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Stats for summons and shapechange's forms ?

PalanthisPalanthis Member Posts: 283
edited September 2013 in Archive (General Discussion)
So i was searching a bit on the net for statistics of all the summons, and especially the ones which have resistances or powers (skeletons, Demons, genies...).
But also for the different forms you can achieve with the lvl9 "Shapechange " spell.

So far, i found nothing.

This thread was really good for explaining the "polymorph self" spell.
But i've found nothing for shapechange, or the summons spells.
I'm not sure if this exists somewhere or could be extracted from the game's files.

Could anyone help ? Thanks !

EDIT : i gathered some infos on the summons and the shapechange spell. See below on this thread.
Post edited by Palanthis on


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,006
    if you get BGEE keeper, you can go into the creature file and see all the summon's statistics there
  • PalanthisPalanthis Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2013
    Ok, thanks. Never actually noticed the stats were displayed on keeper.
    I guess i'll have to do some digging work then.
  • IkMarcIkMarc Member Posts: 552
    Would be nice if you could post your findings here :D
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    edited September 2013
    @Palanthis - look 'ere mate :
    I ain't 100% sure they left the same attributes fer this here Enhanced version...but it's probably close as any would say.
  • PalanthisPalanthis Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2013
    Thanks @southpaw, that's a great beginning ! now all that's really left is the summons creatures.

    @IkMarc : I will gather the info for my next playthrough, but i don't have much time right now, so i'm not sure when i'll be able to do it eventually. But meanwhile this thread can point to some valuable links ( already 2 so far ;) )
  • PalanthisPalanthis Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2013
    So i compiled what i could call a "summon guide" from this wonderful site about BG spells :


    It's a long list and i don't have the full statistics of each creature. But it's a good start and it has all the engine names of the creatures (like "DOGWASU ") which then can be used in BGEE keeper to find out more complete info.

    This concerns BG2 spells, but since BGEE uses BG2 engine, it applies also to BGEE (the only difference being the most powerful summons aren't yet available in BGEE, but will be in BG2EE).

    I need to say i left all the original commentary from the site where it came from. So all of this is not from me.

    I did this because i think it's good to compile a list for just the summons. Anyway, it' more useful to me this way. There are so many spells in this game to choose from !

    Sine it's very big i'll break it in 3 parts : introduction, divine summons, arcane summons. Hope it can be useful to some of you :)


    "Extra bodies are always a good thing; even the lowliest critter will occupy dangerous enemies for a round
    You can summon your creatures near enemies in the fog of war. The summons have their own sight radius and will go off alone, keeping the party out of the enemy's sight.

    Summons are unsummoned if the party moves to another area. Summons are already "present" when their summoning animation starts; they are just invisible and disabled.

    Level 12+ Mages or Sorcerers and level 16+ Bards are able to memorize Death Spell or Death Fog (and most will have at least one). Watch out with your more expensive summons here; use cheaper summons ones first to draw these spells out.

    The Nishruu, Hakeashar, Djinni and Efreeti are spellcasters, though none of them will cast spells without manual orders to do so. These spells may be a programming oversight (the creatures were probably all copied off the same creature file). All have exactly the same spells memorized, being:
    Two Magic Missiles.
    Agannazar's Scorcher.
    Melf's Acid Arrow.
    Stinking Cloud.
    Ghost Armor.
    Lightning Bolt.

    BGII has a "summoning limit" of 5 creatures. Trying to summon more will just waste spells.
    Some creatures are incorrectly not registered as summons. These are Worgs, Ettercaps, Black Bears, the Djinni from the Ring of Djinni Summoning and Ras +2 in sword dance mode. These creatures may take you over the 5 creature limit. Get the fix from Baldurdash. "
  • PalanthisPalanthis Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2013

    "Animal Summoning I (divine)
    The lowliest of the divine summons. Not very impressive, but still fodder.
    Creatures: DOGWASU (War Dog, 2 HD), WOLFDISU (Dire Wolf, 4 HD).

    Call Woodland Beings (divine)
    A great summon. The nymph is very fragile but has a variety of useful spells. Her spell list consists of:
    Two Hold Persons.
    Call Lightning.
    Miscast Magic.
    Cause Serious Wounds.
    Mental Domination.
    Mass Cure (a level 5 spell).
    Confusion (a level 7 divine spell, though not worth it).
    Hold Monster.
    The nymph loses most of her effectiveness in the second half of the game because of the high amount of save-or-else spells, but the Mass Cure alone is worth memorizing this spell. Clerics miss out on only one spell in this level, unfortunately this one.
    In most battles, have the nymph start off with Confusion, followed by Call Lightning or the Mental Dominations.
    Creature: NYMPHSU (5 HD).
    Range: 25.

    Animal Summoning II (divine)
    More animals, this time tougher ones. Decent summon and a good upgrade to number I.
    Creatures: BEARBLSU (Black Bear, 3 HD), BEARBRSU (Brown Bear, 5 HD), BEARCASU (Cave Bear, 6 HD), CATJAGSU (Panther, 4 HD).

    Aerial Servant (divine)
    Starts out invisible and is much tougher than a Mountain Bear. Its invisibility and immunity to normal weapons make it extra useful. An excellent spell. Clerics only.
    Creature: SERVSU (16 HD).

    Animal Summoning III (divine)
    Summons slightly tougher stuf than its predecessor, as it should. The animals still do not compare to the Fire Elemental. Pick this one if you are more interested in quantity than quality.
    Creatures: BEARCASU (Cave Bear, 6 HD), BEARPOSU (Mountain Bear, 9 HD, looks like a polar bear), CATLIOSU (Lion, 4 HD, looks like a leopard), WOLFWWSU (Winter Wolf, 6 HD, shoots ice missiles).

    Conjure Animals (divine)
    Animal Summoning III gets you several more HD worth of creatures on average, Aerial Servant or Conjure Fire Elemental gets you a better fighter. Pick this one if you need summons, cannot get the Fire Elemental and prefer quality over quantity.
    Creatures: BEARPOSU (Mountain Bear, 9 HD, looks like a polar bear).

    Conjure Fire Elemental (divine)
    Even the basic Elemental is pretty strong and the 24 HD Elemental is awesome. Can't go wrong with these; they hit as +4 weapons, so they can damage practically every creature in the game. Druids only.
    Creatures: ELFIRPR (12 HD), ELFIRPR2 (16 HD), ELFIRPR3 (24 HD).

    Conjure Earth Elemental (divine)
    Comparable to its level 6 brother, the Fire Elemental. Memorize only if you really need one more tough summon. Druids only.
    Creatures: ELEARPR (12 HD), ELEARPR2 (16 HD), ELEARPR3 (24 HD).

    Gate (divine)
    This spell calls in a nasty Pit Fiend that is unaffected by +2 weapons or lower. It has several annoying area spell-like abilities (Fireball, Symbol, Fear and Dispel Magic), so do not get close to it. It is immune to fire. It strikes as only a +1 weapon. Use the needed Protection from Evil (preferably the 10' Radius version), run out of its sight, or be prepared to fight it yourself.
    Note that the divine version of this spell casts almost twice as fast as the arcane version.
    Range: 14.
    Creature: DEMPITSU (13 HD).

    Elemental Summoning (divine)
    Gets you two decent fighters (69% of the time) or one amazingly powerful Elemental Prince (31% of the time). Good, but there's better. Druids should pick Greater Elemental Summoning after this to guarantee summoning Princes, Clerics should go for the Devas. The only downside to this spell is its short duration. See Greater Elemental Summoning for the details on the Princes.
    Casting Time: 6.
    Creatures: SWAFIR01 (Fire elemental, 12 HD), SWAEAR01 (Earth elemental, 12 HD), SWAAIR01 (Air elemental, 12 HD), ELEMZAAM (Zaaman Rul, 20 HD), ELEMCHAN (Chan, 20 HD), ELEMSUNN (Sunnis, 20 HD).

    Greater Elemental Summoning (divine)
    The ultimate druidic summon, these guys kick butt! All three have fighting abilities comparable to a level 15 Fighter, good magic resistance, loads of hit points, immunity to weapons of +2 enchantment or lower and appropriate elemental damage resistances. They can see the invisible. Their fists strike as +3 weapons and dispel magic on a hit. The princes don't count as summons (unlike other elementals), so they're immune to Death Spell. Each of them has further individual perks:
    Chan, Prince of Air: A permanent Globe of Blades. His fists deal Electrical damage. Chan is Evil... watch your Holy Smites.
    Zaaman Rul, Prince of Fire: A permanent Fireshield (Red) and two Flamestrike spells. His fists deal Fire damage (duh).
    Sunnis, Prince of Earth: Two Earthquake spells and immense Strength.
    Creatures: ELEMCHAN (Chan, 20 HD), ELEMZAAM (Zaaman Rul, 20 HD), ELEMSUN (Sunnis, 20 HD)
    Casting Time: 6.
    Like its little cousin Elemental Summoning, this spell only lasts a short while.

    Summon Deva (divine)
    The ultimate clerical summon. Calls forth a powerful Solar armed with a mace that destroys undead, dispels magic and Stuns on a hit. The thing's fighting ability compares to that of a level 10 Fighter, has good magic resistance and is immune to various elemental damages, insta-kill effects and weapons of less than +2 enchantment. It regenerates and can see the invisible. The Deva is actually gated instead of summoned, so it's unaffected by Death Spells.
    The Deva is a decent Divine spellcaster (with a touch of Arcane) with the following spells memorized:
    Detect Invisibility.
    Flame Arrow.
    Magic Missile.
    Cure Critical Wounds.
    Cure Disease.
    Dispel Magic.
    Globe of Blades.
    Neutralize Poison.
    Remove Curse.
    Remove Fear.
    Not nearly as powerful as the Planetars, but then it's no level 9 spell either. One of the best Divine spells. Paladins are lucky to get these as a class ability. Good and Neutral clerics only.
    Creature: DEVAGOOD.

    Summon Fallen Deva (divine)
    The Deva's evil twin. Ever-so-slightly less useful because it cannot stand in the blast radius of Holy Smites. Gets the same spells as its Good counterpart, except for two extra Globe of Blades and Cure Serious Wounds. Evil and Neutral clerics only.
    Creature: DEVAEVIL (only 25 HD for some reason, but still has the same fighting stats as the Deva)."

  • PalanthisPalanthis Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2013

    "Monster Summoning I
    Lowliest of the summon spells. Still useful as even Wild Dogs keep a dangerous enemy occupied for a round or so.
    Creatures: DOGWISU (Wild Dog, 3 HD), WORGSU (Worg, 3 HD), KOBOLDSU (Kobold Commando, shoots Arrows of Fire, 3 HD), OGRELESU (Ogrillon, 3 HD).

    Monster Summoning II
    A worthy upgrade to Monster Summoning I. However, Spider Spawn is better, especially at higher levels.
    Range: 20.
    Creatures: GNOLLSU (Gnoll Elite, 4 HD), WOLFDISU (Dire Wolf, 4 HD), HOBGOBSU (Hobgoblin Elite, 4 HD), OGRESU (Ogre, 4 HD).

    Spider Spawn
    Compares favorably to Monster Summoning as it summons progressively tougher spiders as you level up. Combines nicely with Web since spiders are immune. Note that Sword Spiders have 5 attacks per round.
    Creatures: SPIDGISU (Giant Spider, 4 HD), SPIDPHSU (Phase Spider, 5 HD), SPIDSWSU (Sword Spider, 5 HD, 4 attacks).

    Animate Dead
    Gets you overgrown Skeleton fodder (between 1 and 3) unless you're level 15+, in which case you get a powerful Skeleton Warrior. The skeletons last for hours. The skeletons are undead, which bestows lots of immunities (such as Poison, Sleep, Panic, Charm, Confusion and Mind Flayer Psionic Blast), but also means you have to be careful in turning undead. The skeletons are rather slow and tend to lag behind. Casting Haste on them negates this and greatly increases their combat prowess.
    The Skeleton Warrior is 90% magic resistant and therefore very effective against spellcasters and Mind Flayers, and allows you to cast area damage spells at the creatures they are engaged with. A very good summon if your level is high enough, but leave this to priests if possible (they get more of them sooner) and save slots for Breach.
    Range: 20.
    Creatures: GHASTSU (Skeletons, 3 HD), SKELWASU (Skeleton Warrior, 9 HD).

    Conjure Lesser Air Elemental
    The Skeleton Warrior summoned with Animate Dead is a better warrior. All Elementals are unaffected by +1 or lower weapons, but have too many strings attached to be very useful.
    The Air Elemental is the most useless of this bunch: it does less damage than the Earth Elemental and does not have the Fire Elemental's immunity to fire. Its fists strike as +3 weapons.
    Range: 15.
    Creature: ELAIRSU1 (8 HD).

    Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental
    Again, don't bother.
    Slightly less useless than the Air Elemental; its fists strike as +3 weapons and deal good damage.
    Range: 15.
    Creature: ELEARSUW (8 HD).

    Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental
    Again, don't bother.
    The Fire Elemental has low Strength but is 12 HD, is (of course) totally immune to fire damage, and its fists strike as +4 weapons and deal fire damage. For these reasons, it is probably the least useless of the Lesser Elementals.
    Range: 15.
    Creature: ELFIRSUW (12 HD).

    Monster Summoning III
    Bigger is better here. Skip this one in favor of Animate Dead if you're level 15+, unless you're just interested in the quantity of fodder you get.
    Range: 20.
    Creatures: ETTERCSU (Ettercap, poisonous, 5 HD), OGREGRSU (Ogre Berserker, 5 HD).

    Carrion Summons
    Gets you overgrown Carrion Crawlers that do not seem any more effective nor last longer than the creatures from Monster Summoning III. Yay.
    Creatures: CARRIOSU (Mutated Crawler, 5 HD).

    Conjure Air Elemental
    Will get you a suitably powerful Elemental, but there's still the 'cooling off' period and the chance of the thing turning hostile. OK if you play a solo Mage or Sorcerer (as long as you summon them before combat starts), but try to get the Staves of elemental Control to do this for you for free and without the waiting period. All greater elementals' fists strike as +4 weapons.
    Again, the Air Elementals are the worst choice.
    Creatures: ELAIRSUW (8 HD), ELAIRSU2 (16 HD), ELAIRSU3 (24 HD).

    Conjure Earth Elemental
    Same as Conjure Air Elemental.
    The 12 and 16 HD versions are stronger than the Fire Elementals, but not the 24 HD Elemental.
    Creatures: ELEARSU2 (12 HD), ELEARSU3 (16 HD), ELEARSU4 (24 HD).

    Conjure Fire Elemental
    Same as Conjure Air Elemental.
    Probably due to a programming error, the 16 HD Elemental has significantly lower Strength than the 12 HD Elemental. The 24 HD Elemental, on the other hand, is pretty strong. Of course, all Fire Elementals are immune to fire damage. All versions' fists deal fire damage.
    Creatures: ELFIRSU2 (12 HD), ELFIRSU3 (16 HD), ELFIRSU4 (24 HD).

    Invisible Stalker
    Cannot be used as scout (use Wizard Eye), but eats the Carrion and the Wyvern for breakfast and stays for hours. Definitely the level 6 summon, though not a must-have. Has some minor immunities. Its fists strike as +2 weapons.
    Creature: STALKE (8 HD).

    Summon Nishruu
    Nasty anti-spellcaster summon. Enemy spellcasters will happily cast spells at Nishruus that get in their face, thus depleting their spells even faster. Although the Nishruu has OK hit points and damage resistance, it has bad Armor Class and will not stand up to any kind of beating. Nishruus have physical attacks that sometimes do damage (3 points). Useful for soaking Beholder rays if you send something else first to deplete their Death Spell.
    The Nishruu is a spellcaster itself and so has some secondary use against non-spellcasters.
    Creature: NISHRUSU (9 HD).

    Wyvern Call
    Not as impressive as it looks and stays only for a short time. Its attacks strike as +2 weapons, and it will occasionally try to poison its opponent.
    Creature: WYVERNSU (7 HD).

    The lowliest demon calling spell. Gates in a Nabassu; still very nasty. It is unaffected by 'normal' (unenchanted) weapons and has some minor immunities. This thing has no area spell-like abilities, which is an advantage since demons are notoriously unconcerned with the party being in the area of effect. Skip in favor of Mordenkainen's Sword. The Nabassu is a good fighter and strikes as a +4 weapon.
    Creature: DEMNABSU (10 HD).

    Mordenkainen's Sword
    The fighting summon. It 100% resistance to all damage (slashing, fire, etcetera) except for pure magic damage, is immune to mind affecting spells, has THAC0 10. It has only 36 hit points and can easily be killed with two castings of Magic Missiles.
    Creature: SWORD01 (Magical Sword, 10 HD).

    Summon Djinni
    A tough summon, but not as tough as Mordenkainen's Sword. It will cast several spells to protect itself (if the text displays Stoneskin, that is actually Protection from Magical Weapons). The Djinni will assume gasseous form if near death for up to three times. While gasseous it is totally damage and magic resistant. It will heal completely and re-emerge after 20 seconds. Rest during this time and it will disappear (no Experience if it was hostile). Still skip in favor of aforementioned Sword.
    The Djinni is a spellcaster, though it will only cast its 'air spells' when left to its own devices.
    Creature: DJINNISU (5 HD).

    Summon Efreeti
    Slightly better fighter, but otherwise comparable to the Djinni. This one is more aggressive and will cast some offense spells. Unfortunately, these include a Fireball which it will throw with total disregard for the party. The Efreeti will also assume gasseous form on near death. Again, skip it.
    The Efreeti is also a spellcaster, and will only cast its 'fire spells' if not given manual orders.
    Creature: EFREETSU (5 HD).

    Summon Hakeashar
    Slightly tougher than the Nishruu and unaffected by normal weapons. Still not heaps more effective. Go with Nishruu and save your precious level 7 slots for the really powerful stuff.
    The Hakeashar is a spellcaster, just like the Nishruu.
    Creature: HAKSU (12 HD).

    Summon Fiend
    Upgrade to Cacofiend, and again a waste of a high level spell slot. Leave this to priests. Contrary to what the name implies, this thing is gated, not summoned. This version calls a Glabrezu, a very good fighter. It will throw out Dispel Magic if it sees a spellcaster; don't get in the way. It is unaffected by +1 weapons or lower, and is immune to fire. It strikes as a +4 weapon.
    Creature: DEMGLASU (10 HD).

    The final 'Fiend' installment. Not much more powerful than the previous ones, but even more of a liability. This spell calls in a Pit Fiend that is unaffected by +2 weapons or lower. It has several annoying area spell-like abilities (Fireball, Symbol, Fear and Dispel Magic), so don't get close to it. It is immune to fire. It strikes as only a +1 weapon.
    Range: 14.
    Creature: DEMPITSU (13 HD).

    Summon Planetar
    The best summon in the game. A powerful Solar armed with a vorpal sword that eats the Shadows of Amn dragons for breakfast. The thing's fighting ability compares to that of a level 15 Fighter, has good magic resistance and is immune to various elemental damages, insta-kill effects and weapons of less than +3 enchantment. It enters play Hasted, regenerates and can see the invisible. The Planetar is actually gated instead of summoned, making it immune to Death Spell as well.
    The Planetar is a superb Divine spellcaster (with a touch of Arcane) with the following spells memorized:
    Two Magic Missiles.
    Detect Invisibility.
    Flame Arrow.
    Three Improved Invisibilities.
    Three Remove Fears.
    Three Cure Diseases.
    Three Dispel Magics.
    Three Remove Curses.
    Three Lesser Restorations.
    Three Neutralize Poisons.
    Three Flame Strikes.
    Three Insect Plagues.
    Three Raise Deads.
    Three True Seeings.
    Three Heals.
    Three Earthquakes.
    Three Firestorms.
    Three Holy Words.
    Three Symbol, Deaths.
    Three Symbol, Fears.
    Three Globe of Blades.
    A one-creature-army and the best first pick for solo mages. Be sure to get one. Good and Neutral Mages only.
    Creature: PLANGOOD (25 HD).

    Summon Dark Planetar
    The Planetar's evil twin. Ever-so-slightly less useful because it gets Unholy Word instead of Holy Word and cannot stand in the blast radius of Holy Smites. Most enemies still tend to be Evil... Neutral and Evil Mages only.
    Creature: PLANEVIL (25 HD)."
  • PalanthisPalanthis Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2013

    Cacofiend, Summon Fiend and Gate all get you very nasty enemies if you are not careful. These things will make a beeline for any party member they can see, ignoring all other creatures in their path. Demons cannot see those that are Protected from Evil. Possible tactics to make proper use of these things are:
    Cast Protection from Evil 10' Radius on the party. The easiest way by far, as it lasts for quite some time and helps the party in combat as well.
    Cast your demon near enemies in the fog of war and run away before it gates in and sees you.
    Cast Protection from Evil on each and every party member. Not very practical. If you do not have priests, stay clear of demons altogether.
    Go solo and cast Protection from Evil on yourself.
    Besides the need for Protection from Evil 10' Radius, there is another reason to leave demon calling to Clerics. They may only get Gate, but they get it at the same time wizards get their first Cacofiend. Save your arcane spell slots for all those powerful spells Clerics never get.
    All three demons are Race DEMONIC and Class TANARI. All are 50% magic resistant, have several immunities, and are unaffected by non- magical weapons at the very least. All of them have various spell-like abilities (varies per demon type). As they are gated instead of summoned, they are not affected by Death Spell and the like in the way summons are.
    Demons do not get along and will attack anything, including other demons. Do not call more than one at a time. The demons are GOODBUTRED, which means they are not affected by party friendly area spells until after you attack them (even if they are attacking you).
    You do not gain Experience for creatures killed by your demons, so be ready to deal the death blows.

    Elementals summoned with the Conjure (Lesser) Air/Earth/Fire Elemental spells are relatively powerful, have some good immunities, and last practically all day. Do not be fooled by the names of these spells; the Elementals are still summons and still vulnerable to Death Spell and Death Fog.
    Wizards conjuring Elementals have to spend three rounds "staring down" the Elemental after it arrives. To say that this is inconvenient in the middle of combat is of course a gross understatement. You even run the risk of the thing turning hostile anyway. They are worth summoning only if you play a solo wizard; do not bother with these things if you have any kind of warrior in your party whatsoever. Druids get their own versions of these spells and do not suffer from the "cooling off" period. Elementals are actually their best summons."
  • PalanthisPalanthis Member Posts: 283
    edited September 2013
    At last, some info on the shapechange spell (lvl 9 spell). It's also extracted from the "sorcerer" site.

    It gives some basics infos on the shapes you can take, it's not my work and is not as detailed as what i could find on the polymorph spell (see the link at the beginning of this thread).

    Interesting spell that gets you some funny shapes for half an hour. While shapechanged you cannot cast spells, but can use innate abilities and quick items (such as scrolls). The shapes are:

    Mindflayer: Lets you drain Intelligence on a hit, but hitting is a problem for most wizards and even the lowliest critter seems to have an Intelligence of 9 (still needing 3 hits). Has a Psionic Blast that paralyzes enemies, but doesn't affect a variety of creature types and even the ones it does affect get a save (except for lesser creatures). You must re-change to Mindflayer every time you want use the Blast again (which wastes another round).
    Does not provide the magic resistance that is usual for Mindflayers.
    The Mindflayer is good for killing supposedly "immortal" characters, (such as the insta-killer in the Thieves' Guild and the guy that takes your stuff back if you rob Drizzt). Cast Protection from Magic Weapons and drain their Intelligence to drop them. None of the game's immunity items protects against mind drain.

    Giant Troll: Sad creature; regenerates, has a lot of attacks and good Armor Class, but the Greater Wolfwere seems to be all that and more. Totally redundant.

    Greater Wolfwere: Regenerates 8 times as fast as the Giant Troll and fights slightly better.

    Iron Golem: Brute strength, 20% damage resistance and 100% magic and elemental damage resistance. Good improvement over the Jelly from Polymorph Self; beat up Liches and their summons with this.

    Earth Elemental: Unaffected by +2 weapons or lower, but not a terribly great fighter.

    Fire Elemental: Also unaffected by +2 weapons or lower, and immune to fire (duh). Even worse fighter than the Earth Elemental.

    All in all, only the Iron Golem and Mind Flayer seem to have good use that is not easily duplicated with lower level spells (such as Tenser's Transformation)."
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