Question on all the dispel protection spells

There are so many of these spells that it's difficult to know which to use for each situation. Here's a list by level
3rd: Dispel Magic. Remove Magic. Spell Thrust. Which is the best to use, when do they become redundant?
4th: Secret Word
5th: Breach. this is supposed to dispel all protection from a single target, so why would i need anything else?
6th: Pierce Magic. i can see the use in this as it all reduces MR, but it only dispels one protection
7th: kheblen's warding whip. drops one protection per round which i guess is good to combat sequences and contingencies. ruby ray of reversal: drops one protection spell. why would you choose this over KWW?
8th: pierce shield: drops one protection and heavily reduces MR, seems like an improved version of PM and makes it redundant
9th: Spell Strike. this should dispel all protections on a target creature, but then so does breach so why would i was a 9th slot on it?
any insights would be super!
3rd: Dispel Magic. Remove Magic. Spell Thrust. Which is the best to use, when do they become redundant?
4th: Secret Word
5th: Breach. this is supposed to dispel all protection from a single target, so why would i need anything else?
6th: Pierce Magic. i can see the use in this as it all reduces MR, but it only dispels one protection
7th: kheblen's warding whip. drops one protection per round which i guess is good to combat sequences and contingencies. ruby ray of reversal: drops one protection spell. why would you choose this over KWW?
8th: pierce shield: drops one protection and heavily reduces MR, seems like an improved version of PM and makes it redundant
9th: Spell Strike. this should dispel all protections on a target creature, but then so does breach so why would i was a 9th slot on it?
any insights would be super!
Spell Thrust strips a single target of all spell protections of level 5 or lower. Depending on mods and such, this may or may not be blocked by MGoI, or it may strip MGoI as well. It's probably most useful if you are using mods that have enemies make use of Spell Immunity.
Secret Word removes a single spell protection of level 8 or lower. Again, depending on mods, this may include GoI, or GoI might block Secret Word.
Breach strips a single target of all specific and combat protections. It does not affect spell protections. Specific protections are stuff like Chaotic Commands and Death Ward, while combat protections are stuff like Stoneskin and PfMW. The distinctions is semi-arbitrary.
Pierce Magic is much like Secret Word, except it never has a problem with GoI, regardless of mods.
Khelben's Warding Whip removes a single spell protection per round for 3 rounds, provided the spell protections is of level 8 or lower, which is pretty nifty.
Ruby Ray of Reversal removes a single spell protection, regardless of level. This means it's the lowest-level spell that can deal with Spell Trap. It's also an Alteration spell, whereas all other magic attacks are Abjuration spells. Depending on mods, this may or may not be significant (it's mostly not significant).
Pierce Shield is an upgraded Pierce Magic, except it affects spell protections of any level and also temporarily lowers magic resistance.
Spell Strike strips the target of all spell protections regardless of level.
Obviously, higher-level spell slots are (mostly) more valuable, so if you can make do with Secret Word, you can use your level 6–9 slots on something else.
Protection from XXX Weapons, Mantle, Imp. Mantle etc.
Protection from
Some other Specific Protections are removed as well, but these are rarely noteworthy of the spell's function.
Secret Word kills one spell-specific protection spell, not including Spell Trap (L9 spell). Spells include:
Spell Deflection
Spell Turning
Globe of Invulnerability***
Pierce Magic (or w/e the Level 6 one is) and Warding Whip dispel the same list, but with different additional effects.
Ruby Ray is Secret Word, but can remove Spell Trap.
Pierce Shield (The Level 8 one) is the same but with additional effects.
Spellstrike kills everything Ruby Ray and Secret Word do, and all at once.
The L3 spells are pretty much useless at dispelling defenses later in the game, so pick Dispel Magic for self-dispelling if you take any of the three.
if lich is protected by spell shield and spell trap and pfmw you have tp use 2x ruby ray + 1x breach to hit him with weapons (3 rounds or 3 mages)
high level dispell like inquisitors 200%power will bypass everything and dispell pfmw (1round)
so inquisitor is pretty OP
also from forum knowledge those statements are only true with scsii because liches in vanilla are immune to 1-5 level spell and that means breach doesn't work all the time
can someone say if that is true in vanilla? Wisp?
Does anyone know the levels of liches in bg2 soa? that would help in dispell level math
wow this file above is great
Liches are indeed completely immune to spells of level 5 and lower, both in vanilla and in SCSII. SCSII merely added a change that allowed Breach to affect them as a special rule, so they are easier to dispel. Keep in mind that this means regular Dispel/Remove Magic never work against liches; an Inquisitor's Dispel Magic is special, because it's a "lvl 0" spell that doesn't fall into the 1-5 immunity. This is also true for both vanilla and SCSII.
Note that there are other creatures with spell immunities as well. Demi-liches I think are immune to anything of lvl8 and lower, and Rakshasa lvl6(?) and lower. Certain bosses may have immunities as well (I think I remember Demogorgon having that) but I can't say which, and to what extent exactly. These immunities are, of course, inherent abilities that cannot themself be dispelled, the way Spell Immunity could be.
Managing dispels is a crucial part of many of the difficult mods, such as SCSII. Mages are the toughest opponents, and will put up layers of stacking protections to make your life hard. Knowing which spell to use when is very important, and @Wisp's list is quite comprehensive in that regard.
I found they were great for not only attacking enemy mages but also my own team.
Minsc just got Held or Dire Charmed ? Shoot him in the butt with an arrow of Dispelling.
He'll get over it and I'll buy him some mead after the battle.
Especially in BG2 where you can buy / steal a zillion of them.
Thanks for feedback.
That's a good start. I know I found or bought more.
Even if a zillion is over the top...they are still plentiful.
You don't need an archer...just a bow. It's not like your trying to do damage.
They can easily turn a group wipe into victory.
it is not quite it+ language but i think everyone can see
arrow dispells elemental protections + potion makes guy invisible while waiting for time stop to end+ mace of disruption before new pfmw
SI:A in SCS is used primarily to stop Dispel Magic; I was under the impression that it stopped Breach as well, but it seems @zur312's testing suggests otherwise.