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The Black Pit - Replay Value & Random Elements

RisingsunRisingsun Member Posts: 99
I was just wondering how much replay value there is in The Black Pits. Does the replay value stem from trying out different mixes of classes in your party? Going through again with friends?

Or is there some randomization in the enemies you encounter in these arena fights? So that every time you play through The Black Pit you aren't quite sure what kind of enemies you'll face in the pits, making it a different challenge every time you go through.
Post edited by Risingsun on


  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    Maybe our enemies can change depending our aligment, like if we made a full evil party we fight against good clerics and paladins?
    Or maybe there is a random party pool for every level? This can prevent "best party" thingy.
    And i hope there will be some traps on the ground for both teams, also if they can "Release the hounds" or unleashes the lions?
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2012
    I seriously doubt there's randomization but there could be different outcomes to the adventure maybe? I expect it's mostly about trying out different party combinations and multiplayer.
  • RisingsunRisingsun Member Posts: 99
    edited July 2012
    Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean full on randomization like a Diablo game. I mean maybe a few variants the game can throw at you in a given encounter. For example, the first encounter can throw a handful of swordsmen at you, or some undead enemies, or a giant troll, etc.

    Oh and I really like @cyberarmy 's idea too.
  • Leaf_EaterLeaf_Eater Member Posts: 71
    As far as replayability, if the black pits live up to the spirit of Baldurs Gate, I'll probably go through them 10+ times.

    I would like to see a variant of randomization in it though.
  • LediathLediath Member Posts: 125
    I would LOOOOVE to see some level of randomness in TBP :)
  • GridianGridian Member Posts: 50
    Did even the first Baldur's Gate not scale with your party level? Therefore the enemies should be more or less randomized throughout the game, which again would mean that the enemies in the black pits should be randomized.
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