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Contract Loophole?

DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
Now, from what I understand, the content cannot be changed on release BUT... does it include DLC?

If the team were to say... release at later dates some 'mods' that add kits and NPC boosters, that wouldn't be so bad, would it? It's optional content after all, and would still allow their love for the game to continue to flow. Now hurry and make sure they don't realize I found a loophole.


  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    Good point!! would love to get answer for that :)
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2012
    Where does it say "on release"?

    Beamdog / Overhaul also face contractual limitations regarding the addition of new content to the existing games. They can build new content as "expansions", but they cannot add to the core content in the main title. This limitation is due to the contracts for the original source content and limit the devs from adding new conversation for existing characters to the main game.

    They can't make big changes to the core game, period. "Expansions" means separate from the main game (like The Black Pit), not "post release".

  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    It's a stupid limitation regardless.
  • IkonNavrosIkonNavros Member Posts: 227
    indeed, would have made the worth of the enhanced edition even larger if it would have featured more banters or new quests directly related to Baldur's Gate 1's party members.

    And a lot of people would not have complained that they get nothing for the money, or it would have been possible to make a bit of a higher price because of an extra value.

    But well, i hope that modders will fill that gap sooner or later as it already happened in the past :)
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