New "Subraces"?

It is mentioned in this quote that subraces will be added
"Baldur's Gate 2 Features
All of the additions and improvements from Baldur's Gate 2: The Shadows of Amn have been brought to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. Now you can use class kits, new subraces and classes that were previously unavailable."
Is this possible a typo or something? Because if not, that would a pretty cool nice new feature, to hopefully be able to play as a drow or a duergar possibly?
"Baldur's Gate 2 Features
All of the additions and improvements from Baldur's Gate 2: The Shadows of Amn have been brought to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. Now you can use class kits, new subraces and classes that were previously unavailable."
Is this possible a typo or something? Because if not, that would a pretty cool nice new feature, to hopefully be able to play as a drow or a duergar possibly?

Then it hit me, there are no subraces in BG2. All are normal races available. Half-Orc is not a subrace.
Pretty weird. I assume they meant races that existed in BG2 but not in 1.
Although it'd be interesting to see what subraces there are under "human". :P
If they do implement this feature, then things will start to get interesting...
But there's a subrace mod for Tutu and I was fairly disappointed to find out on the fora it was so bugged, I didn't even want to risk installing it.
- Human
- Half-Elf
- Half-Drow
- Half-Orc
- Shield Dwarf (Default)
- Gold Dwarf
- Duergar (LA +2)
- Moon Elf (Default)
- Sun Elf
- Wild Elf
- Wood Elf
- Drow (LA +2)
- Rock Gnome (Default)
- Svirfneblin (LA +3)
- Lightfoot Halfling (Default)
- Ghostwise Halfling
- Strongheart Halfling
- Aasimar (LA +1)
- Tiefling (LA +1)
- Air Genasi (LA +1)
- Earth Genasi (LA +1)
- Fire Genasi (LA +1)
- Water Genasi (LA +1)
Since Half-Orcs themselves are introduced as a playable race since 3rd edition, I guess that's the line that would be followed if they added additional subraces.
Naturally, Aasimar, Tieflings and Genasi won't be included as they're new races, not new subraces.
Duergar, Drow and Svirfneblin are more powerful (represented in 3rd edition by LA, which is not an option for BGEE), so if they were included, their powers would have to be toned down to remain balanced.
Overall, I don't see a lot of use for including the entire list, and I'd rather see two or three options worked out well, than a large list that wouldn't feel special at all, since they are so similar.
Duergar, Svirftneblin and Tieflings would suffer from the same issues.
Aasimar would be a cool addition, but they would be slightly unbalanced, I think. They could use the human graphics, as Aasimar are technically humans with a divine ancestor a few generations ago.
I guess most of the basic races could be implemented without much problems, as they bear little effect upon the game. Even half-drow could work quite well, if half-orcs were included, as they would suffer from more or less the same social stigma.
The dev team may want to add a certain race or sub race but their hands may be tied by licensing agreements.