Marvel's characters alignment
in Off-Topic
Let's make a list of the various Marvel's heroes and villains with what we think they are their alignments.
I'll just do the Avengers
Thor: Neutral Good
Iron Man: Chaotic Good
Captain America: Lawful Good
Black Widow: Neutral Good
Hawk Eye: Neutral Good
Hulk: Chaotic Neutral
Magneto:Lawful Evil.
Red Skull:Chaotic Evil.
Loki:Neutral Evil.
Galactus:True Neutral.
Norman Osborn: Lawful Evil(Iron Patriot), Neutral Evil(as himself), Chaotic Evil(as Goblin).
Venom: True Neutral(Eddie Brock), Chaotic Evil(Mac Gargan).
Carnage: Chaotic Evil.
Bullseye: Chaotic Evil.
Thanos:Neutral Evil.
Daken:Chaotic Evil.
Ultron:Lawful Evil.
Spider Man : Neutral Good
A lot of this stuff is highly debatable, and in fact, sometimes discussions about it can get rather heated, especially with certain DC comics characters. (Batman, I'm looking at *you*.)
Let's see if I can think of any that haven't been mentioned.
Professor X: Lawful Good
Jean Grey/Phoenix: Lawful Good/Chaotic Evil
Cyclops: Neutral Good
Pyro: Chaotic Neutral (leaning Evil)
Iceman: True Neutral (leaning Good)
Rogue: Chaotic Neutral (leaning Good)
Gambit: Chaotic Neutral
Punisher: Lawful Neutral
Beast: Lawful Good
Sabretooth: Chaotic Evil
Mystique: Chaotic Neutral
Bruce Banner/Hulk: Lawful Good/Chaotic Neutral
Loki: Chaotic Evil ("the trickster", dominated by his impulses, and love of power for its own sake)
Odin: Lawful Neutral (leaning Good)
The Watcher: True Neutral
Even though Galactus could technically be seen as True Neutral, (from his own point of view), if you live on one of the planets he decides to eat, I think you're going to see him as Chaotic Evil.
Reed Richards: Lawful Good
Susan Storm-Richards: Lawful Good
Johnny Storm - Chaotic Neutral (leaning Good)
Ben Grimm - Chaotic Good
Anybody who's a huge fan of any of these characters might want to argue about my interpretations of them. Some of these characters are so complex, they don't fit neatly into the D&D alignment scheme.
Professor X tended to be quite a dick on occasions. Leaning heavily to Lawful Neutral.
Wolverine would quite fit a Chaotic Good ranger, but leaning heavily into the Neutral territory (his fits of rage and morally-questionable choices)
Deadpool is a masterfully done Chaotic Neutral loonie.
So, Hulk is more complicated than you think. Interestingly, Planet Hulk Hulk was Neutral Good- he chose to free the people of Sakaar because they were being mistreated by those in charge (and yes, he was one of those who was being mistreated, but still...). When he was made King, he was ready to settle down with Caiera- until she was killed by the Spaceship the Illuminati had sent Hulk to the planet in, along with their unborn child. When he comes back to Earth for World War Hulk, he's more Neutral, but enraged- he defeats many Superheroes, but when he attacks the X-mansion because Xavier (who was part of the Illuminati, but wasn't one of the people who sent him off in the Spaceship) says he would have agreed with the decision. But spares him when he learns of M-Day, thinking that Xavier was punished enough.
And when he learns who really caused the Spaceship to explode and caused Caiera's death, he calls off his war and allows himself to be captured, so even here, I can't really see him as evil, or even Chaotic. Hulk doesn't set out to cause Chaos- it's a byproduct of his overpowering rage and immense strength.
Yes, Bruce Banner and the Hulk have problems with anger. But I don't think that this makes them evil or generally even CN. It's not like it's something he can help, necessarily. He's damaged inside by his upbringing (abusive father leading to him being passive and thus being seen as a target by bullies and strongwilled people), and his moments of rage don't necessarily mean he's chaotic as the Hulk. Neutral, yes, but mindless Hulk is not Chaotic Neutral.