Cross platform saves

If we have the game for both the PC and the iPad can we use iCloud to have the same save for both platforms?
Additionally, would we have to buy two copies of the game or would the PC & Mac versions come with a code to download the iPad version (wishful thinking I know).
Additionally, would we have to buy two copies of the game or would the PC & Mac versions come with a code to download the iPad version (wishful thinking I know).
I know that save games wll be transferrable between all version of BGEE. Not sure how the iCloud thing works, but I think I saw TrentOster mention it on his twitter.
I think your second question is a negative though. It would be like asking for a code to download a PS3 version of a game if you had bought the Xbox version. But only the Overhaul guys can confirm it.
Windows does have an iCloud control panel applet, but this is more for email, calendar, etc access not for applications to access file storage.