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Help for a new Baldur's Gate Play

So first time every playing this game. I bought it on Steam. Loaded it up and went to play through the tutorial and noticed that something wasn't right. I don't know if this is a bug or what but. Highlights. I only have them in the inventory screen. They don't exist anywhere else. I don't get the blue/red highlight indicator when paused to tell good from bad. I don't get red trap highlights to tell me if I have seen a trap. The trap one in fact pretty much stopped the tutorial cold since I was incapable of moving on and the 'you haven't found the trap yet' message just kept spamming even though I had been searching for close to a half hour for it. Do I just have a setting done wrong or is this an actual bug like I'm thinking it is?


  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    I'm not sure what you mean by "highlights".

    To find a trap, you have to use a thief's ability "search", and when the thief finds the trap it will be outlined in red. Were you doing that? Finding traps isn't something you manually do, which is what your post sounds like you're doing.
  • MystRunnerMystRunner Member Posts: 8
    Yes the outline. I had the thief sitting there for close to 30 minutes searching for the trap and I never ever got an outline in red. And like I said when the game is paused I also don't get the good guy bad guy indicator circles under the characters even when the only setting I can find for that is set at max.
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Unfortunately, I'm about to crash and don't have easy access to my desktop computer. If somebody hasn't figured this out by tomorrow, I'll fire up the tutorial and see if I can replicate what's going on for you.

    In the meantime, it might help to post a couple screenshots showing what, exactly, you're doing. Despite the Enhanced Edition updates this is still an old game, and the controls are sometimes counter-intuitive.
  • MystRunnerMystRunner Member Posts: 8
    I will get some screen shots up then for others to have a look at. This issue is just frustrating and it seems to make the game harder to play.
  • MystRunnerMystRunner Member Posts: 8
    Here's some screen shots. I don't want to spam the page with a bunch of large pictures so they are links instead. There are notes on the Images detailing what has been going on with the game.

    Settings that Control the Markers set to Max

    Missing markers under guys while game is paused. Same thing happens if traps are found I don't ever get a red outline.

    Tried to find the trap but after 10 times of this message popping up I was getting more then a little annoyed. In a previously abandoned attempt the trap was laying in the middle of the floor and never did get outlined for me to know it had been found. My thief skill also didn't give the appropriate tool tip to show that I could disarm it.

    Also started a new single player game just to check for character markers there and NOPE still none.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    What kind of graphics card/chipset are you using?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,006
    it looks like you are having some graphic anomalies in those screen shot, as @CaptRory is indicating you might be having a graphic card/ chipset issue, is your drivers up to date with your graphic card?
  • MystRunnerMystRunner Member Posts: 8
    Yeah drivers are up to date. But I guess I'll go back and check them again in the morning.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    It could just be generally incompatible with the game. There are some work arounds. For example, I need to start the game in a window then I can make it full screen once its running otherwise my game is just a black screen 95% of the time.
  • MystRunnerMystRunner Member Posts: 8
    attempted that work around issues still there. I'm wondering if it is the fact that the lap top I'm running it on has an intel chipset. Which is odd because the game plays for the most part just fine and the few other graphical anomalies i have I can live with. But this one thing which to me seems to be rather important for being able to even play the game isn't.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    That's a bit of a shame. I play all games with a laptop too, it's pretty old, but has a nice Nvidia graphics chip, so I've never noticed any problems. I think it's just the Intel integrated chips that seem to be incompatible. I hope it's resolved for BG 2 EE, cos I imagine those chips are quite common on budget laptops.
  • Intel IGPs have issues with OpenGL 2.0 (which BG:EE uses) under Windows. It's a Windows-only OpenGL API specific problem. (Some OpenGL functions are not reliably callable unless you use the WGL API, which the Intel drivers seem not to use.)
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Maybe move this over to the bug report forum? Those threads all get looked at, you might get a developer to show you a workaround or see someone with a similar issue.
  • MystRunnerMystRunner Member Posts: 8
    Okay thank you guys for this.
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