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True Turn Based Mod.

njduboisnjdubois Member Posts: 4
Remember the early days of the internet when people would role play through emails? Ugh, I can't remember the name of the game, it was released by Microsoft and when you where done with your turn, you would email the game data to everyone and the next person would go.

If this enhanced version is going to work on mobile platforms, wouldn't be cool if there was a mod to turn it into a true turned based game. You make your move and the game send a text message to the next player, or may be a neat notification that its your turn.

I donno, maybe to much of a change for what bg is and was. Maybe just a good mobile game idea in general. so SHHH, don't tell anyone...its mine! lolz.



  • HeasHeas Member Posts: 54
    I think there was something similiar in the options that would just pause to game after each turn.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    I don't know. Games would take forever, wouldn't they? If you want turn-based fantasy questing, you could try out Conclave at, it's built for that purpose. I'm sure there are other games like that as well, but they have somewhat gone out of fashion, so I don't know any.
  • BlaveBlave Member Posts: 39
    I can think of at least two games that use turn based combat based on DnD rules: Temple of Elemental Evil (DnD 3.5) and Pool of Radience (DnD 3.0). The games were real time and just switched to turn based during combar encounters. If even the exploration part was turn based, you'd need like forever to even leave candlekeep.

    I seem to remember hearing that the infinity engine is basically unable to handle true turn based gameplay. I'm content with BG1 and 2 in their current "real-time-turn-based" state, but having the option to play REAL turn-based - with initiative, 5ft-squares and all - is number one on my personal BG3-wishlist, especially if it happens to use my favorite D20-system: The Pathfinder RPG.

    Hey, a man can dream, right? ;)
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    @Blave Fat chance of that that happening. WotC would never permit their licensed IP to be used in a product powered by a competing company's ruleset. If BG3 were to be greenlit, I would be greatly surprised if anything other than the upcoming D&D Next/5E were to be allowed. Which is fine with me, really. While it is in no way complete, the playtest is starting to shape up into what could potentially be my new favorite D&D(stealing the spot that AD&D 2nd Edition now holds).
  • TalvraeTalvrae Member Posts: 315
    @ScarsUnseen Slightelly curious about D&D next any where you suggest i can take a look...
    Personally 2nd edition was terrible... the THAC0 système si aweful and the character creation is too rigid but to each theyr own
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @LadyRhian and her friends are doing something very similar to what you're describing in the Tomb of Horrors thread. It's a little faster than email, and is true turn-based like a tabletop game among friends. I don't quite have the time IRL or the patient disposition to join their club, but I find their thread a fascinating experiment and a fascinating read.

    @njdubois, You should check it out - it's not quite what you're asking for, but it's a compromise in the spirit of what you're saying.
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    Goldbox redux!
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Auto pause exists in game - you can set it at the start of every turn. I agree it sounds a nice idea on paper, but the turn based D&D offerings of the past have turned me off the idea of ever making it into a successful and more to thee point, fun game.
    ToEE was probably as close to the 3ed rules as it is possible to get, but even the most ardent fan of the game would be forced to admit that the pacing of the game was not it's strong point.

    Turn based games like disgaea work well because the pacing dictates 1 large battle, then stop and refresh and visit shops and so on, but the pacing of D&D means that dungeons are supposed to contains lots of encounters, not all of them major life threatening ones, and that ends up making the turn based aspect kind of tedious for the inbtweeny sections.
  • jpierce55jpierce55 Member Posts: 86
    NWN was supposed to be real time turn based, and that is the closest I want to see to turn base. I don't like turn based video games, it is not realistic or smooth playing.
  • AliteriAliteri Member Posts: 308
    ajwz said:

    Auto pause exists in game - you can set it at the start of every turn. I agree it sounds a nice idea on paper, but the turn based D&D offerings of the past have turned me off the idea of ever making it into a successful and more to thee point, fun game.
    ToEE was probably as close to the 3ed rules as it is possible to get, but even the most ardent fan of the game would be forced to admit that the pacing of the game was not it's strong point.

    ToEE is regarded as the best D&D implementation on the computer and, unfortunately, that's one of its few strong points. A very important part about that implementation is the turn based combat.
    jpierce55 said:

    NWN was supposed to be real time turn based, and that is the closest I want to see to turn base. I don't like turn based video games, it is not realistic or smooth playing.

    You mean real time with pause, just as Baldur's Gate.

    Another thing that isn't realistic or smooth is pausing, meaning that you must hated everything even remotely related to the Infinity Engine.
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    edited September 2012
    @Talvrae The playtest is a public one, so you can download the latest iteration here. Keep in mind that this a true playtest rather than an advertisement like the Pathfinder "beta" was, so there are warts to be found that are still be ironed out(mixed metaphors FTW). A lot will be added and/or changed in future playtests, so this is a good way to see where the game is going, but not a clear view yet of what the final product will be.
  • BlaveBlave Member Posts: 39
    @ScarsUnseen Thanks for the link! I know Aliteri asked for it, not me, but I was going to do the same :D

    As for Pathfinder: Yeah, I know it's not going to happen in BG3. But maybe Overhaul will consider it for future non-BG-but-still-RPG-projects.
  • Arabus13Arabus13 Member Posts: 102
    Blave said:

    I can think of at least two games that use turn based combat based on DnD rules: Temple of Elemental Evil (DnD 3.5) and Pool of Radience (DnD 3.0). The games were real time and just switched to turn based during combar encounters. If even the exploration part was turn based, you'd need like forever to even leave candlekeep.

    I seem to remember hearing that the infinity engine is basically unable to handle true turn based gameplay. I'm content with BG1 and 2 in their current "real-time-turn-based" state, but having the option to play REAL turn-based - with initiative, 5ft-squares and all - is number one on my personal BG3-wishlist, especially if it happens to use my favorite D20-system: The Pathfinder RPG.

    Hey, a man can dream, right? ;)

    TOEE was a turn based tatical dungeon crawl. Unfortunately it had a lot of bugs that were never really addressed. However, a mod group called the Circle of Eight ( have done an excellent job of fixing, updating, and adding additional content to Trokia's game. It's worth a second look. It's not fast paced by any stretch of the imagination. But if you like tactical turn based D&D it's worth taking a second look. Just remember to install their mod manager and their latest mod, either vanilla or NC (new content).
  • TalvraeTalvrae Member Posts: 315
    edited September 2012

    @Talvrae The playtest is a public one, so you can download the latest iteration here. Keep in mind that this a true playtest rather than an advertisement like the Pathfinder "beta" was, so there are warts to be found that are still be ironed out(mixed metaphors FTW). A lot will be added and/or changed in future playtests, so this is a good way to see where the game is going, but not a clear view yet of what the final product will be.

    Hummm look interesting not sure what to think about it yet trought.... the disparition of feat worries me a bit... trought background and speciality possibility seem to offer some customisation have to look more in deep... and no bard yet? ;(

    edit: never mind just stumbled on the feats lol
  • BigityBigity Member Posts: 98
    I'd be happier if the BG1/2 system of 'turns' didn't work for each specific character.

    Instead of a 6 second round which ends and pauses the game, you assign orders, and hit go, you get a 6 second round for each player controlled character which makes it much too annoying to use, and you end up doing the auto-pause stuff on target killed, spell cast, etc.
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