Nalia can't cast any spells.

In my game, Nalia has lots of spells memorized, but she can't cast *any* of them. They are all sort of grayed-out. Her intelligence is 17, but her wisdom is only 9. Is that why she can't cast any spells? Was that wisdom level just bad luck? Thanks.
Also... it sounds like u are totally new to this game and u are playing BG 2.
I REALLY recommend that you start with BG 1. It'd give you a chance to ease yourself into the magic system starting from lv1... otherwise BG 2 can feel pretty overwhelming since your party start off as relatively experienced adventurers with quite a lot of tricks and abilities.
You were all right. I had Nalia wearing armor. I had no idea wearing armor would prevent a mage from casting spells. I actually did complete BG1, but none of my characters in that game were dual-class, so I never put armor on a mage before. I will get rid of the armor and give her a robe. Funny thing is, I've played the game for several hours with Nalia wearing armor and not being able to cast any spells. The game should get a lot easier now, and it will cost a lot less to identify items! Thank for the quick replies!
Those messages are easy to miss. I can't tell you how many times I'd try cast a spell, and then waited ages before realising the message 'Sanctuary'd/invisible creatures cannot be the target of a spell', or words to that effect.
This is literally one line. The only writing that pops up on an otherwise stationary screen where nothing else is happening.