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Calm down, my friends!

WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
There's a lot of hate coming out from ya'll now the game is on pre-order mode and some feature details are up.

Now I knew I could not expect much. Due to lost core artwork, copyright issues and original content not altered, I'm happy with the turnout. Mind you, I did expect more content. However, I am sure more will become available and that not ALL FEATURES have been listed.

The main quest sounds great, more Underdark travelling with my hottie Viconia FOR THE WIN. The engine has been updated to ToB status (I think, it says SoA on the website), resolutions are here and plenty of updates have been made.

Now listen here, you know why I'm happy with EE? It's because now I have less to mod. Even if BG:EE was just BG2 Engine and the resolutions I'd be happy. I just want less to do to enjoy my game. I'm not paying for bonus content (but I'll take all I can get), I'm paying for PERMANENT MODDED GAME.

What do you think everybody?


  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    "Please, relax, and keep your weapons at your sides!"
    I agree, the engine fixes and hardcoded bug fixing are a pretty big prize. Bonus content looks interesting and fun too and I haven't seen any reason to doubt the dev team.
  • RhinjavarRhinjavar Member Posts: 23
    I agree completely. I think many people are in an uproar because they were expecting some sort of major overhaul of the entire game, but then it wouldn't be Baldur's Gate, would it? Considering the original game is A+ material anyway, these current enhancements only improve upon that grade further by adding small, but notable content updates, fixing bugs and errors, and just beefing up an already beefy game. It's like they took my cake and gave me a scoop of vanilla ice-cream to go with it. The purpose of this project was never to redesign the game, otherwise it would be known as Baldur's Gate: Redesigned Edition. What they have are enhancements and enhancements only. I am very happy with the turnout because it will allow me to play my original Baldur's Gate, but with a new coat of paint and a few bonus features. :)
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    They keep complaining that a 'Black Pits', because it's a dungeon crawl, is a gimic. Come on, if they don't have the rights to create new content for old NPCs (unless they are in a new area), there isn't much for them to do.

    I'm a cynical git, so because I trust these guys they must be genuine.

    The amount of work required to create whole new villages with new NPCs, quests, characters and storylines would be huge. A dungeon crawl is GENIUS BECAUSE it gives hours of gameplay, easy to plan and write, and new bosses are available. There's only three bosses in Baldur's Gate.
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    edited July 2012

    No, you are correct. Under no circumstances should dungeon crawls be the height of BG content.

    It's great for a virgin release, but any future areas/quests/stuff has to be more inventive. I don't want to download heaps of bonus dungeons, after this I will expect a bit more yes.
  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    People are jumping the gun, we don't know how much story will be in the black pits.
  • HeinrichHeinrich Member Posts: 188
    While I have some disappointments that certain features won't be implemented due to contract limits, I'm still excited for the game to come out.

    When I first learned about this edition, I made a feature wishlist and about half was is being implemented while the other was not implemented. I will admit, I use to have big expectations until I found this forum

    What would make the game so much better is having a system where you can download and install mods similar to Fallout 3 and New Vegas. If it were to be that easy then I would just simply add in more quest and area mods to recoup my losses on expectations.

    We are only seeing a beta version of the game and not the final product and we have two months to see if any more features are added before the release as well as the post-launch DLC. Let's criticize the game AFTER we play the it.
  • GridianGridian Member Posts: 50
    I do not understand. I want Baldur's Gate the game (as it was back in the day) with enhanced optical stuff and running on my systems.
    That is what i am getting here, so I am completely happy - and I will buy the game for IOS as well as IPad too for the off chance of Baldur's Gate III.
    'nuff said :)
  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    I have paid $36 mainly for the slightest hope for BG3(or another Faerun D&D game) and as bonus i get BG1EE with minimal bugs/glitches.
    A fair trade when i saw one!
  • morgy321morgy321 Member Posts: 36
    well lets just say give the devs creddit for doing what no one else botherd to do

    make bg playable again on new computers nothing more needs to be told
  • AceofWandsAceofWands Member Posts: 33
    Well there are always going to be disappointed people no matter what you do. People who feel the neeed to complain and continue to complain would probably be better off hawking their pearly on modding sites. What is done is done. I've been playing this game longer than most I'd imagine and I'm happy and have pre-ordered.

    And let me repeat what has already been said - all credit to Overhaul for making the (by no means trivial) effort to actually do this.
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    I don't think they have been disingenuous about what was going to be offered, it is far better to be constructive about what people want to see in the future.
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599
    Cadros said:

    I don't think they have been disingenuous about what was going to be offered, it is far better to be constructive about what people want to see in the future.

    That's the main thing, they've said from the start exactly what this enhancement is going to be, so those that didn't bother to look into it have every right to be disappointed with what they were imagining not being implemented I suppose, but there's no good reason to be so overly critical.
  • MedillenMedillen Member Posts: 632
    My only deception lies with the loss of the art asset, but it is old news :). Considering that, I've think they are on the right track. C'mon BeamDog is not an EA war machine, they have a small team. Yet, that small team seems to make a more then excellent job.

    Because people have been playing with mods for a decade, they don't realize the huge amount of work it was to corrects bugs without ripping of mods. Small team, yet exceptionally motivated I dare say. Working on multiple platforms ? And revisited multiplayer ? That's great ! Three new voiced NPC ? Additional features on the UI ? I love you ! And more, some new areas and a tactical challenge ? New music and animations ? Marry me, I'll be your spouse until BG2EE (and then I'll be a no life hahaha).

    I already know I won't regret any penny I'll give. For the 40+ times I've completed the game, for the countless hours, what, DAYS, WEEKS I've been on this game.

    And if I see any more whining, I'll chain the sinner in front of a PC, with a C++ handbook and dare him to do better. The least they could do is recognize the hard work, dammit.
  • KukarachaKukaracha Member Posts: 256
    Great thread. You've got to show some love to the devs, they did an excellent job and it should be underlined that most of the criticism they received is over additional content (if you don't like it, don't play it) and pricing (which is easily explainable).

    I too am disappointed, in the end, that no HD is possible, and that the original content remains mostly untouched, but what can they do about it? I will take anything I can get.

    The team has already proved that it is sincerely passionate about this project. What more can we ask?
  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    I guess people are still disappointed that old content had to be left untouched.
  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    I was pleasantly surprised by the recent info actually. I was expecting less. Plus android support, yes!
  • OrfuOrfu Member Posts: 5
    BG:EE was never going to be an entirely new adventure. The most important thing for me is that I'm praying this will send a clear enough message that this dev team should be greenlighted to develop Baldur's Gate 3. Also, bear in mind that if this turns into a succes, the BG2: EE will only be better. The team will have a stronger position from which to negotiate their terms of making the EE. Also, I'm not entirely sure about this, but I reckon artwork/sprites for BG2 have NOT been lost in the underdark?

    I myself embrace this game, I'm looking forward to playing BG again, and I'm in a constant struggle with myself not to install the original and start playing now.

    Heads up for the dev team and let this be the start of a chivalrous stride towards BG2:EE and.. BG3!
  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    I'm pretty damn sure the contract already included BG2:EE, so no matter how successful they will be, the contract keeps them out of classic content.
    BG3 is something completely different.
  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    @mch202 "In any case my point is, that some people will always find a reason to complain..."
    them wise words, you cant please everyone.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,424
    Maciak87 said:

    In other words, they did what was easiest and cheapest to do.

    Is it ever really right with you?

    If they don't spend a lot of time on it, you blame them for not spending more time on it.

    If they do spend a lot of time on it, you blame them that that time could've been invested better otherwise.

    Instead of just bashing on every single thing, how about you come up with a constructive, detailed layout of what should be added, keeping both the limitations of their contract in mind, as well as the limitations of their smaller workteam. While you're at it, don't forget you want to satisfy both those that like new content, as well as those that like to see their game untouched.
  • gesellegeselle Member Posts: 325
    edited July 2012
    @Ward No offense, but the greatest RPG series "of all times", and one addition is a standalone arena which is combat focused?! And you call it genius? Seriously, to me it seems wrong, dead wrong. The Pit doesn't live up to the Baldur's Gate series.

    Edit: Just to clear things up, i know there will be another additional adventure, fitting into the storyline
  • AlparonAlparon Member Posts: 58
    well it's Baldur's Gate... How bad could it be?

    I think it's gonna be awesome no matter what
  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    edited July 2012
    Its good to see people started to play the game, experince The Black Pits and making detailed critics with solid proofs.
    Or they are The masters of divination. Could you tell me first 6 numbers that enter your mind, pretty please?
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    cyberarmy said:

    Its good to see people started to play the game, experince The Black Pits and making detailed critics with solid proofs.

  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    Trent et al are not running with a huge budget, and they have not led you to believe there would be anything included which has not been included. As has been said repeatedly this is a spring board for more isometric games, with possibly a whole new game in the future, but in order for that to happen they will have to prove to investors there is demand for this. As it is they are overhauling an old and rather fantastic isometric game adding the few things that they can while within the constraints of time and money, and most importantly what the license holders will let them do.

  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253

    If you are going to criticise then do it within the spirit of good will that the company has consistently shown towards both the game and its fans, your paltry name calling and insults only serve to make a mockery of yourself.

    The improvements to the engine should not be underestimated and will allow for much greater modding capability which will likely deliver a plethora of mods to cater for all tastes within a couple of years, I suggest you wait a few years before buying the enhanced edition so that it will be both cheaper and better accommodated by mods, as it seems you are currently extremely upset by how you think the company has acted and how you feel the game is going to be.

    Apologies for the double post the forum won't let me post it in one go
  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    Jean_Luc said:

    cyberarmy said:

    Its good to see people started to play the game, experince The Black Pits and making detailed critics with solid proofs.


    Sorry captain but i cannot decide about a book only by reading its cover. While its risky( Twilight............) it is unfair.
    Same goes for them pits, i wont decide it fits in or not without playing it. Judging it by 4 screenies and 200 words not making any sense for me.
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2012
    cyberarmy said:

    Sorry captain but i cannot decide about a book only by reading its cover. While its risky( Twilight............) it is unfair.
    Same goes for them pits, i wont decide it fits in or not without playing it. Judging it by 4 screenies and 200 words not making any sense for me.

    Of course you can't decide. But you can make informed guesses and discuss, can't you? You can have initial impressions, thoughts...these things are allowed.

    You don't judge a book by its cover but you find out what it's about, read the synopsis and decide which books are more worth your time even though you can never be 100% sure.

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