BG:EE New Class

Hey all,
It's nice to finally get a bit more detail about what's happening with BG:EE. One thing that occurs to me is that Trent mentioned there would be a new class never before seen in BG (or any other BG game) as well as a new kit. We know that the Blackguard is the new kit, but is the completely new class still on the cards?
It's nice to finally get a bit more detail about what's happening with BG:EE. One thing that occurs to me is that Trent mentioned there would be a new class never before seen in BG (or any other BG game) as well as a new kit. We know that the Blackguard is the new kit, but is the completely new class still on the cards?
I guess it should be an entirely new class, like Sorcerer and Barbarian are.
I just hope that the new content has one of 3 catagories available in BG2EE; New Evil Thief, Return of an old thief as a joinable NPC, or being able to ressurect Yoshimo (after having the Geas removed) unless they add that mod I heard about that deals with Kara-Tur. . .
Well, I think Monks and Sorcerers are 3E also, so its not like they don't have some leeway to add a 3E class.
However some new races (genasi subraces, Aasimar, Tiefling, Yuan-ti pureblood, Wood Elf, Wild Elf etc.) and classes would be nice.
Anyway adding more quests, support for some essential mods (like BG1 NPC project) seems more essential to me. But so far, that Underdark arena experience really seemed like a bad idea to me. As somebody already said, it would resemble Icewind dale (which I dislike) more than BG.
Paladins and warriors already have kits and i cant think Black Guard as a barbarian kit.
So i think it can be the new class.
Or not :P
The same goes for the slavers in the Copper coronet, cult of Eyeseeless Eye etc. I could really proceed whole day. It is slightly better in BG 1 and ToB though, but for different reasons. All-in-all I would really like to read some proofs, that would back up you "perfectly viable choice".
Warlock maybe?
So i'd say as well that most chances are it's a Fighter kit, with chances of it being a Paladin kit being less.
Oh, the EPICNESS being able to dual/multiclass with a Blackguard }:]
One new playable kit.
BG:EE will feature one new playable kit never before been seen in an IE game: the Blackguard.
So my guess is, as Trent Oster's team has intensely looked into modding, that the Blackguard kit of Dorn Il-Khan is at least inspired by this:
the sword and fist webpage says:
'This component will install the Blackguard fighter kit.
BLACKGUARD: The Blackguard epitomizes evil. The quintessential black knight, this villain carries a reputation of the foulest sort that is truly well-deserved. Consorting with fiends and serving dark deities, the blackguard is feared by all. Some people call these villains anti-Paladins due to their completely evil nature.
The comparison with Paladins is an apt one, for where the Paladin serves their deity in the name of Law and Good, to the benefit of all civilized creatures, the Blackguard does the bidding of their fell master and seeks to increase only their own power.
Blackguards may be of any Evil alignment.
- May use Lay on Hands on himself once per day, healing the Blackguard 2 hit points per level.
- May cast Detect Good and Protection from Good each 3 times per day. These are analogous to Detect Evil and Protection from Evil, except deal with Good creatures.
- From level 5, may coat his weapon in poison once per day per 6 levels. Attacks made in the next round will inject the poison into the target, dealing out 1 damage per second for 24 seconds (3 damage for the first 6 seconds). A saving throw vs. poison limits damage to 12 total.
- From level 7, may cast Animate Dead once per day. Extra uses are gained at levels 14 and 20.
- May only Specialize (2 stars) in weapons.
- May not dualclass.
- A Blackguard whose reputation exceeds 14, or ceases to be of Evil alignment, is forever cursed by his deity and loses all special powers. He is thereafter treated as a Fighter, except he is still limited to Specialization in weapons.
The Blackguard's HLA table is the same as the standard Fighter table, with the addition of Summon Fallen Deva.'
I do think that Blackguard is a Fighter kit, although i believe they will give him some spells a la Paladin and infuse his weapon with some "abilities" as well. We'll see :]