Please make the Beambog client run on wine.

The game itself runs perfectly on wine with no issues. However it is a pain getting it installed in Linux due to all the dot net crap in the Beamdog client.
Seeing that we probably will not be getting a native Linux client after all please just make the install possible for us not using Windows.
Seeing that we probably will not be getting a native Linux client after all please just make the install possible for us not using Windows.
This should be a small change that will have a huge impact on many users. Like I said the game currently runs extremely well under Linux after all the workarounds to get it installed.
I have to keep a backed up WinXP Virtualbox VM just for in case a patch comes out
Please if you don't have plans for a native Linux client, just make the game install able via wine.
Sorry not trying to side track your thread as if this isn't the case of course a platform neutral loader or a loader that could be compiled against the platform it was intended to be run on would be ideal.
I could not get any setup involving mono or dot net in PlayOnLinux or vanilla wine to work with the loader. I also extensively searched the internet for a solution but no body seems to be able to make the loader run under Linux. But this is an issue with some dot net apps on wine (that they just refuse to run properly).
Its sad as seeing the game itself actually runs better on my Linux machine's compared to my wife's windows 8 machine
If we can get a loader that uses Java or even better Qt that is cross platform Beamdog will have to also only keep one code base up to date should they consider releasing to Linux later as well.
Only by letting them know can we have any hope of this happening.