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New "Subraces"?

deserkdeserk Member Posts: 35
It is mentioned in this quote that subraces will be added

"Baldur's Gate 2 Features

All of the additions and improvements from Baldur's Gate 2: The Shadows of Amn have been brought to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. Now you can use class kits, new subraces and classes that were previously unavailable."

Is this possible a typo or something? Because if not, that would a pretty cool nice new feature, to hopefully be able to play as a drow or a duergar possibly? :p


  • paulsifer42paulsifer42 Member Posts: 267
    I took it to just mean that you could play as all the races that you can play in BG2, but I really don't know.
  • deserkdeserk Member Posts: 35
    But it says specifically subraces (like for Elves: Moon Elf, Sun Elf, etc), rather than simply races.
  • paulsifer42paulsifer42 Member Posts: 267
    Oh, I'm just saying how I took it. I REALLY hope that they accidentally let something leak because those kind of subraces would be AWESOME! (I really meant to yell both of those words).
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited July 2012
    I instinctively thought they meant stuff like Half-Orc etc, since you can't play one in BG1.

    Then it hit me, there are no subraces in BG2. All are normal races available. Half-Orc is not a subrace.

    Pretty weird. I assume they meant races that existed in BG2 but not in 1.
  • Lions_fanLions_fan Member Posts: 19
    Maybe it means more "half" options.

    Although it'd be interesting to see what subraces there are under "human". :P
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    I think Mornmagor is right, but I think PhillipDaigle once mentioned that they were thinking of adding the IWD2 subraces to the game post-release.
  • HeinrichHeinrich Member Posts: 188
    The way they worded it sounds like they are adding sub races like they did with Icewind Dale 2. I'm rooting for this feature while at the same time I'm not getting my hopes up.

    If they do implement this feature, then things will start to get interesting...
  • fallen97fallen97 Member Posts: 10
    Prys for drow, Prys for drow, Prys for drow, Prys for drow
  • KukarachaKukaracha Member Posts: 256
    I for one hope that they're only talking about BG2 races. Adding subraces could possibly be game breaking in terms of stat, plot and lore.
  • gmazcagmazca Member Posts: 60
    fallen97 said:

    Prys for drow, Prys for drow, Prys for drow, Prys for drow

    I could imagine some inconsistencies in the story if Drow were playable. Gorion brings an infant Drow to Candlekeep and raises it with no problem from the villagers? A half-orc is pushing it but even half-orcs are a bit human. A Drow doesn't stand a chance...unless they're Drizzt, and even he has a rough go of it lol.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    I am hoping adding subraces means what it says and subraces are playable, though my lore-skill about Faerûn isn't high enough to know what options there are in the Swordcoast and what I'd like most.

    But there's a subrace mod for Tutu and I was fairly disappointed to find out on the fora it was so bugged, I didn't even want to risk installing it.
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    i'v played some D&D back in the days with the bg2 rule set, but since it was my first pnp game i didnt think much of subraces and such....Did they release books the covered the sub races? for that ruleset?... if so i hope thats what we are gona see here.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,424
    I'm not sure what the AD&D subraces were for Faerun, but here's the list from the 3.0 Campaign Setting:

    - Human
    - Half-Elf
    - Half-Drow
    - Half-Orc

    - Shield Dwarf (Default)
    - Gold Dwarf
    - Duergar (LA +2)

    - Moon Elf (Default)
    - Sun Elf
    - Wild Elf
    - Wood Elf
    - Drow (LA +2)

    - Rock Gnome (Default)
    - Svirfneblin (LA +3)

    - Lightfoot Halfling (Default)
    - Ghostwise Halfling
    - Strongheart Halfling

    - Aasimar (LA +1)
    - Tiefling (LA +1)

    - Air Genasi (LA +1)
    - Earth Genasi (LA +1)
    - Fire Genasi (LA +1)
    - Water Genasi (LA +1)

    Since Half-Orcs themselves are introduced as a playable race since 3rd edition, I guess that's the line that would be followed if they added additional subraces.

    Naturally, Aasimar, Tieflings and Genasi won't be included as they're new races, not new subraces.

    Duergar, Drow and Svirfneblin are more powerful (represented in 3rd edition by LA, which is not an option for BGEE), so if they were included, their powers would have to be toned down to remain balanced.

    Overall, I don't see a lot of use for including the entire list, and I'd rather see two or three options worked out well, than a large list that wouldn't feel special at all, since they are so similar.
  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    Anything non dwarven is an automatic sub-race to me...
  • charnamecharname Member Posts: 13
    I remember how i felt lame when i saw other Bhaalspawns. A half-dragon, a fire giant and a drow. But in the end i enjoyed beating them as a human more. So i don't think it is necessary to add drow but other not so powerful subraces like sun elf or wood elf would be cool.
  • AlparonAlparon Member Posts: 58
    I believe the subraces mod from BG2 could be included in BGEE
  • AlparonAlparon Member Posts: 58
    And yes I wouldn't like to be a fire giant but I would very much like to be an Aasimar Paladin. I mean even if you are Gorion's Ward, the people of Candlekeep would say: "What the heck is a drow doing here", right :)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited July 2012
    I wouldn't mind the adding of a lot of the subraces into the game, but including Drow especially in the game seems like it would be problematic to me. I mean apart from drizzt aren't they generally universally reviled on the surface? Unless people had heard of you in neighbouring cities, which is possible in BG1since you grew from infancy there, it still wouldn't resolve the issue in a places like athkatla (where most have not heard of you). It seems like in the case of a Drow protagonist the game would have a Skyrim-esque lack of racism towards the protagonist. I mean, having Viconia in your party after all does at times result in people you are helping responding to the presence of a Drow in your party.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    Iwd2 was my ideal of customisation in this kind of games. I hope that all the subraces will be in bg1. But if not, that ok, the game is still great.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,424
    Drow, when done correctly, would also be overpowered with their spell resistance (unless it's a permanent effect that can't be negated and prevents the effects of healing/buff spells, which feels kind of weird).

    Duergar, Svirftneblin and Tieflings would suffer from the same issues.

    Aasimar would be a cool addition, but they would be slightly unbalanced, I think. They could use the human graphics, as Aasimar are technically humans with a divine ancestor a few generations ago.

    I guess most of the basic races could be implemented without much problems, as they bear little effect upon the game. Even half-drow could work quite well, if half-orcs were included, as they would suffer from more or less the same social stigma.
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    A somewhat related thread is this

    The dev team may want to add a certain race or sub race but their hands may be tied by licensing agreements.
  • SolyarisSolyaris Member Posts: 24
    they could just not include drow/aasimar/tiefling/duergar/svirfneblin as playable races for the main adventure. it's enough of an oddity that one of the two candlekeep bhaalspawn would be a gnome or halfling, there's just no way to make it a drow without substantive changes to the dialogue in both games, or they use a stupid plot device that loses the point of being a drow (ie Gorion made a ring of illusion for you).
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    To be able to play as a drow or gold elf, life would be good.
  • AtianAtian Member Posts: 32
    edited July 2012
    Some details excluded I don't see the problem with the Drow subrace. I mean that since Gorion rescued the ward when this was a child and Charname was raised in Candlekeep outside the normal Drow society, wouldn't it make sense that if not overly good then at least Charname would develop a neutral alignment while growing up. And there are also few non-evil Drow communities on the surface for an example the Eilistraee worshippers living near Waterdeep.
  • Leaf_EaterLeaf_Eater Member Posts: 71
    Oh man bringing Aasimar's into BG2 will create a lot of human-friendly parties..
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    Even if they did not implement it themselves, for one reason or another, if they could open up the possibility so that modders could come in and add in sub races that would be awesome enough for me.
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