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[Request] UI - Button Display On/Off

VortakaVortaka Member Posts: 173
Well, since you are working on a new UI, I was wondering if some UI Button "toggle" options would be possible... I tweaked the original BGEE UI (took me a while to figure out how to) so that the Save and Help buttons are gone... The new UI might be great, but there may still be buttons that do not have their place in the interface.

So, to add a user interface tab in the option menu (with switches and toggles or such) or simply take the info from an ini (text) file would be great so that, who ever you are and what ever you want the UI to show or hide, it would be easy to modify... (Instead of messing around with files you don't know anything about... I think if my memory serves me right that I modded the "guiw10.chu" file...).
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