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More PnP-ish Wish Spell (work in progress)

Static list of options, though wisdom and intelligence can affect the success of rate of some wishes.

(after several calculations I've finally come to a 2nd edition appropriate xp cost for spells that age the caster/recipient as a penalty, in lieu of an aging mechanic.)

Requires a minimum of 100,000 xp to use Wish or the Genie refuses to talk to the caster and despawns.

[Raise a stat by 1 - Costs 100,000 xp]
(Creates an invulnerable gas-cloud that anyone can speak to (lasts 1 turn or until an option is selected).

Brings up a dialog box with options for each stat.
Current stat : Result
14 or less = +1 stat
15 = +1 stat - 100,000
16 = +1 stat - 200,000 xp
17 = +1 stat - 300,000 xp
18 = +1 stat - 400,000
19 = +1 stat - 500,000 xp
20 = +1 stat - 600,000 xp
21 = +1 stat - 700,000 xp
22 = +1 stat - 800,000 xp
23 = +1 stat - 900,000 xp
24 = +1 stat - 1,000,000 xp
25 = N/A
If the user has less xp then required to pay the cost, that stat isn't displayed, also stats at 25 aren't displayed.

[Wish-Rest - Costs 100,000 xp]

Base success chance = 10%. +5% success rate for every point of intelligence and wisdom above 14.

Success = whole party is restored as if rested.
Failure = All party spells and abilities are expended, all party buffs under 8 hours are dispelled, and the party is immediately fatigued.

[Mass Heal - Costs 100,000 xp]

Base Success chance 30%. +5% per point of intelligence and wisdom over 14.

Success = Casts heal on the entire party
Failure = Casts Harm on the entire party

[Mass Raise - Costs 100,000 xp]

Base Success chance 40%. +5% per point of Intelligence and Wisdom above 14.

Success = All dead party members are raised, as per the spell Raise Dead.
Failure = Normal/easy - Spell fizzles. Core and above - Dead party members are removed from the party.

[2x Time-Stop with IA - Costs 100,000 xp]

Base success chance = 0%. +5% success rate for every point of intelligence and wisdom above 14.

Success = Double strength time stop and IA applied to the caster.
Failure = Caster is paralyzed for 2d4 rounds, no save, by-passes all protections. Can't be dispelled.

[Wealth - Costs 100,000 xp]

Base Success chance 50%. +5% success rate for every point of intelligence and wisdom above 14.

Success = Adds 25,000 gold to party funds
Fail = Takes 25,000 gold from party funds

[Wands - Costs 100,000 xp]
Creates 3 fully charged random wands from the list below

1 - Fire
2 - Lightning
3 - Fear
4 - Sleep
5 - Summoning
6 - Cloudkill
7- Paralysis
8 - Magic Missiles
9 - Frost


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    did you know that in 3.5 edition dnd, if you cast a wish spell to use magic missile, that would cost you 5000xp, and because of that, I think wish is bogus, miracle is so much better because there is actually some options that don't drain xp
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Yeah....but who would actually cast Wish to do that? Besides Wish is MUCH more powerful and less restricted then Miracle is. Wishes are pretty much just adding stat points, adding abilities to magic items you can't create normally (Wish allows you to ignore race/alignment requirements when crafting items), reversing REALLY nasty effects or deaths with no other options.....or if you're a gambling man, trying to convince the DM your custom Wish is within the limits of what the spell can do by presenting evidence of it working in official sources.

    Most of the Miracle results require it to be in line with your Deity's portfolio/goal/personality or it'll be denied out of hand. (like being a cleric of a good deity and trying to cast an [evil] spell with Miracle would be denied).

    Though that is a little cheap they amended it's 3.0 Miracle had a minimum xp cost no matter what, but in 3.5 they let it replicate spells for free.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    I hate the way on how they did experience in 3.0/3.5 its so hard to award hoc xp without it sounding belittling, so I use the fighter table xp for level ups and anything that costs xp is multiplied by 10, its not perfect, but it works for me
  • blackchimesblackchimes Member Posts: 323
    So... what stops me from Wishing up my stats over and over until they're all 25? The weakest of enemies in ToB drop 3k XP each...
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    If you're willing to go that far, by all means. Though it'd be much faster to just SKer your stats if you're going to go that route, since farming enemies is a cheese tactic bordering on cheating anyway. Takes just shy of 5 million to raise a single stat from 18 to 25.

    The other option is making Wish reduce Con permanently by 5 per Wish...which even I feel that's excessive.
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