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Cross platform saves

DreamDream Member Posts: 52
If we have the game for both the PC and the iPad can we use iCloud to have the same save for both platforms?

Additionally, would we have to buy two copies of the game or would the PC & Mac versions come with a code to download the iPad version (wishful thinking I know).


  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    I know that save games wll be transferrable between all version of BGEE. Not sure how the iCloud thing works, but I think I saw TrentOster mention it on his twitter.

    I think your second question is a negative though. It would be like asking for a code to download a PS3 version of a game if you had bought the Xbox version. But only the Overhaul guys can confirm it.
  • DreamDream Member Posts: 52
    Yea, I remember reading you could transfer saves. I was mostly wondering if it'd save into the cloud (or something) or if you'd have to use a USB to physically transfer the data back and forth.
  • PhillipDaiglePhillipDaigle Member Posts: 654
    The plan is to have iCloud support for saves between Mac OS X and your iPad. On Android tablets, we hope to use Google Drive to accomplish the same thing between Android devices.
  • DreamDream Member Posts: 52
    Would that also work with a PC if you setup iCloud on it?
  • SamielSamiel Member Posts: 156
    I'd like to know this too.
  • ZandriZandri Member Posts: 33
    No, iCoud app file storage is not available on Windows for application to use, even mac apps are restricted to only those that are distributed via the Mac App Store have access to store files in iCloud.
    Windows does have an iCloud control panel applet, but this is more for email, calendar, etc access not for applications to access file storage.
  • DreamDream Member Posts: 52
    Damn, that's unfortunate.
  • gmazcagmazca Member Posts: 60
    Question. Will you be able to transfer saves from pc to tablet if your tablet version does not have all the DLC that the pc version has? I assume that if I buy the $10 android app then I will not have access to my pc saves considering my pc version will have characters and areas that my tablet won't have access to.
  • FootFoot Member Posts: 4
    Will you be able to use Google Drive to transfer saves between Android and PC? Would it be as simple as being allowed to choose the location for all your save game files and have that location be in the Google Drive location on your computer/tablet. This feature kinda swings it for me to get both the PC and Android version (when it's out), but otherwise I would just stick with the PC version.
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