    i will give it a try wen this gets out then as i think it would give me a loot of good fun
  • TalvraeTalvrae Member Posts: 315
    save a lot when you are in your way to the inn... you will have very little hit-oints, after that it will do
  • beerflavourbeerflavour Member Posts: 117
    Don't be afraid to go back to a village to rest at an inn. It might take a few minutes longer but you can rest safely. Especially if you used up all your tricks.

    Exploring the wilderness can be dangerous and the next ambush might be the last.

  • morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
    yes i guess i be fighting hard to i find a good tank to hold of agro

  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2012
    Nothing is more satisfying than raising a weakling of a Necromancer with 4hp (tripping over a pebble could kill the poor guy)......and slowly progressing to where you can summon your own personal army of skeleton warriors to do your bidding as you cast FINGER OF DEATH! Mwhahahahahahaaha!

    Hmmm, yes anyway. Quite possible.
  • IkonNavrosIkonNavros Member Posts: 227
    Pure Mage is fine, Level 9 spells for the win :)

    But some years ago i decided to switch to a sorcerer... Also a nice experience :D
  • morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
    yes sorc is nice a tad little spells but i guess they can be good fun
  • IkonNavrosIkonNavros Member Posts: 227
    you just use the spells which are really important, a mage just eats whatever you put into his spellbook :D

    But a sorcerer.. You may have less spells but can use them in a more more evil way :D
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Well, higher level mages are more fun, in a tactical sense, but even lower levels can be fun, especially when working along side with a complete party.
  • JonelethIrenicusJonelethIrenicus Member Posts: 157

    Pure Mage is fine, Level 9 spells for the win :)

    But some years ago i decided to switch to a sorcerer... Also a nice experience :D

    What would you recommend for most fun and awesomeness, mage or sorcerer at high levels?
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    My suggestion is - when picking spells, don't always pick the ones that do damage. It's one of those dumb mistakes I used to do when I was a kid.

    Instead, read the descriptions well. The best hint I can give you is that some spell can literally help you kill powerful monsters early on. Spells such as Blind and Sleep for example (pick one, not both. Chances are you'll be able to buy the other before too long)

    Also, try keeping some fighter of sorts close to you. And pick a formation in such a way that you can always be covered (creatures such as bandits or kobolds will instantly kill you, unless you're VERY lucky)
  • morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
    i just remeber since i did not know allot abouth spells befor i started bg i had to read all the spell descriptions a ton and try out the spells to see if they infact as any good

    sadly its long time since i played and i dont remeber all of them any more so i think i cant do a sorc as not sure what spellls to pick

    i do remember magic missile used to love that spell
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