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Please save the Druids (Shapeshifting) for BG2:EE (Wildlife movement)

ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171
edited September 2013 in Archive (General Discussion)
Back in 2001, my close friend moved to a different state. He always wanted my necklace that I wore so I gave it to him as a parting gift. In return, he gave me this blue box game that I first saw. I had no idea what kind of game this was..when I found out it was going to be RPG, I thought "pfft..this game probably can't even hold Diablo's candle"...and boy was I wrong.

I'll be honest. Druids are my favorite class when it comes to roleplaying. I love the idea that a scrawny weak looking guy (like me) can transform into this mass of hulk beast that will tear up everything. That being said, my first class was a shapeshifter. I was amazed at how awesome it was in game. No other game that I played before this let me play as a human that could shapeshift into a beast. And I thought I was badass in the game. I tried killing stuff...for some reason I wasn't doing well. I couldn't finish quests, I couldn't win battles, and I just lost interest in the game.

A few years later, I was in high school and I was tired of maplestory, I was tired of diablo 2, I was tired of final fantasy. I was tired of these wanna-be RPG games that called themselves RPG. I saw this old game and I decided to pop it in for another try. And from my memories of getting crapped on as a druid, I decided to go with a mage this time. It was difficult to learn the spells but it paid off. I studied the game manual and spells like it was a test. Playing as a mage, I could see the full potential in the game. I could actually kill stuff, finish quests, and have fun. By the time I saw my first dragon (Shadow Dragon in the Shadow quest), I was amazed at how awesome it was. I was definitely hooked from that point on.

I played BG2 religiously every summer, and I installed all the fancy mods and went through all the romance dialogues, edited spells, made my own classes. But I never went back to playing as a druid. At this point, I knew enough about the game to know that playing as a druid was heavily handicapping yourself. Back when I first played druid and quit BG2, it was mostly because I was new to the game, not because the class was bad. But when I became a "veteran", I knew the class was gimped. I tried to fix this by getting mods that would solve shapeshifting bugs, but it wasn't the same feeling, "equipping druid claws" in inventory screen just didn't give me the shapeshift-feel to me anymore.

BG2:EE didn't announce whether shapeshifting bug would be fixed. (I didn't even play shapeshifter in BG:EE once since I knew I couldn't get the Greater Shapeshift spell) I did a lot of research about it, and I've heard that when you shapeshift, the form that you use is derived directly from the werewolf "CRE file". So your damage is the same regardless of your equipment. That takes the fun out of wearing new badass weapons when you use a druid. I hope BG2:EE fixes the bug, but I also hope that they change the way shapeshifting works. I know it's a longshot, but I really wish the weapon you use affected the damage you did in your shapeshifted form. Otherwise, it feels pointless to get new weapons for the druid and that takes half the fun out.

Even to this day, I've played this game many many times and beat it with all sorts of weird combinations, but I've never finished it once as a druid. Even with the bug fix, I think this class needs some "cleaning up" done. I haven't pre-ordered BG2:EE, because I'm waiting to see reviews first. But if I know this is going to be looked at, it would compel me to order the game.

I don't know if other people want the druid class to be revamped/fix'ed, but this "enhancement" will really make me feel like EE "enhances" the game for me. BG:EE brought BG2 kits to BG1. Therefore, BG2:EE should try to work on the kits and try to polish them for better gameplay. I'm sorry this was so lengthy.

Do you guys want to see druid kit "worked" on? If yes, please join the movement. If enough people care about this, maybe the developers will look into it. (hopefully)
  1. Please save the Druids (Shapeshifting) for BG2:EE (Wildlife movement)78 votes
    1. Yes, I want it fixed /and or revamped
    2. No, leave it as it is
Post edited by ghostowl on


  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    I want all the bugs fixed :) also I would like for every class to be capable of being played without being too gimped
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited September 2013
    Err, no offense, but you may be better off putting Ghostowl: Origins in a separate post in the thread, rather than directly in the poll description. It's not really clear from title and poll options what exactly you're proposing, meaning that someone would likely want to read the description in order to make an informed choice. Seeing how long the description is, I think some people might not bother, leading to a poor response rate.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    I would really like Druids if there were ..... Uhhhhh, not Druids. I never liked priest type classes, so maybe if the were a little less cleric-y and more special fighter ability. That could be interesting. Like nature-paladins.
  • PrismoPrismo Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2013
    I was really disappointed when Shapeshifter wasn't reworked in BG:EE, if it's not done for BGII:EE...oh hell I'll still buy it, but I will be miffed. Miffed I say.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    edited September 2013
    I actually quite enjoyed Ghostowl:Origins. And I am all for buffing the Shapeshifter Druid class to get to read Ghostowl: Kicks Arse
    Post edited by Southpaw on
  • ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171
    Southpaw said:

    I actually quite enjoyed Ghostwolf:Origins. And I am all for buffing the Shapeshifter Druid class to get to read Ghostwolf: Kicks Arse

    Who is ghost wolf? lol
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    ghostowl said:

    Southpaw said:

    I actually quite enjoyed Ghostwolf:Origins. And I am all for buffing the Shapeshifter Druid class to get to read Ghostwolf: Kicks Arse

    Who is ghost wolf? lol
    Blimey...mistyped your name. Sorry. (...where's the edit button...)
  • ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171
    Haha I know. Just messing with ya.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Not just the shapeshifter, Druid shapeshifting in general needs a lot of work, since as implemented, aside from some of the Avenger forms, they're completely useless.

    As mentioned elsewhere, druids are basically the divine equivalent of a bard...except healing/support in place of mage spells. While they have strict vows to their equipment, their ability to shapeshift allows them to take on forms that allow for huge amounts of variety in roles they can undertake. But due to lack-luster implementation, they are found lacking in ability/utility. (they also lack the Imbue with Magic spell (3rd level), that allows natural attacks of creatures (or shapeshifted druids) to by-pass some hit-requirements, based on caster level, which makes their animal summons and shapeshifting sorely lacking later in the game when a lot of stuff requires at least +1 hit).
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    edited September 2013
    I do find Druids pretty useful as divine casters, so I have a Druid (or part-Druid) in a lot of my parties. Their unique spells are rather feeble for the first few levels, but later (by which I mean late BG1 and throughout BG2) they get some excellent spells which no other class has.

    However, even though I find the Druid class useful as casters (and they can also be competent off-tanks when wearing Ankheg armour), I've never found their shapeshifting abilities worth bothering with. Most times when I have a Druid in the party, I finish the game without ever once activating a shapeshift. It'd make sense if this ability were re-worked to be some actual use!
  • Night_WatchNight_Watch Member Posts: 514
    i think i beat BG2 as a totemic druid once. i know i did as an avenger. shapeshifting is definitely underpowered. it's fun at lower levels but if it's the signature skill of druids then yes, it could definitely use a makeover. maybe introduce more were forms (werebear, weretiger, etc.)
  • JoeyJoey Member Posts: 201
    Druids are seriously meek in Baldur's Gate 2. Either their spells need to be a bit more powerful, or their shapeshifting to be expanded.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Like rogues, druids have a lot of PnP noncombat versatility that they have lost in the CRPG transition. In PnP they can shapeshift into a bird to scout ahead, a snake to wriggle under a cell door and escape confinement or into a bear for combat for example.

    Summons are also arguably more useful in later D&D editions when you can use them get flanking bonuses easily etc.

    The best "Shapeshifter" in BG:EE is the Avenger. They get a number of nifty different shapes. Even these are pretty redundant at BG2 levels though. I agree that druid shapeshifting overall needs a bit of a rework.
  • ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171
    Since BGEE brought BG2 kits over to BG1, BG2EE should polish up the kits and revamp a lot of them (create new HLA's, add more variety, "clean" up the mage kits, change shapeshifting, etc)
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Corvino said:

    The best "Shapeshifter" in BG:EE is the Avenger. They get a number of nifty different shapes. Even these are pretty redundant at BG2 levels though. I agree that druid shapeshifting overall needs a bit of a rework.

    The Avenger is the best druid overall IMO. Not only are their alternative shapes superior to those of other druids, they have additional spells that boost the druid's otherwise lackluster selection, especially spell levels 1 and 2 (chromatic orb + web).
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    I think the druids are fine in bg2, I've beaten the game with them many times, with no worries or muss or fuss, but that's just me I shappose
  • magpiemagpie Member Posts: 79
    edited October 2013
    @sarevok57 but did you use shapeshifting (especially later on in the series)? Because that's kind of the problem here. They have this ability that could possibly be really cool, but it just turns out to be kind of useless/underwhelming.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,019
    well I've never played just straight up vanilla druid, I would either do; fighter dualed to druid, fighter/druid, shapeshifter or totemic druid, ( infact im playing a fighter that is going to dual into a druid right now) but doesn't the druid get elemental transformations in ToB? or late SoA if you have enough experience? but I guess I can see your point, bears and wolves can be a little weak in SoA
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    Bears and Wolves are pretty weak in BG1 compared to the level 7 humanoid druid that is the alternative. I did however just notice that bears have a natural 7/2 attacks per round, which is actually nothing to sneeze at. Their AC is awful though.

    Differentiating the shapeshift forms more might be a good start to make them viable. Having situational abilities such as stealth and a x2 backstab in wolf form could be fun.
  • SmeuuhSmeuuh Member Posts: 34
    There's about zero chances a change like this will make it into the official game, but it's a great idea for a mod!
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    Doppelganger class kit!
  • ghostowlghostowl Member Posts: 171
    edited October 2013
    I would just like the forms to add additional damage / thaco to the existing weapon and maybe even add APR

    For example,

    wolf form - +1 damage +2 thaco
    Werewolf form - +4 damage +6 thaco +1 APR

    This way, we can still have fun using weapons and still be useful in later game

    But then again, it would not be realistic (because you don't really use your weapon when you change into a bear)

    Maybe we can have the forms get stronger. For example, werewolf form does 1d6+1 damage at low lvls, but it becomes 1d8+2 at level 10, 2d6+3 at level 15, and so forth. Just make different CRE files for the werewolf forms and implement them as the druid levels up

    And make you unable to talk to people while shapeshifted. Otherwise, there's no incentive to ever turn to human form again to play the game
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    I never bother shapeshift in wolf/bear forms because they are lackluster. Combine w/ the extreme lvl jump for druid between lvl 14 and 15, this is why Cernd is my least favorite character player in the game.
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