Do some BG 1 petty tricks and small exploits still work?
Member Posts: 93
Well, i was wondering if export-import tactics, converting a multiplayer save to singleplayer and vice versa as per your needs, or import-export a plethora of items using the expansion's save game to upstart characters through multiplayer still works. No cheats, only those exploits. Powergamer here, not cheater.
For example if you abuse a bug to take advantage of game mechanics to create 100,000 gold, how is that different in practise to just going to Shadowkeeper and cheating in 100,000 gold? You might as well just save yourself the time and cheat. :P
The reason I say that's cheating is that again you are doing something that is unintended, and essentially makes a major character ability entirely pointless (pick-pocket). Again, if u were so determined to successfully pick-pocket an item from somebody, why not just cheat it in with SK since the end result will be the same?
That said, with the picket-pocket situation, the game isn't implemented ideally, where the risk of getting caught is too high and, more importantly, the consequences too serious to makes a pick-pocketer reasonably effective without resorting to save-loading. I guess if play a thief who focused on pick-pocketing, I'd probably allow myself a fixed number of save-loads, like '3 attempts or give up'.
Also in the case of pickpockets being able to reload doesn't make it worthless because there are minimum scores you need (particularly in stores but also on some characters) in order to ever stand a chance of pickpocketing them regardless (getting the ring of regeneration off Ribald is a good example). I don't think its a clear cut matter.
Or doing things like killing Firebead in Candlekeep for the 2700XP, or killing Marl after talking him down for both the peaceful solution XP and the violent solution XP. (Both of these are fixed in EE, sadly)
But even when you powergame you stay within the basic game ruleset.
That aside, i got sad that Firebead was "corrected". In the original, i would always kill-export-new game-import with him, until character was max. This is not considered cheat by many players, mostly because game adjusts to your party levels, and throws at you stronger ambushes and increased numbers while travelling anyway.
But if export/import still works with items at least, this is something. "Cloning" in multiplayer enough boots of speed for everyone, among other things, solves many of the game's hindrances and annoyances (big distances, low travel speed, etc.).
I re-load on pick pocketing as it is not really working right. My thief ( with multiple potions ) gets above 150 in pickpocketing...yet still gets caught ?
If nobody reloaded...nobody would be playing this game.
Besides team wipes those are the only time I reload.
Even 'cheese' ruins the game for me. In BG 1 Vanilla, Alegernon's Cloak was brokenly powerful, allowing near unlimited charms against most opponents. As a total noob I cheesed my way to so many victories in the early game that I didn't really learn much about the combat system until I disciplined myself to only use it once a day.
As I said, pick-pocketing is the one exception where I might use limited save-load cheats cos it's too difficult right now, and the consequences for getting caught is too high.
I think it's perfectly possible for people to play with no-reloads (apart from PC death of course) if they don't try to pick-pocket.
I think that using bugs, duplicating via multi-player, cheating etc. are dishonorable and my Role Players soul hates that people who are doing this because they want better equipment or they say that the game is too hard without it. This game isn't hard even on insane with some mods that make game harder (for example Charan's Harsh Faerun Mod) and with 1 character, and this people only make excuses.
Boots of Speed + Archer = Win
It's not a bug or an exploit but I certainly consider it a petty trick. A FUN petty trick ofc.