>Anyone else having problems uploading an image to their profile?
So far I have figured out that you can't use .bmp format.
You also can not adjust the look of little square profile picture if you are uploading non-square (I have used 110x170 bg’s avatar) image for the large picture in your profile.
For image uploads, I used a square .jpg picture which is exactly 800X800 pixels. This is the format required by... DAO? Somewhere. Actually they use the .png format, but those dimensions, I think. Anyway I tried it since our default icons are square, and it added the picture as the portrait immediately. Then you get a new badge which looks like a BG spell icon. :-)
So, I'm really not sure what the problem was, the only thing I did was use the exact same picture I tried using yesterday, but this time on a different computer.
But at least I finally got to change my profile pic.
EDIT: And apparently I'm also the only person that has problems making large posts. Don't really know what the problem is on my laptop.
Hi @Tanthalas, there was a short period yesterday during which profile pictures weren't updating. It has been fixed since then, which is why its working for you now
I just tried chainging my forum avatar, and it still won't let me change it if I'm using my laptop. Is there something I need to do on my end to solve this issue?
It seems to be something specific on my laptop. My Mac desktop has no problem with changing the avatar (maybe I should try making a large post on my Mac too).
>You also can not adjust the look of little square profile picture if you are uploading non-square (I have used 110x170 bg’s avatar) image for the large picture in your profile.
@System I have been able to add a photo before, but I am now unable to do so, yesterday 06/05/12 I was getting error 06, and today I am just getting the 3 dots going endlessly.
Kind of have a lot of stuff written and don't want to lose it, lol.
Managed to post the new discussion by breaking down the post into multiple small ones. Is there some kind of character limit for posts?
A similar thing happened when I was trying to post a long post.
On the hand I've seen that Aosaw has changed his profile image several times already. Its like he's mocking me
This should probably go in Bugs, incidentally. It certainly sounds like a bug.
So far I have figured out that you can't use .bmp format.
You also can not adjust the look of little square profile picture if you are uploading non-square (I have used 110x170 bg’s avatar) image for the large picture in your profile.
But at least I finally got to change my profile pic.
EDIT: And apparently I'm also the only person that has problems making large posts. Don't really know what the problem is on my laptop.
It won't work. You'll be sucked in like the rest of us.
@Tanthalas; have you cleared your cache and tried a different browser?
It seems to be something specific on my laptop. My Mac desktop has no problem with changing the avatar (maybe I should try making a large post on my Mac too).
http://forum.baldursgate.com/profile/ (Profile) -> Edit My Profile -> Edit My Thumbnail.
Screenshot: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4219570/portrait-edit.jpg