Dragon Disciple Alteration, letting us choose the color
Member Posts: 390
Is there any chance at all that we could alter the Red Dragon Disciple so that we can choose our dragon color the same way that the PnP dragon disciple lets us? Even if it meant making a separate kit for each color would work, after all, there's a separate kit for each specialist mage. What it would likely come down to is changing what element the character becomes resistant (and eventually immune to) and changing the element of the breath weapon. PnP has the shape of the breath weapon changing as well but last time I checked all dragons in BG2:ToB have the same area of effect.
While the PnP dragon disciple wasn't alignment locked you could also theoretically alignment lock the various colors as well.
While the PnP dragon disciple wasn't alignment locked you could also theoretically alignment lock the various colors as well.
The pick your own element thing though is legit, though I'm still leery of showing ANY support to non-2nd edition material.
(core monks, sorcerers, and barbarians are still 2nd edition, even if they're clearly more inspired by the 3rd edition versions...well..actually...now that I think about it...only the sorcerer really is (the 2nd edition sorcerer is a mage kit, instead of a separate class in 2nd edition). The Barbarian and Monk are damn close to their 2nd Edition versions, with just biowares stupid design choices making them different (the barbarian being extremely close, with only their rage being wrong (Sets str to 18/00 and gives them immunity to charm, sleep, command, morale break, and +4 resistance to hold/paralysis for 5 rounds. Will block 1 failed fear save, but shakes them out of their rage early).
I was given a different impression about HLA. In that case I would think this to be an interesting ability for a dragon disciple but it would likely require them to make new dragon models and would require TONS of testing to make sure you don't get stuck in hallways too small for dragons.
To tell you the truth I also am leery of non-2nd edition material. I would rather see them add NPCs or quests that uses the existing material that they already DON'T use. I mean, we have a ton of kits and very few of them are used by NPCs and we have numerous races but they seem to be mostly humans. I'm not a 2nd-edition guru but I will say that if they are going to add more kits or races then it should be based on 2nd-edition, not 3rd and beyond.
And if one more person says 'Dragonborn' I'm going to punch them in the throat.
Oh yeah, and THIS: I would like to see more spells that utilize more elements added to the game.
Also, I am looking for the base dragon colors: Black, Blue, Green, Red, White, Brass, Bronze, Copper, Gold, and Silver. You know, the ones that the original Dragon Disciple had access to. From a mechanical standpoint it will only influence what element we want to be immune to but it matters somewhat from a role-playing standpoint and could serve as a beginning for some additional quests revolving around dragons.
But I think the main issue is, due to Bioware F'ing up all the current kits with either grossly overpowered or underpowered mechanics they probably aren't sure it's worth the effort of trying to adapt them, where as 3rd edition prestige classes are already broken and not meant to be used as base classes, making them fit right in with the other overpowered garbage.
Hmm... this has gotten my gears turning. I need to start doing to writing now.
My F/D nerf request actually has some indepth changes to druids in general mixed in, including making the shapeshifting forms more useful, adding some missing passives druids are supposed to have, and bringing the kits closer to a PnP level of balance.
Even I'll admit that some of the real penalties or benefits don't really fit with BG, but the way they're being handled is just wrong, especially in cases where the kits are completely superior to the base class. (Bards, Paladin, druid, fighter, cleric. Thief and Mage are also outdone by kits, but not quite to the degree of the others, the BH is the only thief kit that is simply better, trading a minor skill penalty (slightly offset by a +15 bonus to set trap) for double traps. The Swashbuckler on the other hand becomes flat out better at the end (and is another class I list as broken) but is lack luster during the early game due to slow acquisition of bonuses, vs a thief just BSing the enemy for x4-5 damage, at least till late SoA and beyond when BS becomes nearly useless or not worth the effort of trying to set up. Mages on the other hand are generally outdone by the Conjurer who loses divination instead of evocation, of which only true-sight is an actual loss (and can be easily compensated by a host of different means, and even then is only situationally useful).
Kits are just supposed to add additional flavor to class, not replace it outright, and need a roughly equal penalty for every bonus they offer to make the player really make a choice whether or not they should play a kit due to it's flavor/playstyle over the vanilla class.