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Reputation tweak for evil characters/team?

Hi all,

I'm a big fan of flawed heroes and anti-heroes, I find their characters quite interesting and in some cases a bit more realistic , as many folk nowadays would probably fit into the lawful evil alignment etc (Own gains and prospects first etc)

However, one thing that has always annoyed me is the reputation system and how playing 'evil' guys makes it annoying to complete quests etc as you have to act like a complete ass hole, if you want your group to stay happy, and not just an anti-hero who still does the right things at the end of the day but isn't a goody goody.

Therefore are there any mods that sort this out for the rep system? e.g Evil people are happy with a higher rep or alternatively do not leave or moan?

I tried one before a while back but it didnt seem to work as it was designed for old BG



  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    The easy thing to do is edit happy.2da and take out the most negative values, the ones below -290. The evil characters will still complain but they won't actually leave. Of course, you could set all the values to 0 and then no one would complain regardless of alignment or reputation.
  • RagingOrcRagingOrc Member Posts: 63
    Awesome, may have a gander. Thanks
  • JaggedJagged Member Posts: 105
    Any chance you can explain how I edit the happy.2da file? I can't seem to did it and I'm having the same issue.

  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    edited September 2013
    If you have Near Infinity then it is very easy--open NI, open the 2DA section, find happy.2da, and edit the numbers. I wish I could make it even simpler but I cannot. If you do not have Near Infinity then you may get it here

    Failing that, I could upload the happy.2da file I am using but it still lets good characters leave if rep is too low and evil characters leave if rep is too high; the only change I really use is making it so that neutral characters give their "happy" dialogue when reputation is between 8 and 13.
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